Podtacular 332: Halo 4 First Look

The time has come: Halo 4 is officially here! We have thoroughly enjoyed the game already and we hope that you all have too. Last week we took off, but we’re back with our first impressions of the game. Since we’ve seen a lot of multiplayer stuff already, this show focuses mainly on the Campaign and Spartan Ops in Halo 4. 343 Industries has done the Halo franchise its due diligence and has delivered one of the best Halo experiences. From it’s deep, complex Campaign story to its innovative Spartan Ops to its exciting War Games, Halo 4 delivers on every level. Enjoy

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Podtacular 331: FLAG Tourney 2012

The Fight Like a Girl Tournament has been an annual tournament raising funds for breast and cervical cancer research, but this time’s different: they’re playing Halo 4! There’s a 2v2 tournament, a Grifball tournament, and 4 different creative contests that you can enter for $10 per person. You get to have fun playing a fantastic game and it’s for a good cause. The Don Wan, co-founder of the tournament is on to give us the rundown on how the tournament works and what’s at steak for the winners. We also talk a little bit about the campaign. Don’t worry, no spoilers in this episode. Enjoy

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Podtacular 330: Forward Unto Dawn – Episode 5

In the final installment of Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn, Lasky, Chief and the rest of the cadets are making their way to the extraction point. It doesn’t take long for the Covenant to catch up and set up an ambush for the squat. As chief mans the turret and Silva and Orensky take out the Jackals with precision aim, Lasky is doing his best to drive the Warthog, until smashing into a Jackal and stalling the Warthog. It doesn’t take long for the main force of the Covenant to retreat and send in Hunters. While Chief takes care of the Hunter, the rest of the cadets make it to one of the training bunkers in the woods, where Silva meets her fate from being mortally wounded from a needle rifle round. At this point, Lasky has lost just about everything, and when Chief comes to pick them up after he takes care of the Hunter, he sees what Lasky is facing and say, “I’m sorry,” to Lasky, showing some humanity to this cyborg. They run from the other Hunter where Lasky eventually volunteers to be a decoy for Chief to take out the Hunter with only one remaining grenade. After the Hunter is taken out, Chief calls in the rescue Pelican, and they all get off the planet. Enjoy

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Halo 4 is Among Us

For those over in Australia and Europe, we hope you’re having fun from those of us in the states. For those riding along side with the rest of us, Halo 4 is nearly here! If you live in or around the Prince George area in Maryland, I will be at my local GameStop at the Beltway Plaza (Store #685). If you have a chance to drop by, we will be talking to people and giving a few things away starting at 9:30PM. For the multitude of the rest, don’t worry, we will be giving away stuff throughout the day tomorrow. I will also be streaming my run-through of Heroic Campaign tonight if you manage to sneak a break from playing yourselves.

Also, if you are old enough, remember to take the time to vote. #EVILAWAKENS

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MLG Dallas 2012 Fall Championships: Day 2

The tournament has officially begun as day 2 of the MLG Dallas 2012 Fall Championships brings over 200 teams to fight for the title of best Halo 4 team.  Everyone is in to make their shot for the $20,000 grand prize.

Old time favorites like Instinct and Status Quo are taking on newer teams like Severance and The Fun Police.  We saw a similar thing happen when Halo: Reach hit the circuit where fresh new talent put up a good fight against the old standing champs.  No doubt there are teams of old that will make their way to the top again, and new teams will hopefully grace us with their presence at the top as well.

We mentioned yesterday that there have been teams that have had a lot of time with the game leading up to this event and some that have just touched the game for the first time Friday. That hasn’t been enough to prevent other teams from picking up on the tricks of the pros like hiding spots and jump cuts. The introduction of personal ordinance was originally anticipated to have a major impact on how the game would flow, but it has not seemed to adversely affect the players and is actually making for more impressive plays and a more active game.

Remember to check out the broadcast schedule and the gametypes and settings going into today’s finals. Again, follow us on twitter for the latest updates from the floor as well as @MLG, @BravoMLG, @u4ixxx and @MLGPuckett.

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MLG Dallas 2012 Fall Championships: Day 1

Halo 4 Booth
The first day of the MLG Dallas 2012 Fall Championships brings back a familiar friend to the circuit as Halo 4 makes it second tournament appearance before the official launch of the game. Among the players you will see this weekend are some of the pros you know and love including the 2009 Trigger’s Down and Str8 Rippin teams, and there will undoubtedly be new stars that will be able to highlight their Halo 4 talent during this weekend. There are over 200 teams registered for the event, and there will be no lack of Halo 4 goodness on the stream, proven by Snip3down’s Overkill Extermination from last night.

Fridays are typically lined up for players to have a look around the venue and participate in pool play to be seated in the bracket, but yesterday, the atmosphere had a different flavor. Many teams were playing the game for the first time, while others have had countless hours already with the game and were just familiarizing themselves with the MLG specific gametypes. Most importantly, it seems that everyone is having fun! If you’ve ever attended an MLG event, you know how serious and full of energy the Halo arena can be, but this new energy was a delight to see and is very hopeful for Halo 4 in the competitive arena. I can’t count how many times I saw Bravo get all hyped about plays on stream and to see how animated he can get while commentating. For those watching the stream, be proud!

Yesterdays lineup of activities also inspired some of the fun aspect of the night with the start of Fiesta FFA, where Ninja took it to town with the Sniper Rifle and Incineration Cannon. The night continued with some FFA gameplay from some past FFA champions showing off the new Infinity Slayer where you receive ordinance based on your earned medals in game. The throwback match between 2009 Str8 Rippin and Triggers Down was not as close as you would imagine back in the day, but it was fun to watch, especially since MLG Dallas 2009 was my first event I attended.

Lead Multiplayer Designer, Kevin Franklin rocked the booth while they showed off some of the other gametypes Halo 4 has to offer including Flood Mode and Regicide. A blessing to competitive fans, he also announced the return of a skill-based ranking system to be introduced into Halo 4 sometime early next year.

Make sure you check out the stream schedule and the gametypes and settings that will be used this weekend. Tournament play starts today with a total of 14 rounds of play, double elimination. Gametypes will be variants of Infinity Slayer and Capture the Flag played on Abandon, Adrift, Haven, Relay and Solace. Make sure you follow us on twitter for the latest updates from the floor as well as @MLG, @BravoMLG, @u4ixxx and @MLGPuckett.

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Podtacular at MLG Dallas 2012

For those not versed in the competitive Halo scene, The MLG 2012 Fall Championship is happening right now in Dallas, TX.  What’s more important is that Halo 4 is one of the games lined up to be played and streamed over the weekend.  Even more important is that we, as Halo fans support Halo at MLG. If you are in Dallas, make sure you come by the Halo booth and make some noise for the rest of those people to hear.  If you are not as fortunate, play along at home by watching the live streams when they go live. The first one is at 5PM Central time today. You can find today’s stream and the remaining streams throughout the weekend at www.majorleaguegaming.com/live/5091e01a0d2d1ddf35000218.  Tweet the stream, tell your friends and show the rest of MLG why Halo is the best!

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