Halo: Community Update – Next Stop: Memory Lane

Halo 2 Concept Art

Continuing the celebration of all things Halo, another community update has come and gone, focusing almost totally on the series milestone of 15 years. First, Ske7ch highlighted the most recent game anniversary, that of Halo 2 this past Wednesday. Next, further details on the Halo 15th anniversary event, which you can read about in full detail in this article. There will be quite a bit of celebratory content for every Halo fan to enjoy, and in particular those who participate will end up getting some free ‘party favours’.  It was also reaffirmed that the various teams are hard at work on all things Halo, with some new content in particular coming to the Halo consumer products.

If you’re interested in taking a peak at the article, you can see everything not covered here (like the mystifying community spotlight video by Azpekt297) on HaloWaypoint.com.

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Podtacular 557: Halo 5: Guardians Anniversary

It’s been one year since Halo 5: Guardians launched continuing the Master Chief saga. Since launch, the game has undergone many changes with updates introducing added features like Forge, file share and campaign scoring, new maps, modes and requisitions enhancing gameplay, and Halo 5 Forge on Windows 10. On this special occasion that we recorded the episode on Halo 5’s anniversary to the day, we held a live customs lobby that we broadcasted while recording the podcast on Twitch and invited DJBlue PDX, Ducain23, and Masterz1337, all returning guests to the show. Join us as we walk down memory lane for the past year of Halo.

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Halo 15th Anniversary Stream Announced & Detailed

Halo 15th Anniversary Plaque

It might seem like far less time has passed since the Chief, and us by extension, first stomped valiantly unto the plains of Halo, but the 15th anniversary of the series is dawning, only a few days away. On Tuesday, November 15th, 343 Industries will be hosting a live stream on Twitch.tv/Halo, humorously at 3:43 P.M. EST. Viewers will be able to play with 343 themselves in a special playlist and possibly claim some neat free items. They have also promised to reveal a few new “surprises in honor of this momentous occasion”. Finally, fans are encouraged to partake in sharing their fondest Halo memories with #15yearsofHalo. All of this comes after a recent maintenance update, which you can read more about on HaloWaypoint.com.

If you’re interested in more details, a Facebook event was set up with more information.

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Halo: Community Update Recap – Back In The Saddle

Halo: Combat Evolved Close-Up

Autumn is beginning to fade into the brisk grasp of Winter as a new Community Update hits the internet, this time written by Ske7ch, the new community manager. As a relatively new face to some, he detailed a bit of his lengthy Halo history and answered some community questions. Some takeaways were the acknowledgement for black tech-suits (to the utterance of a sigh of relief from some players), the confirmation of regular Action Sack updates, the introduction of a classic playlist, and a brief but satisfying confirmation of work on Halo: The Master Chief Collection and its status. Of course, that’s only a modicum of detail, and there’s plenty more information about Ske7ch in the article itself.

Halo Loot Crate #3

In lighter news, the next edition of the Halo: Legendary Crate was touted, going back to the shores of Installation 04, right in time for Combat Evolved’s 15th anniversary. You can purchase it yourself on Loot Crate’s website. No Canon Fodder was present this week, to the dismay of some lore aficionados, but some amazing Halo costumes and pumpkin carvings were shown off, which can be seen, along with the community spotlight (which is extremely unique) on HaloWaypoint.com.

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Podtacular 556: Blitz

We are starting to enter the news lull but not before we get introduced to a brand new game mode for Halo Wars 2, Blitz.  This mode is fast paced requiring you to strategize your battle before the fight begins purchasing unit cards according to an available budget for the match.  From the community update, Waypoint provided some pumpkin carving stencils to help carve your jack-o-lantern this season.  Grim released drawings for the Spartan’s under-suit and we get more info about the latest Halo Legendary Crate.

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Halo: Community Update Recap – Halo-Ween Handoff

B is for Bravo w/ Cosplayers

The frightening air of Halloween is fast approaching as another community update lights the way for Halo news and content. To start, a dedication to all of the hard work B is for Bravo has worked toward with these updates, as well as his work elsewhere on the Halo franchise. He will be departing from writing the community updates, but will not leave the Halo scene, instead becoming Senior Producer. Sounds quite exciting. Long-time Halo community member Ske7ch will be taking Bravo’s place as community manager, and we wish him the best of luck in filling such spacious shoes.

Hellbringer Blitz Artwork

As far as news goes for the Halo games, the Infection mode in Halo 5 will be experiencing a refresh to liven up for Halloween. Bravo also promised that much more is on the way in terms of content, and it seems like we’ve already gotten a few glimpses of such content with the Halo: Reach Grenade Launcher being found in the game’s files. Halo: Tales from Slipspace is now hitting the market, and GrimBrotherOne described a few of the stories that can be seen in the comic. Blitz mode in Halo Wars 2 was also discussed in much further detail.

If you’re interested in reading more, you can view the entire update on HaloWaypoint.com and give it a read yourself.

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Halo: Community Update Recap – Blitz Coverage

Halo Wars 2 Blitz Deck

After a few weeks of generally less detailed news, the Halo Community Update has finally delivered an intensely satisfying, detailed, and exciting look at some future content to come on the Halo Wars 2 front. A new game-mode, titled Blitz, was revealed via a vidoc on the Halo YouTube last week, and 343 and Creative Assembly displayed a much deeper look into the mode in this update. To sum up, it is an explosively fast-paced game-type surrounding card strategy (like the upcoming Witcher spin-off, Gwent) and careful planning, using only a handful of units. It will contain a deep level of card customization and exclusive units, and comes in a variety of flavours, like Firefight.Halo Wars 2 Blitz Artwork
Derailing from the new Halo Wars 2 content, GrimBrotherOne released some schematics for Spartan IV undersuits, of use if you’re planning on dressing up this Halloween. He also sat down with Sarah Campbell from the consumer products side of Halo to talk about various aspects of costume design. More juicy lore details for Halo: Ground Command were also showcased in rich detail, and for those that are regular purchases of the Halo: Legendary Crate, it is marching ever forward unto dawn, and will be in your hands soon. Of course, there’s plenty more for people to feast their eyes on this week.

If you’d like to view more details in the article (which is recommended), follow the link to HaloWaypoint.com and catch up on all the latest in Halo.

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