Battle Canyon Flythrough

Another new Halo: Reach multuplayer map was unvield this week at GamesCon and this one has been redone a few times. You might remember it as battle creek or one of the maps Podtacular played Bungie in long ago in that Humpday challenge when it was known as Beaver Creek, but in Reach the old time favorite will bear the name Battle Canyon (has a nice ring to it I think.) IGN has the scoop, again, giving us another exciting ‘flythrough‘ of the new map.

What suprises me is that there are actually a lot of things that changed in this remake. The team added a lift to the top of both bases and changed where the teleporters are placed. Thanks to forge those of you who frown upon these changes can put the map back to it’s original battle creek goodness, and the 343 guys will have an ‘anniversary’ edition of the map that we’ll see in match making that’s more like the one we know and love. Hopefully we’ll be getting more of these flythroughs at Halo Fest, and oh yeah Dusty will be there too.

Give us your thoughts in the comments.

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Podtacular 259: MLG Anaheim Recap

This episode was inevitably delayed since I was on vacation and didn’t have all the right stuff to produce an episode. However, here’s a recap of the latest MLG Event that took place in Anaheim. Instinct managed to wipe the boards again, and there are some new changes coming to the circuit for next year. We are joined by nobudy to discuss what happened during the weekend at MLG Anaheim. Enjoy

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New Reach Maps Playable at GamesCon

Looks like the guys over at 343 industries are getting a little sneaky on us. Instead of confirming what they will be adding and subtracting in the upcoming Title Update to Halo: Reach they’ve been using a playable version of it at GamesCon. The following video seems like it is showcasing two of the new (and awesome) maps that will be coming to Reach Multiplayer when Halo: CE Anniversary this November 15, but if you look closely you’ll be a healthy bit of information (also equally awesome).

In this video, you will first notice that there is in fact no bloom being used when players are using the DMR. Also, something BrentGamer’s been asking for since day one of Reach, is health ‘bleedthrough’ while meleeing. AKA when you melee your opponent it wont just take out their shields all of the time.  There are also other nice pieces of new information to be found but do not take my word for it, get to watching!

While we are on the subject of new gameplay videos IGN has a video walk through of the Damnation remake we’ll all see when Halo: CE Anniversary releases. Both of these videos and more information can be found on the new Halo Waypoint bulletin.

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Meet Podtacular CoHost GLewis at a Halo LAN in north Atlanta!

We don’t normally post things like this but I just wanted to get the word out on some Halo related events both Dustin and I are going to be attending. As most of you guys know Dust Storm has been invited by Waypoint to be apart of the Community Panel being held at Halo Fest in the coming weeks. So if any of you are in the area please feel free to stop by and say hello!

In other news, GLewis will be at a Pre-Raleigh MLG Event being held in North Atlanta that you can apart of! We encourage everyone who can to come out to the event to watch some great halo and come meet one of the shows cohosts. The event will feature a 4v4 MLG-Style tournament with a Team Pass to MLG Raligh as the first place prize. It’s $5 to watch and $100 for a team of four to enter to compete. Needless to say I will not be competing in the tournament. All details can be found here!

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Watch Every Halo: Reach match from MLG Anahiem!

Were you like Anorexic Leader and missed last weekend’s MLG event? Well don’t fret because Major League Gaming has you covered! The eSports company recently released the event’s entire VOD libary for FREE! Yes hours and hours of gaming for FREE! You can catch the awesome Halo: Reach action, the cool Call of Duty action, and the popular StarCraft 2 action all on their website.

If you do happen to watch some of the videos or already have please do not forget to submit your thoughts on this past event because we will be going over it with a few special guest hosts on our next Episode! Please submit here or by clicking THE BIG GREEN BUTTON on the top of the page.

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Bungie’s Past, Present, and Future

As 343 Industries transitions into power as our new Halo overlords, Bungie is closing the door on it’s beloved franchise and looking towards the future:

In the studio’s newest ViDoc, “O Brave New World”, Bungie employees and Halo community members provide a short history of Bungie and it’s initial ensemble of games from the 90’s (Marathon, Myth, etc.) before moving into a lengthier discussion of the Halo franchise’s history and development. If you have 55 minutes to spare, watching this would be a good way to spend them.

The Running Riot host Kete makes an appearance around the 29:15 mark!

Source: Bungie Studios
See Also: HBO, Kotaku

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We Have Something They Don’t: Luck

For some reason, over the past few months, we have received quite a number of spikes in traffic here at Podtacular.  We seem to be hitting marks that we didn’t think we were trying to hit.  First it was Frankie replying to our E3 show, then it was Dust Storm being on The Running Riot, then there was the Podcast of All Halo Podcasts, etc.  Well, prepare to get even more attention, my dear community.  Your host, Dust Storm, has been given the opportunity of a lifetime: a spot on the Waypoint Community panel at Halo Fest.  You heard right, because I had to check twice if I heard right as well (yes, I was speaking in 3rd person before).  I have been presented with a media badge for Halo Fest and will probably get to meet some cool people and get come awesome interviews, but more importantly, I will be sitting in front of thousands of Halo fanatics and more if IGN streams the panel.  So if you are there, please let me know, cause there will be a podcast recorded there.  Also, any burning questions you’ve wanted to ask Frankie, send them in.

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