Podtacular 729: Renegades

Last month, we had our discussion on Halo: Smoke and Shadow and we’re discussing the sequel, Halo: Renegades in this episode. We’ve also got the latest news around Halo 2 Anniversary flighting on PC to discuss, last week’s community spotlight and of course, your regular update on community happenings!

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Machinima Monday: Spriggs

Another Monday, another Machinima Monday. The last few weeks have focused on standalone videos, but this weeks Machinima Monday highlight focuses on an entire series. This Halo 3 Machinima series is named ‘Spriggs’.

‘Spriggs’ was created by the Running Gun Studio. Unfortunately, this studio hasn’t uploaded for over 10 years as of the time this piece releases, but their epic content is luckily kept alive thanks to the archive that is the internet. ‘Spriggs’ is a long running 21 episode Machinima series that combines comedy with a serious story. It has a very classic Machinima style to it that the older games like Halo 3 really help cement.

The description for the first episode of ‘Spriggs’ is as follows:

Episode One of our new Halo Machinima series. Spriggs was created by Running Gun Productions under Microsoft’s “Game Content Usage Rules”

The description sadly doesn’t reveal much about the series, although that may be a good thing. It gives the many new viewers a chance to experience the series without any prior knowledge. There is also a ton of behind the scenes videos for the ‘Spriggs’ series that I’d personally recommend checking out.

Sadly the original studios website and the website for the Machinima are both long since gone, but the video’s are still alive and strong on YouTube, so check out the entire series either in the playlist or on the channel.

Video Published by: Running Gun Studio

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Podtacular 728: Mod Me A Game

Dust Storm and Godzilla T here again with just ourselves for another couple of week’s wrapping up the community projects we didn’t cover last week and our latest community poll. We’re currently looking at who our next guests should be so reach out to us with any recommendations on who you would love to hear from. As always, we give you the latest official and community updates.

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Machinima Monday: The Professional

Machinima Monday is back at it again, bringing fan made Halo Machinima to the masses. This weeks Machinima Monday highlight goes to a video named ‘The Professional’.

‘The Professional’ was created by the Halo Collective, which is self described as the place for “Anything and Everything Halo”. ‘The Professional’ is actually a part of a long series of videos, some easier to follow than others. Luckily most of the videos are separate topics and don’t tend to follow onto each other, so you don’t have to stress too much about understanding a story to enjoy the humour.

The description for ‘The Professional’ is as follows:

He’s skilled. He’s proficient. He’s got you in his sights. And most of all, he’s MLG.

The description says a lot, I know, but that’s kind of the point. Short and sweet descriptions are common for this series, mainly due to comedy being the focus. All in all, the 20 total videos in ‘The Professional’ playlist sure do include some wacky and wonderful videos. Be sure to check them out.

Video Published by: Halo Collective

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Podtacular 727: Our Favorite Tunes

No guests with us this week as we take time to do a little checkup on fan projects in the works within the Halo community. We had a chance to go through most of them and will pick up more on our next episode. We also had a new community poll where we asked you listeners what their favorite Halo soundtrack is. We are looking for suggestions on who you, our listeners would like to see us have as guests on the show, so reach out to us on social media or our Discord and let us know what ideas you have.

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Machinima Monday: The Assumptions

Another Monday, another Machinima. This weeks Machinima Monday highlight goes to Halo Movie, rather than a series. This Halo movie is named ‘The Assumptions.’

‘The Assumptions’ was created by Herogameplayz, Herogameplayz creates short Halo movie Machinima, rather than a lengthy series or two. These short films focus on various different stories and have their own comedy elements thrown in.

The description for ‘The Assumptions’ is as follows:

The story of our lives am I right ? The assumptions that come from our parents whenever we’re out in public with our friends or sitting next to them in class can be a bit extreme, but deep down we know our parents really do care for us. But maybe this time there a tab bit more than meets the eye.

It’s clear from the video content and the description of the video that Herogameplayz is a very light-hearted and fun individual who loves to create Halo content. I’d fully recommend checking out more of their videos, as they’re guaranteed to provide a good watch.

Video Published by: Herogameplayz

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Podtacular 726: Smoke and Shadow

This week, Dust Storm and Godzilla T have a bit of alone time after the long string of guests on the show to talk about the latest book in the “Podtacular Book Club”, Halo: Smoke and Shadow. This is probably one of our most favorite books with all the different tie-ins from different parts of the Halo universe. We also have a new community spotlight with our favorites picked and another community poll; this time asking folks about their favorite Halo campaign.

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