Podtacular’s New Adopted Theme Music

It’s time to give credit where credit’s due. Many of you have asked about the new theme music for Podtacular. It turns out it was made by Prototype Raptor as a remix for Overclocked Remix but somehow didn’t make their cut and is not featured in the Halo section of their site. It’s called Halo: Groove and I think the song is way better than some of the other stuff they have in the Halo section, but I digress. More info can be found in this forum thread on OCRemix and you can download the song in it’s entirety here. Thanks Prototype for making such an awesome song!

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Episode 133: Crow’s Nest Campaign Show

This week we have some cool tips, tricks, and strategies on how to get the highest metagame score on Crow’s Nest, the second mission in Halo 3. We also talk about how to get the hidden skulls in this level. And of course we cover more pressing matters like handlebar mustaches, third nipples and the infamous Barbara Streisand video game. Our guest this week is the notorious Lord Gideon from Praetoria Guard, one of the longest running Halo clans out there. Pod art this week comes from spoofmaniac and is available in it’s full glory here. This is also the first show where we play some short ads from our sponsor, the US Navy. Strap on your earphones and buckle up, because it’s about to get freaky up in here!


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Kane and Lynch releases early, Podtacular is there

Word comes today that the upcoming Kane and Lynch: Dead Men from Eidos has been pushed up to November 13th, now scheduled to hit streets a full week ahead of schedule. via Xbox360Fanboy

Why is this important to us at Podtacular, you ask? As it turns out, our friends at the GamerCast Network have arranged a special community day event on November 8th and our very own Dialpex will be attending, along with others like Godfree from Gamertag Radio and Jay from Uncle Gamer. There they’ll be getting a hands-on look at the game’s multiplayer mode and a preview of the single player campaign, and will be reporting back with their impressions and feedback. So, if you’ve had an eye on Kane and Lynch, be sure to check out all the GCN coverage in the coming week!

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Pod TV: Battle for Valhalla


It’s the latest Pod TV, brought to you by Cryptoflix and the Pod TV team. There’s also a higher resolution version available at gametrailers.com. Enjoy!

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Episode 132: Multiplayer Tips and Map of the Month: Guardian

It’s time for another regular Sunday edition of Podtacular! This week TerminatorLlama joins us from the far reaches of Llamadom to help us help you level up and stay there in Halo 3 multiplayer. We talk about general game play tips and specifically how to kick arse on Guardian. Along with more enlightening subjects such as movies about roving bands of bloodthirsty sheep and what a zombie goat would sound like. Pod art this week comes courtesy of SGT Corona. Be sure to wash your hands before listening.

UPDATE: Oct. 29th 7:54 PM EST Show is now fixed. Download away!

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More on those Halo 3 terminals

After lots of hard work and collaboration to decipher all of the messages from the terminals found in Halo 3, some Podtacular members decided to flesh things out even more. Member Dust Storm has taken things to the next level and started building a mini-site detailing all of the terminals found in the game (including those found while playing on Legendary) complete with screenshots and videos! Check out them out at the links below.

Default terminals | Legendary terminals

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Episode 131: Customs and Creations

It’s Sunday which means it’s time for another shiny new episode of the Podtacular podcast. This week our guest host is Killazilla, head of the Review Frenzy feature here at Podtacular. Review Frenzy’s talented team of writers review all the hot new games to give you the heads up on what’s good and what suxorz. Anyway, this week is a huge verbal fileshare of awesome customs and forge edits from the community. We also talk about important topics like if Mr. T were gay, being raised by a family of yetis, and cacti that grow steaks. BIG thanks to Rodsmack10K at XBL10Kclub.com for sending me the infamous freestyle halo 3 beatbox/chant from the Seattle launch event. Check it out in the outtakes! This week’s winner for coolest screenshot goes to Face Head. If you want your screenshot on the cover of Podtacular for thousands to see, be sure to submit yours! It also might make it to the front page of podtacular.com.


Posted in Media, Podtacular | 23 Comments