HUNT the Truth – Drip, Drip, Drip

dripPetra Janecek was the last person Ben expected to hear from after their last encounter.  She had called Ben in the middle of the night looking for an explanation to an event that happened while he was asleep.  Immediately after he listened to the message, he called Petra who was asking for an explanation of what happened, what he had done with whatever new info he had gathered during his hunt.  Ben, however, didn’t have any idea what was going on, so Petra told him to check his news feed then to call her back.  By the time Ben checked up on the latest news, thousands of reports from around civilized space had people in a panic.  Journalists, social hubs, just about everyone was talking about one thing: the leak.

The leak pertained to the Master Chief and managed to hit the open network overnight. Spartan activity is typically unknowable in the public eye, but for some reason now, it was front page news everywhere with headlines such as collusion with the enemy, civilian casualties, abducting a hero, assassinating an icon.  These were tags just used by journalists, where the public was already dividing people with both sides trying to justify their own moral high ground given the situation.  Ben went looking for the source material, which wasn’t hard to find since everyone had access to it.  The suppressed report from an embassy in the outskirts of civilized space had been viewed more than half a billion times and painted a clear picture.

Ten days ago, the Master Chief appeared in the outer colony in a densely populated city at a regional embassy where peace talks between human and alien delegates were about to come to an historic agreement.  In the footage, Chief was seen storming the embassy, taking out the body guard of the Outer Colony’s ambassador, Richard Sekibo causing a firefight that claimed nineteen human lives.  Chief kidnapped the ambassador, then blasted his way through security leading the alien delegation out to safety to a waiting evac ship.  The next day, locals discovered a beacon that lead to a field close by where the human ambassador who lead the peace talks was found dead.

Ben called Petra back posing the same questions as to what was happening only to learn that the Earth politicians are calling him the fallen Spartan.  Petra asked if this was FERO’s doing and Ben honestly didn’t know, which was true, but he was sure this was her doing; now the only question was why.  He couldn’t understand why FERO would want to taint Chief’s image after everything he went through with ONI and how many lives he saved in the past.  He shouldn’t have had to bear the weight of all the burden of responsibility for making those hard calls, but not he’s shouldering all the blame in this attack.  The more and more Petra told Ben what they were calling the Master Chief, the more frustrated he got, until suddenly, their call was interrupted.  Waypoint went down, all of his networks inaccessible eventually leading to all of his access disabled for 12 days.  ONI was trying to shut Ben down.  Mashak’s hacks helped keep him ahead of ONI, but at this crucial moment, he couldn’t just let ONI silently take him offline.  Ben had to know if what they had been working towards was actually stirring things up and to do that he would need to get in touch with Mashak.  He grabbed some essentials before heading out to a place he knew he could get access to secure comms.  He had needed to find an undisclosed place to move his workspace and ONI finally convinced him to do so.

FERO arrives

When he got to his new place, he met his contact there and set up shop.  When he got online, he had a nice message from Mashak waiting.  He said he really liked what Ben did with the last episode, but didn’t fail to mentioned that there was a certain lack of his presence on the episode.  After mentioning he was around, Ben gave the most frustrating man he’s ever worked with a call.  When Ben asked what happened, Mashak said he needed to go dark, not because of the strange occurrences in deep space but because of a secret project he was working on for Ben, so secret that he couldn’t even warn Ben he was going dark.  Getting back on track though, it turns out people were listening to Ben’s latest episode, taking it to heart, and getting mad over what they heard.  Playing to ONI’s disregard for the Outer Colonies after what they heard happened to John reopened ancient wounds and hatred for ONI.  Back when the outer colonies were vouching for their independence, ONI was fully intent on suppressing insurrectionists, but when the Covenant showed up glassing planets, they stepped back, leaving the outer colonies to fend for themselves.  It was this selective intervention for them that made this story reignite their hate for the UEG, and the leak brought it to a blaze.

Mashak’s take on the story brings into focus the different effect the story has depending on where you live.  People on Earth, who expect to see Spartans protecting them no matter what, after seeing something like this panic when the word rogue is tossed into the mix.  In the outer colonies, the UEG was the problem, but to the inner colonies and earth, Chief was the one they were worried about.  ONI used the chief the same way the UEG used the outer colonies: for utility when useful, but completely disposable.  His fury towards Mashak for abandoning him subsided; he was happy to have him back, because if he was going to have any fighting chance at confronting ONI and explaining everything to the senators, he needed all the help he could get.

