Podtacular 200: 4 Year Anniversary


This show was a huge success, especially for those who came and listened to us on our livestream channel while we broadcasted live. Unfortunately, the quality is a little clipped. For some reason, my recording software didn’t want to record until I updated it, so it didn’t record the skype chat. I had to use the audio from the video stream, and apparently, it got clipped a lot and no one even told us in the chat that it was too loud and getting clipped, so what I have for you is that. Sorry about the quality, but I’m sure you will enjoy the content. We had quite a few guests show up and a few that didn’t: Founder of Podtacular: Foo Mo Jive, First Co-host: SpelChek (splee cheeks), Around the Ring Host: Lancelot, Old Website Administrator: CapnKrunk, and Backup Host: ChuckieJ. We really thank these guys for taking time to come and chat with us. For those who were there live, we deeply appreciate you tuning in. I think we had up to 30 people come and join us at LiveStream. Big thanks to those who stuck it out until the end of our 3 and a half hour show, on top of the hour pre-show. Enjoy

Special thanks to Lilkuke for his Podtacular History Montage that he put together for us, highlighting the prime moments of Podtacular, to Rice sNaK RozZ for the Most Epic Keep On Fraggin’ Trucks, and to Arbitation for the Podtacular Mosaic Project that is this episode’s podart.

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