Podtacular 852: Countdown to Season 3

The largest content update is about to hit Halo Infinite since launch, and a lot of folks are happy with what’s coming. A new BTB map, two Arena maps, Escalation Slayer, Shroud Screen, Bandit, Armor, Narrative and more are on their way in just a few days. 343 has been kicking things into high gear lately and it seems like the content train is finally catching up. Also this weekend is HCS Charlotte, the first stop in the second season of competitive Halo for Infinite.

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Podtacular 851: Pay to Guest

Dust Storm and Godzilla T are joined by two of Podtacular’s Patreon supporters: PensHalo and Confal. As long time members of the Podtacular community, they share a lot of the same Halo interests as our hosts. With the recent changes to 343 and the upcoming season, we get their thoughts on what’s coming up for Halo.

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Podtacular 850: Community Surprises

In a last minute surprise before season 3 comes to Halo Infinite next month, 343 has introduced the Community Collection playlist, bringing community Forged content to Matchmaking in an evergreen playlist that will be continuously updated. After a lot of community outcry from not enough content since launch, this is a welcomed addition to the online experience. We also received the HCS Season 2 roadmap (hope you live near Texas), a new Halo Waypoint Chronicle, and more!

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Podtacular 849: All But Starting From Scratch

According to a recent Bloomberg report, 343 Industries is “all but starting from scratch” when it comes to the future of the Halo franchise, with now over more than 90 confirmed departures from 343 along with additional contractors, it seems like the development of Halo is undergoing large restructuring for the immediate plans of Infinite’s live service and the next gaming experiences. Rumors involve the next experience expanding on the alleged Tatanka battle royale type mode being more fleshed out into a separate title on the Unreal engine to match 343’s new direction with Unreal. While there’s cause for uncertainty, this isn’t the first time we’ve had a major shift in the direction of Halo. For those sticking around we’re along for the ride with you.

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Podtacular 848: The Road Ahead

Halo is staying in house with 343 industries as Pierre Hintze announced last week after more than 60 full-time employees were let go, but with that many people gone, there’s sure to be some slowdown of certain development and support at the studio. We know the roadmap for Halo Infinite has been laid out for a few more seasons at least with Season 3 still on target to release March 7th, but past that, what does the future of Halo Infinite look like? We’re still living in some uncertainty in the aftermath of this loss and we’ll probably never know the full extent of the impact, but there will be one regardless. That’s what we’re talking about in this episode.

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Podtacular 847: Hard Hitting Layoffs

Hard news hits this week as a result of Microsoft letting go 10,000 employees over the next six months, starting this week where over 60 343 employees, mostly from the campaign team, were let go. This sudden announcement has a lot of us in shock and anxious about the future of Halo, let alone the impact this has on all the folks who suddenly find themselves without a job. We hope all our friends who were let go are able to bounce back.

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Podtacular 846: Terminal Velocity Chief

The Halo Championship Series for Season 2 is kicking off in Charlotte, NC in February as balance changes and new maps enter in for the latest competitive Halo experience. We also take a look at the next two missions in our Halo Infinite campaign discussions: Spire and Pelican Down. Got a topic for us to discuss, want to provide your input to our next topic? Hop in our Discord: https://podtacular.com/discord

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