Looking for Writers

The Podtacular staff aren’t only crazy about everything Halo, but we are also college students working to our careers. It takes a good amount of time and effort to stay up on current events in the Halo and Xbox communities, and it takes even more to produce a podcast and manage a community. A lot of time has been pulled away from Podtacular recently because of the approaching end of the school semester. As a result of all of these factors, we aren’t able to keep you up to date with the latest and greatest all the time. This is where you come in.

News happens very fast today primarily because of the internet. Once a story pops up in one place, it usually propagates to other similar news sites within an hour. People are able to keep up some of these developments, but they usually appear on obscure or not-so-popular news sites. On top of that, there are few people who can actually digest a story and create a comprehensive summary in a short amount of time. Now we’re not asking for anyone to be a fantastic journalist: if you were, you’d probably seek an actual job (we would appreciate you anyways). With that said, our first opening to take on writers has come with the Noble Map pack. We are looking for a couple of good reviews (since everyone else has one). This is just one of many opportunities and more will come. If you are interested in becoming a writer for the site, here are the criteria:

  • Must be 18 or older
  • Must submit at least two news stories a week during the evaluation period
  • Articles may be of any topic relating to Halo, Xbox and other gaming news significant to Podtacular.
  • Articles and summaries must be of adequate length reflecting the size of the original content. For example, reposts of articles from other sites should be around 100 words, summaries between 200 to 300, and articles between 400 to 500.
  • Articles should maintain an adequate level of professionalism and be free of spelling and grammar errors.
  • Articles should be send to duststorm@podtacular.com. During evaluation, articles may be posted on the Podtacular news feed, at which point the content becomes property of Podtacular. Author will be given due credit for the article.

This set of criteria is not final and may be revised.

Things to consider for the Halo: Reach – Noble Map Pack Review

  • Layout and visual aesthetics of the maps.
  • Uniqueness of maps
  • What games types best suit each map and how do map characteristics affect gameplay?
  • Areas of the map that are of significant interest or important for game play and team dynamic.

Deadline for the Map Pack Review is Friday, December 10th.

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Podtacular 241: Creation and Randomness

So this podcast is about a week overdue, but better late than never we suppose. We have the whole gang here this week along with JakFireDragon from Cyberline Films talking about making custom maps in Halo: Reach, or so we think. Discussions start out on topic and derail all over the place after we read our only submission (our fans don’t love us anymore?). There are still plenty of laughs as always. Enjoy

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MLG Dallas 2010 Championships Coverage

Over the past week, I’ve been releasing all the MLG related content we got via pictures, interviews and videos. The 2010 MLG Pro Curcuit Championships took place at the Hilton Anatole in Dallas, Texas on Nov 5th -7th, 2010. Here’s the complete list of media coverage what AceofSpadesCard (Cyberline) and I got from the event.

Podtacular Episode 240 – Podtacular

GLewis and Dust Storm talk about the last Halo 3 event on the circuit and how the transition to Reach will affect the circuit. Dust Storm also got an interview with Mazsik, coach of Final Boss that is played at the end of the episode. The interview is heavily focused on the coach’s aspect of a team since we usually hear from the players.

Dust Storm’s MLG Photo Album – Picasa Web Album

Dust Storm behind the camera managed to get some good shots from main stage and throughout the rest of the venue. These are all the pictures that turned out good (not blurry or overly grainy).

From MLG Dallas Championships

MLG Dallas Videos – Youtube

We managed to only get 4 videos this year because of more pictures being taken and hanging out with other people at the event. Included is some Killzone 3 gameplay, a little Rock Band action, and an Interview with Carbon Team Captain Walshy.

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Podtacular 240: MLG Dallas Recap and Mazsik Interview

Dust Storm and AceofSpadesCard went to Dallas this past weekend to cover the last Halo 3 MLG event at the 2010 Championships. For those who didn’t get a chance to go, it was a very good event. Since Greg didn’t get a chance to go, we decided to do a recap of the event and include the interview Dust Storm did with Mazsik: Coach of Final Boss. Enjoy

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MLG 2010 Dallas Championships

I’m attending MLG Dallas right now and with fewer people than intended. Greg had to back out because of family issues and Brent moved back to North-West Texas. AceofSpadesCard from Cyberline films is here with me to help cover the event. He have two interviews lined up for this afternoon and we will 90% surely be doing a live show tonight on Ustream (reference earlier tweet). Some photo’s will be uploaded later today.

We also got to play some Killzone 3 Alpha stuff, which is making me more influenced to eventually buy a PS3. We also got to watch Dynasty beat Status Quo and just got back from watching Final Boss beat Carbon. More news to come.

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Podtacular 239: Multiplayer Mayhem

It took us a while to get to this point, but we finally made it do the multiplayer side of Halo: Reach. For the most part, we like just about everything in Halo: Reach multiplayer with a few exceptions of course. Greg makes his glorious return to the show and we are joined by King Louis, the writer of the Beaver Zone song that was conceived in episode 223 during the Reach Beta. You can find the video on YouTube. Enjoy

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Rank Cap Lifted

The magic number has been hit and the Rank Cap lifted. New armor classes and ranks are now available and updates are being pushed out as quickly as possible. According to Bungie, you won’t see the update right away and it may take a few hours for everyone to be updated, especially those who have already stocked up extra credits to roll over into the new ranks. There is no other rank cap, so go crazy. Source: Bungie

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