Bungie Enters into Partnership with Activision

Well, this is a bit of a shocker, but Bungie has just announced a 10-year publishing agreement with Activision for their next IP. This raises a few questions since Activision publishes for multiple consoles. In the agreement, Bungie will retain the ownership of its new IP and will remain an independent company. Also, what does Microsoft have to say about this? For more info, check out Joystiq’s post here. Thanks to PK for posting this in the forums.

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Welcome to Noble Team

The Microsoft marketing gods have graced us with yet another trailer for the forthcoming release of Halo: Reach. This time however, it’s in sweet, sweet CGI and live-action goodness for you to enjoy. Before you press on to see the video please take note that the video follows Noble Team leader, the Spartan-III, Carter.

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Podtacular 224: Red vs Blue Interview

For some reason, all the guests we have on magically makes the podcast a half-a-day endeavor. We sat down with Burnie Burns from Rooster Teeth Productions for four and a half hours resulting in more than three hours of quality podcast material. We managed to cut it down to an hour and forty minutes. The podcast has been edited to the topic of this episode, which was Red vs Blue information since they have started their final season. If you want to hear the full podcast (with no editing), you can download it from here: Full Version. Podtacular would like to give a big thanks to Burnie from Rooster Teeth for taking time out of his day to sit down with us. Hope lunch was good. Enjoy.

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Bungie ViDoc: Halo: Reach Carnàge Carnivàle

Bungie is at it again with 11 days before the beta release for Halo: Reach. There are tons of new goodies in this video. Make sure you watch it as we’ll be discussing it on this week’s show.

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Podtacular 223: Reach Beta Multiplayer Maps

Now since the Halo 2 farewell project is done, I had time to get his little gem from last week edited and put out. It was actually uploaded yesterday, but I forgot to make the post (failboat!). On this episode, we discuss the information released about the multiplayer maps for reach on IGN and Bungie.net. We wend into each of the maps: Overlook, Powerhouse and Sword Base. We still don’t know anything about Bone Yard and the accompanying gametype, Invasion. Special guest bs Angel from Hawty McBloggy came on the show and talked about her interests in Halo and its community, and what she does on her site. We also had community member Nobudy visit as well. We’ll see you at the Beaver Zone. Enjoy

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Podtacular Halo 2 Farewell

As Halo 2 on XBOX Live comes to a close, the Podtacular staff takes time to remember what made Halo 2 so fun. Halo 2 was the building block for Podtacular and holds many fond memories for some of our closest community members. So for those who were around waaay back in the day, take up your battle rifle as we salute Halo 2.

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Did You Know?

If you have played Halo 2 recently, you probably noticed the new items in the “Did you Know?” box while you’re waiting for matchmaking to find players. So here starts the compilation of all those funny quotes we are used to seeing from Bungie.

  • Last Chance! If you want to have access to all the free Halo 2 DLC, go grab it now. It all goes offline on the 15th of April!
  • Thanks for playing. Seriously? More than five years after launch? You’re awesome.
  • Title Update 4 adds Theater support, screenshots and Forge to Halo 2! Coming: NEVER. Finish the Fight! The exciting conclusion to the Halo 2 cliff-hanger wraps up in Halo 3 for the Xbox 360!
  • Admit it, the first time you boarded a vehicle it was pretty awesome!
  • Dual Wielding. When all else fails, circle strafe.
  • BXR. Yeah, it’s cheating.
  • Superbouncin’! Even from waaaaaay down here, you still look like a douche!
  • Grenade Party! Can’t four-shot? Chuck some grenades.
  • Honky Tonk! Honk your horn while driving the Warthog to alert your team mates that a ride is available! Or, you know, just to be irritating.
  • BUNGLE Pro. Sign-ups for the Fall Season begin on May 3rd. Gain access through your copy of Halo 3: ODST!
  • Shameless Plug! The Halo: Reach Beta begins on May 3rd!Go buy ODST!
  • Squat and Hobble! Although crouch-walking is slow, it makes you invisible to enemy motion detectors. It’s also a sweet way to force a fallen opponent to suck your crotch!
  • SMG Starts! OK, we admit it. It was a bad idea.
  • Trouble Spot? Having problems playing on XBOX Live? If it’s after April 15th, we’ve got a good idea why!
  • I am you Father! Use Voice Masking to add at least ten years to your online persona!
  • Tired of obnoxious teammates or opponents? Use the handy mute feat..oh wait, it hasn’t been invented yet.
  • This will be the last time you’ll ever get to experience Backwash online. Bummer, eh?
  • Believe it or not, Bungie.net is still tracking all of your Halo 2 game stats.
  • Needz Moar Laser! You know what would make this game even more awesome? The Laser.
  • Lockout! A pixel perfect remake of Halo 3’s Guardian, the spiritual successor to Blackout.
  • U R GARBAGE! Remember you can send hateful messages to players from the Post Game Carnage report! “Oh, there you are!”
  • Woosh! You know what would make this game more awesome? Jetpacks!
  • If you’ve yet to experience Phantom Pistols on Waterworks, there’s still time!
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