A Glimpse into the World of Halo 5: Guardians

In Halo 5: Guardians, we will explore epic worlds and experience galactic stories, but at the heart of the campaign, the development of Blue Team and Fireteam Osiris and the drama that lies therein will stand out the most.  In this first look, we see how the team dynamic plays an integral part throughout the story of Halo 5: Guardians and in gameplay when you’ll play as both Blue Team and Fireteam Osiris, commanding your teammates as Master Chief and Spartan Locke.

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Podtacular 503: Interview with Gus & Pax Prime 2015 Recap

We’re back from our two weeks off of the podcast as we start counting down the days to the launch of Halo 5: Guardians.  While there was not much Halo at Pax aside from Warzone playable at the Xbox booth, there was plenty of things to keep us busy.  We are joined by Rebel Rouser and Minolta1034 from Ready Up Live to recap our Pax Prime experience.  Before our recap, we had the honor of talking with Gus from Rooster Teeth about his experience with gaming, his thoughts on Halo 5: Guardians and the evolution of video games, and what it’s like to work at a gaming/entertainment company.

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Tweets of the Holmes


Josh Holmes took to Twitter for a few days last week to answer some community questions regarding Halo 5: Guardians.  There’s a few pretty significant things he has confirmed for us, some of which were safe to assume but is nice to actually have them confirmed, and a few things that may be a little bit of a surprise.  The big response that everyone caught attention of was there will be no voting or veto options in matchmaking.  Similar to Halo 2’s matchmaking, once you get matched, the map and game mode are selected for you.  This is just one of the many things that Halo 5: Guardians is going to glean from Halo 2’s success.  Josh also confirmed Theater mode, we will see something regarding Halo 5’s Forge before release, Easter Eggs in the game like a giant soccer ball, and that the majority of the cinematics we will see during the campaign are real-time, in-engine.  There’s still quite a bit we don’t know about Halo 5: Guardians, but as the clock ticks down to launch, we’re sure to get loads more information.

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New Arena Map The Rig


While most of us were in Seattle enjoying Pax, 343 dropped some info regarding another Arena map called The Rig.  Making its debut at Gamescom along with Colosseum, The Rig is actually a favorite around the studio and was used by the Sandbox team primarily for weapon and ability tuning during Halo 5’s development.  The map went through several concepts of mobile and stationary drilling rig platforms until they came up with the final map they have today.


The Pax Community Update over on Halo Waypoint takes an in-depth look at the development of the map with info from Multiplayer Producer Mike Byron, Senior Environment Artist Christopher Hands, and Multiplayer Level Designer Adrian Bedoya.  Chris takes us into the concept development of the location and feel of the map, and Adrian takes us through the development of the various areas of the map leading up to its final form.

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New Halo Shirts Available from J!NX


The Halo Waypoint Store just put up some new Halo 5 apparel you can get your hands on right now.  In addition to the Spartan insignia and Chief helmet tee seen above, there is also a Locke helmet tee, Blue team tee and HCS long sleeve shirt available now from the official Halo Store on J!NX.  Get ready for the launch of Halo 5: Guardians dropping in just under two months and show your friends whose side you’re on!

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Halo Tricks Turns 10 Years Old

It seems quite a few communities got their start back in 2005 and we’re happy to see our friends over at Halo Tricks make their 10 year mark.  Halo Tricks got their start back in Halo 2, similar to us, with the infamous Tank Pinball glitch on Coagulation.  We want to congratulate them on their accomplishment and wish them the best as we expect even more glitches and tricks from Halo 5: Guardians.

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Back from Hiatus


As you may have noticed, there’s been a lot of Halo news recently, yet we’ve remained pretty quiet here on the website and our podcast.  With less than two months left before the launch of Halo 5: Guardians, we’re looking to build our team here at Podtacular and ramp up content production for the website, podcast, streams and videos.  This summer has been a wonderful experience with all the conventions we’ve attended and we met a lot of Halo fans, but we also realized that our team is still too small to make the quantity and quality of content we would like to make.  While we’ve kept up with tweeting out news as it hits the internet, we’ve been unable, with the lifestyles of the current staff, to keep up with everything we feel you all deserve.

We mentioned a few podcasts ago that we would be looking for additional volunteers to help us out with Podtacular as a whole, and that opportunity has arrived.  We’ve opened up our application page to anyone who has an interest in Halo and would like to help fulfill our vision.  We are not looking to take over the kind of content you can get from our friends, but we are looking to do what we do best: highlight the latest Halo news and the best community content and personalities.  If you’ve had any experience with video editing, writing, graphic design, etc., we would appreciate your help and support.

The podcast will return this week on Thursday at 8:30PM EDT on Twitch.TV featuring Gus from Rooster Teeth and our Pax Prime 2015 recap. We have many exciting other podcast topics and guests that you can look forward to before the launch of Halo 5 and we hope that some of you may become part of our journey up to and through launch.

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