Podtacular 553: Pax West 2016 Recap

Gaming conventions are not only a great place to explore the latest in tabletop and video games, but also brings people and communities together, especially the Halo community. Pax West, formerly Prime, is the gaming convention to attend if you are a Halo fan with 343 Industries being just outside of Seattle in Redmond. Pax West showcased the latest content update, Anvil’s Legacy along with Halo Wars 2 Strongholds on the show floor, but some Halo community members had a special visit to 343 Industries with a chance to get some hands on time with the new content before release. For this show, we wanted to get a fresh perspective on the Pax attending experience for Halo fans. Sovth, our website designer, Toa Freak from Halo Canon and The Spartacat from Ultimate Halo all attended Pax for the very first time this year and shared their experiences with us.

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