Podtacular 471: Establishing the Lie

Benjamin Giraud’s search for the truth behind Master Chief continues as he wrestles with some contradictory evidence he mentioned in his previous podcast.  For this week’s episode, he seemingly finds a fix to the mysterious death record stating John had died at the age of six.  Additional interviews set up by ONI for Ben continue to portray this kid who rose up from nothing to join the cause of the UNSC becoming the great hero he was today.  The small quick fix from Sully however, wasn’t enough as one of John’s oldest friends Katrina provides Ben with vivid details of John as a kid and of his death.  Also on the contrary was the fact that John’s parents were still alive when they were believed to be dead.  ONI is trying to feed Ben the same lies they’ve propagated to the masses, but journalistic integrity may get the better of him as he continues to chase the loose threads of this story.

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HUNT the TRUTH – Bad Records


The second installment of Hunt the Truth dives deeper into the mysterious death record of John at the age of six.  Benjamin Giraud, disturbed by this finding calls Michael Sullivan, or Sully at ONI to clear up what is deemed to be a clerical error on the behalf of Eridanus II.  Planets in the outer colonies have a reputation for not keeping well-documented records, including those that had been glassed. Elle Bloom, who he had interviewed in episode one confirmed this and things started to look up as Sully had set Ben up with another ONI interview with Vice Admiral Gabriella Dvo?ák on the newest Autumn-class Heavy Cruiser, the UNSC Unto the Breach.

Once on-board, he was given the VIP treatment: dining in the captain’s mess, officer’s quarters, the whole shebang. When it got to his interview, Gabriella recalls the time when she served as a Lieutenant and taking part of the operation that freed people from the rebel labor camps, including John.  He stuck out to Gabriella when she first met him: tall, young and seemingly unbroken by what was subjected to them.  The Lieutenant came to know John and he occasionally opened up to her, telling her about things that happened to them in the labor camps, including the loss of his parents.  Over time, the former citizens of Elysium City began to build up a list of names of those lost over time, but Deon Govender distinctly remembers never seeing John’s name on the list, despite never seeing him again after he missed the last boxing practice.  Gabriella told Ben after everything that had happened to John, he wanted to not be a victim anymore, to enlist and make a difference.


Katrina’s Diary entry coincides with the Halo 3 Starry Night Trailer.


The truth, as we know it though was about to shatter Ben’s world as Ellie followed up with him after he returned from the Unto the Breach.  When Ellie went to tell her and John’s friends Katrina about John, Katrina said John died at the age of six.  He was perfectly healthy and then, one day, just started having medical issues the doctors couldn’t figure out.  At first, they thought it was some autoimmune disease, but eventually he died.  Later, Ben had the chance to interview Katrina, although she didn’t want to be recorded.  Ben wanted to discount what she was saying, but her conviction of what she knew to be true and being able to provide extensive detail was something he couldn’t ignore.  Katrina also remembered that John’s parent were alive and well at least up to the point when she left the planet in 2528; four years after when John’s parents supposedly died.


Katrina’s Diary entry after John had died.


Things didn’t add up for Ben, but it was early enough on in his investigation he felt he could still make sense of these conflicting stories. But as he concludes in his latest podcast, the crack in the story was just the beginning.

In addition to the podcast, Ben made a post about a picture he took in New Mombasa when the Covenant attacked.  Many will recognize the propaganda photo in a heartbeat as it was the Halo 2 box art, but when you take a look at the actual photo he took and all the notes from the UNSC and ONI, a lot was removed to bring more hope to humanity.

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Podtacular 470: Xbox Fire Hazard

A lull in the news can only mean one thing: tangent city, or at least a few strung together cohesive conversations still on the subject of Halo.  With a few things to dabble in the Hunt the Truth ARG, we’re left with room to talk about Chief’s future in the Halo franchise and sort through our listener emails.

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GrifballHub’s RTX 2015 KickStarter


Our friends over at GrifballHub just kicked off their RTX 2015 Grifball Booth KickStarter.  For the past three years, GrifballHub has pushed the Grifball scene at the home of the Rooster Teeth Expo, hosted by the folks who came up with the game mode.  Help fund their booth and receive some pretty awesome gifts like lanyards, shirts, jerseys, case sleeves and much more by pledging to the campaign.  If you’re going to RTX this year, you can expect them to put on quite the display this year as they’re pursuing their largest goal yet.  Help support the Halo community and pledge by Sat, May 2nd at 11:00 PM EDT.

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Podtacular 469: Two Sides to the Same Story

Last week, we dove into the beginning of Hunt the Truth, a journey into the life of the infamous Master Chief from the investigative reports of Benjamin Giraud, a ONI war photographer and journalist, but that wasn’t the only thing. If you caught the season finale of The Walking Dead, you would have seen two videos of Master Chief and Agent Locke staring at each other in the face of death.  Do we hail the traitorous hero, or question the cost of Chief’s efforts to save humanity?  We focus on this with an open mic call having the community participate in our conversation and give their thoughts and question on the two videos and what they mean.  Join us and our fellow Podtacularians as we hunt for the truth.

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HUNT the TRUTH – A Hairline Fracture


The mystery continues after two different outcomes of the same scenario are played for the world to see. Master Chief and Agent Locke, both at the mercy of the other, but whose story is true, or is either true at all.  Following the primer episode, the first episode of Hunt the Truth by war journalist and photographer Benjamin Giraud reveals some innocent stories of John’s childhood growing up in Elysium City on Eridanus II.  Most of the interviews were solid; a nice foundation for an origin story to fit the Master Chief perfectly, until a loose thread appears and begins to bring questions to mind. That loose thread, the death record of John at the age of six (see below).


This begins a chain of events, so we’re told by Ben, that begins an unraveling of findings in his hunt for the truth behind the Master Chief.  You can hear his interview with Deon Govender, one of John’s elementary school teachers, Ellie Bloom, one of John’s childhood friends, and Thomas Wu in Episode One.

The assignment from sent to Ben from Michael Sullivan, or Sully as you may know him from Forward Unto Dawn, gives him a lineup of interviewees and access to ONI data to perform the background collection of data on the Master Chief to put together a big campaign in a matter of five weeks.  That isn’t a long time to perform a thorough background profile from interviews alone for the greatest soldier in human history, but with the interviews lined up, the story should be pretty easy to break… if he stayed within the lines.


Discuss the ongoing search for the truth in our forums.

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Halo Community Screenshots – 4/5/15


We’re back for another round of community screenshots. Receptor17 delivers again with another batch of Halo 3 and 4 picks rocking his favorite armor. If you have your own screenshots, please share them with us in our forums, Twitter or Facebook and they may appear here on the front page.

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