Episode 116: Interview Frenzy

This show is kind of a variety show with a series of Halo-related interviews. First we interview Logan Payne, the lone wolf Halo 2 Vista player. Then we have some interesting interviews with some folks from Tied the Leader, 2old2play and Halo Unyielding. Thanks to Lancelot59 for this week’s pod art. Show’s about an hour long, so settle in with your headphones and spartan laser and get listening!


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History Circling Back Upon Us!

I just received this email this morning, and it clearly looks like what’s becoming another alternate reality game revolving around Halo 3.


The gears of the Universe spin further
and further apart.
Ever greater grows the gulf between souls,
And distance gives false hope of safety
But for the grim tidings this messenger bears:

The enemy is almost upon us

Closing in from all sides,
Moving faster than the light
it snuffs with its passage,
Time echoes with the news of destruction.
History winding back upon itself.

Waves of an army march this way in unison, Suffering and corruption are its battle cries.
For I have known this darkness
and felt its embrace once before-
Horror best laid to rest

Yet a Journey must commence

Look for the signs, the keepers of the flame.
They will lead you to war, and perhaps, to victory.

While the fine folks over at HushedCasket have already built a fine summary of happenings to date, it looks like this is just the tip of the iceberg if the “I Love Bees” ARG was any indication of what to expect.

That said, there could very well be a tip-off that comes in the form of an obscure, nearly-hidden detail in any Halo 3 related material (like the brief flash of a URL in a trailer). So, if ARGs are your thing, or you just missed out on I Love Bees, keep your eyes open and be on the lookout for clues!

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NCAA 2008 Roundtable

I had a chance to sit down with Feelz_Good (GamertagRadio.com), Vicious696 (UncleGamer.com, and Tony Hynes (Gamerscoreblog.com) in the Tiburon building, in Orlando Fla, to share our view on the latest incarnation of Electronic Arts famous NCAA football series.
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The Prince Is Back

The man with the MC Hammer pants is back in the arcade scene. This time, it’s on the Xbox Live Arcade for everyone to download. If you are an old school “side scroller” fan like myself, there is no doubt you will enjoy this.
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Episode 115: Hack Attack!

So in case you didn’t know, I was all worried the audio was gonna turn out really choppy on this show. It turned out to not be nearly as bad as I thought, and it’s a technical issue we’ve since fixed. This week we have George from aeropause.com, the baddest of the badass gaming blogs. We talk all about the latest tomfoolery with custom games, info about the customizable armor and the brute chopper, and a plethora of other stuff. Pod art this week comes courtesy of the ever helpful Logan Payne. Show’s about 56 minutes. Enjoy!


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As a community devoted to the enjoyment and healthy lovin’ of the Halo franchise, we can’t help but be curious as to what Halo 3 will bring us. Thanks to Bungie, we’ve been able to enjoy a public beta of Halo 3 for a few weeks now and it seems that everybody is confident that the multiplayer aspect of Halo 3 will meet everyone’s expectations.

However, to find out what happens to Master Chief and the human race, the Covenant (and even those pesky Flood), the suspense is gonna be downright brutal in the coming months. None of us know what’s going to happen yet, but we’re all just as eager as the next guy to see it play out. So, here at Podtacular, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to not ruin anyone’s fun and discuss or spoil the single player campaign of the game until people have had a chance to experience it for themselves. We ask that you do the same.

That means in your blogs, forum posts, comments, etc. you should use a little discretion and not discuss spoilers. If you have some new information but aren’t sure if it’s spoiler material, please at least mark it with a SPOILER WARNING. We’ll do our best to keep Podtacular.com spoiler-free (at our own expense, of course), but it’s all in the interest of not ruining what new hotness Bungie has in store to melt our brains this September.

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Those lucky Nintendo Wii owners are gonna be in for a huge treat. Capcom is bring their most popular franchise; Resident Evil, to you lucky Wii-ners.
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