Podtacular community: ImpulsiveNinja needs our help

I received a heart-wrenching email from AuroraX this morning:

Hey Foo Mo. One of the members here called ImpulsiveNinja (real name Jason Huffstutler) is going through an extremely rough time in his life. He is 17 years old and his dad is dying. His dad has had hepatitis for years now, and it has finally overtaken him. He is in the hospital in a coma and on life support. He will not be able to recover, and the only way he will live is if he stays in a coma and on life support for the rest of his life. Their family has made the incredibly hard decision that his suffering should end, and they took him off of life support today. He is sedated so he will not feel anything and he will pass peacefully, but he isn’t expected to live more than 24 hours. Jason aka ImpulsiveNinja has been a member of the community for a little while now, and he really looks up to you and the other leaders here, and it would mean a lot to him if the podtacular community did something kind for him during this terrible time. I don’t mean anything big, just something so that he knows we are there for him during this time.

Jason could use our help. What I plan on doing is making a collage card of some type with names, notes, and graphics from his friends at the Podtacular community. If you would like to add something to the card, please put it in the comments along with your gamertag and/or name. If you would like to send a graphic please send it to podtacular@gmail.com. I’ll add all of these up shortly and send them to Jason to let him know we care. And please, if you’re a praying person, pray for Jason and his family in this extremely difficult time. AuroraX will be visiting him soon and will keep us updated.

UPDATE: ImpulsiveNinja sent me this message:

Hey foomo, I can’t thank you guys enough for what you are doing. I thought i should let you know. Tonight, at 9:00 P.M. (today is September 1st) my father passed away.

Posted in Community | 45 Comments

Pod TV: Black Eye Skull


As we enter the twilight weeks of Halo 2, Kiaffex and Cryptoflix show us how to grab the black eye skull, which gives you extra shields for certain actions. As you can see they did things a little different this time…

Posted in PodTV | 16 Comments

Halo 3 now officially golden!

Today, Microsoft has announced that Halo 3 has officially reached “gold” status. After months of waiting and anticipation, we’re now hitting the final stretch, with less than a month to go before the September 25 launch. Now it’s only a matter of a few weeks before the world will get its hands on some Halo 3 hotness!

From the press release:

The wait is almost over. Halo® 3, the final chapter in the groundbreaking Halo trilogy and the most anticipated game release of 2007, has been released to manufacturing.

Three years in the making by renowned developer Bungie Studios, Halo 3 is now finished and will begin its journey to store shelves around the world in less than four weeks. Halo 3, which has already set new records as the fastest pre-ordered game in history, has exceeded one million presales in North America alone. The title is set to shatter day-one entertainment sales records when it is released worldwide beginning Tuesday, September 25.

More at Bungie.net

Posted in News | 12 Comments

The Blue Skittle Magazine – Issue 3

It’s time to check out the best gamers online magazine again. The Blue Skittle for this month brings you a load of cool reads and some very interesting articles, interviews and graphics.

Check out The Blue Skittle latest issue as Foo Mo Jive was featured in a special article again this month. Check out all the PAX talk by our writers and some of the best articles yet.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Ooopy, Kiki and all the staff from TBS that was representing not only TBS but also Podtacular at PAX.

Thanks guys. You guys Rock!!!!

Posted in Uncategorized | 4 Comments

Gamertag Radio gets temporarily shut down and ransomed by greedy web host

Godfree at Gamertag Radio just informed us that Gamertag Radio has been shut down without warning by his hosting company and held at ransom to bring it live again. Here’s the email they sent him:

Your site gamertagradio.com was suspended because it consumed an excessive amount of resources. One of our techs was doing a routine check on the server, and your site was consuming more than 4.62% of the servers RAM, more than 1.93% of the server CPU and more than 14% of the server MySQL resources. Our policy is 10% of the entire servers resources.

O RLY? Maybe you could have told him about this hidden fee so he could decide whether he could afford the price hike before you instantly dropped his site after four years and demanded more money to bring it back up? That’s what I call extortion. If you’re with me, why not contact midphase and leave them a poignant note about their shady business practices?

UPDATE: Liquilife at Uncle Gamer Radio is temporarily hosting Gamertag Radio until they get a new host. It still sucks what Midphase did to him though.

Posted in Community | 12 Comments

The big announcement: You can now set your gamerpic to the Podtacular logo! For free!

Thanks to our buds at Microsoft and the Gamerscore Blog, you can now set Podtacular or any of our fine affiliates at the Gamercast Network as your gamerpic… for free! Just go to the marketplace blade, then Themes and Gamer Pictures, then New Arrivals and you’ll see the Gamercast Network pics there under Community Gamerpics. Be sure to download them and set them as your gamerpic to show your Podtacular pride!

In other news, the Achievement Junkie and Sarcastic Gamer podcasts have joined the fray of pwnage that is the Gamercast Network. Welcome to the new guys and be sure to check out their podcasts. There’s a reason they were selected from the throngs of gaming podcasts on iTunes.

Posted in Community | 31 Comments

Iris ARG now complete

According to discussion over at Unfiction forums, it appears that the Iris ARG has now run its course. With all five of the “servers” having been unlocked (Server 05 just unlocked last week on 8/16) apparently the mystery and story of this ARG has been fully revealed for all those who were following it.

The growing anticipation of the September 25 release was deftly nurtured by a unique viral marketing campaign, dubbed “Iris,” which engaged gamers in a high-tech scavenger hunt that aimed to broaden the audience for the Xbox 360 title along the way.

More than 50 people from 20 Microsoft teams contributed time, coding expertise, and industry contacts to bring the online campaign to fruition.

The project launched in June and wrapped up August 16, unfolding as a virtual treasure hunt in five episodes. A mysterious voice guided thousands of participants as they uncovered clues and puzzles at various server locations. Each location revealed previously untold details about the Halo game trilogy, which tracks Master Chief’s epic battle to save Earth from conquering aliens.

Fortunately, several Podtacular members were able to get in on the action and score some exclusive Halo 3 goodies, including Klutch27, Unr3alChi3f, ClownX, Kiaffex, Face Head, QualityJeverage, iNoob, t3hreaper, crashMMVII and, thanks to these guys, yours truly.

For those who didn’t manage to get so lucky, your time and efforts were definitely appreciated. And even though this looks like Iris has now all come to a close, don’t be surprised if other exclusive events or promotions start to pop up from Microsoft around the Halo 3 launch.

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