Episode 158: Finish the Fight, Part 2

This show we cover the more recent story of Podtacular, play some voice mails from the Halo Nation and the greater gaming community, and play a Podtacular interview with Gamertag Radio from when we first started out. Thanks for your support and stay tuned for the video podcast!


Posted in Media, Podtacular | 39 Comments

Episode 157: Finish the Fight, Part 1

It’s the first half of the final episode of Podtacular with special guests JVB, CapnKrunk, Chuckie J, Spelchek, and Foo Mo Wive! We talk about how podtacular got started and play some gamertags from people that called in for the final episode.


Posted in Media, Podtacular | 50 Comments

Season News – Week 3

What’s up everyone? Welcome back to another podtacular season update. We’ve just put week 2 behind us and it’s now time for the final week of the regular season. Some teams are already in great condition for playoff and other are still fighting for that last spot on their groups in order to go to the next round.

This week’s highlights will come from Your Team, led by Vote4JR. They have done a great job on the first and second week. They have played both of their matches and have shown that they are here to stay compete for that first place.
Another great team in the rise is Dangle Snipes with a phenomenal first week and another great second week are showing to be one of the favorites to win this season tournament. Let’s only wait and see what the last week of the regular season groups will reveal to us.

Well this weeks featured match come from the match of Team Supremacy vs Band of Rejects. You can find the video by clicking on the link to the right of this article or by simply clicking on videos at the top of this page.
Take a look and enjoy the commentary by Paradigmshift on this great match with POV from Chevelle65.

Well with no delays id like to introduce the games for week 3. And they are:

Slayer – Objective – Slayer

  • MLG TS on Construct
  • MLG KoTH on The Pit
  • MLG TS on Guardian

Well, so get ready and let’s get those matches scheduled and played guys. Next week we will have the start of the play offs and as you all know they are best of 5 and will feature the season strongest teams fighting for that spot in the championship.

See you on the flip side!

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Podtacular Rec Clan Update

Kiaffex gives us another great podtacular rec update this week (PRU), a regular staple on the forums that tells us what’s happening with the rec clans. This week he interviews the member of the week: KBC, explains the new clan invite system, mentions upcoming events, and lots more.

Check out this great article in the forums!

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SUP -VS- BoR :: chevelle65

Team Supremacy -VS- Band of Rejects
POV: chevelle65
MLG Slayer Narrows
Week 2 Match : Game 2
-Bungie.net Stats-


– Commentary by paradigmIshift –

Posted in Clans | 10 Comments

Be on Bungie Favorites!

Bungie has opened their doors to allow communities to submit custom content to their favorites list. Since you’re here, you can submit things on behalf of your community: Podtacular! This is a great way to get your map or game type out there and be on everyone’s start menu.

Details in the forums »

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Season News – Week 2

Locked and loaded! The Podtacular season is under way.

The first week is over and this is the season update to let you know what went down and what you should expect for the following week.

Well, we didn’t have many surprises in the first week other than Dangle Snipes shutting down Mini Boss by 2-0 to set a nice and strong start for week one. If you have been following the Season Predictions topic you know that MB is one of the favorites among some of the members of the community. Well they will have to work hard for a good second week in order to keep their hopes up for this season. As many of you know only 2 teams from each group will advance to the second round.

The other nail bitter came from Team Supremacy vs Team H2SO4 taking a full series of 3 games to decide who would take the 3 points home. You can check the third game of the series in this week’s featured match to the right of the screen. Just click on the video to check out how it all went down!

So if you want to check out how the groups look like, just click on the group’s link above this page!

Well now some reminders and more information to make week 2 even more enjoyable.

I’d like to please ask all of you who are submitting your matches to use the following format on the subject line.

Team 1 (win) vs Team 2

It just makes my life easier to know who the winner is and who the matches were played against.

Well for the host. Please be sure to run a quick host check slayer match. About 30 seconds to make sure that the host is reliable, in order to avoid problems down the line. In order to answer all of your host questions please be sure to check this amazing link created by Kiaffex. In order to get there CLICK HERE

**** Also keep in mind that we are in the groups round, where you are only required to play a best of 3 matches. Meaning that if a team wins 2 in a row, there’s no need for the third match to be played. If you choose to play the last match, PLEASE do not submit it to me. I don’t need to see it. I just need the matches that are important for the point count.

And for the part you were all waiting for… Here are the matches that will be played this week.

NOTE: This week we will be using the winning map of the podtacular map contest. MLG REVERT. If you don’t have the map please be sure to download it HERE – SLOT 6

The format for this week will be: Objective – Slayer – Objective

  • CTF on MLG Revert (Please use GB CTF Ons for this gametype)
  • MLG Slayer on Narrows
  • MLG Ball on Guardian

Thanks everyone for playing your matches. And let’s see an even better week 2!
Good luck everyone.

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