As if we didn’t have enough news to cover from the community already, this week we get a double portion with updates from projects, HCS Grassroots events/streams, matchmaking updates and a late posting of the Halo Spotlight from Unyshek. We really thought we were out of the dark ages of having to worry about covering Thursday postings, but alas, here we are mid-show with the latest Waypoint update. This week, being the first full week of December, Uny was joined by James Monosmith to review the latest Halo Gear to pick up for your Halo fanatic this holiday season. Did you know you can actually buy Halo: Fireteam Raven? Just pull out $67K and you’re set! Despite the length of this podcast, it’s a packed one. Podcast artwork provided by VinWarrior, and created by BossVeteran and Joshua Ezzell.