After hearing Ben’s interview with Anthony Petrovsky, Mashak went to work diving through the slush, the massive pool of data utilizing decades of research from his predecessors and produce a “greatest hits” of ONI’s misdeeds. Mashak showed Ben a scatter graph of reported cases of exotic pediatric auto-immune disorders, what the clones died of, within the first few decades of the 26th century overlaying it with the known populated space of the galaxy based on density.  What he discovered is that the location of the cases were not random at all, but mostly favored the outer colonies when it came to the abductions for the Spartan program.  There was nothing that would have set the kids apart from the inner and outer colonies genetically to meet the qualifications for the program, but as Ben puts it, it was easier for ONI to cover their tracks in the outer colonies and to Mashak’s point, are of lesser value and easier to justify.

While Ben wasn’t sure if the data was enough to convince the Senators, just the implications of ONI taking kids for the Spartan program to fight the Insurrectionists may hold enough influence to get them thinking.  The place ONI took the kids from were the same places ONI was looking to put down the rebellion.  After they were trained, they were sent back to their homelands fighting for the political agenda against their own, serving the government that showed no respect to their people.  Mashak had done more digging and found two distinct cases where soldiers met their clones that were supposed to die, but didn’t.  Running into perfect copies of themselves learning that these clones lived out the lives they could have had, resulted both times in suicide.  While these kinds of stories are hard to listen to, they would be hard to ignore, perfect for Ben’s case to the Senators.  Now it was time to get back in touch with FERO.  Ben only hoped she knew where he was, but Mashak reassures him that she’ll find him and probably already knows where he is.  Her lair of secrets is vastly more secret than Mashak’s but he tells Ben to keep him in the loop on developments when they go to the meeting and bring forward the truth; he’ll be standing by to track the results.

Master Chief attacking the Peace Consulate on Biko.

Master Chief attacking the Peace Consulate on Biko.

Ben had a hard time sleeping in his new place, but FERO paid a visit, this time sounding a little more human than their first encounter.  When he was asked, Ben told her he didn’t like what he was seeing, how people were denouncing the Master Chief.  FERO told him when something this secret is let loose, the outcome can be unpredictable.  Ben tries to blame FERO for smearing Master Chief’s image of saving humanity, claiming the full story behind the incident may not be fully known.  FERO argues everything she leaked was real, not targeted at tainting chief’s image, but implying that an aging Spartan possibly becoming mentally unstable, where Ben’s story actually set the table for.  She explains that taking kids like they did for the Spartan program training them to become soldiers adopts an inherent risk of deep, but lasting physiological damage, something that is an increased liability for critical decision makers, such as Master Chief.  She didn’t know why the Chief did what he did and what he’s doing now, but all she did was expose what is possibly happening to him, the liability created in the depths of ONI secrecy leading to his unprovoked actions.

Hearing all of this made Ben uneasy; it felt wrong to him.  FERO knows Chief is a hero and so do the true patriots.  The sad, painful truth right now is that Master Chief is being denounced by the outer colonies and disowned by the UEG, but FERO assures Ben he will be vindicated.  Sacrificing him in the short term will generate their opportunity to cut to the core and eventually leave ONI as the one being scrutinized in the long run.  It was hard for Ben to hear everything the outer colonies were saying about him, all the hate that had been generated wasn’t the way he expected things to go down.  FERO tells Ben that chaos come at a high price, but the pieces have been moving and their opportunity had arrived.

FERO told Ben that as of that morning, the meeting between ONI brass and the senators had been scheduled with personnel already en route to Earth.  In just a few days, ONI would be briefing their story in closed sessions, but FERO would hack in providing a direct, unbroken feed for Ben to lay down his story exposing ONI’s darkest secrets to the most senior governing officials in the UEG.  Ben was worried there wasn’t enough time to pull all of Mashak’s data together to make it convincing enough, but FERO provided an idea that may be the extra bite his story needs.  Ben called Anthony Petrovsky and asked him if he wanted to take down ONI.  After moments of unsettling silence, he was on board and Ben gave him his marching orders, FERO pleased at the outcome.

Ben asked FERO if what he was hearing was her real voice.  For the most part it was, but altered just enough to not be identified.  Ben asked her why she dropped the scary voice and why did she use it before.  She told him it was so he knew who would be fighting on his side, which he appreciated.  It was hard to imagine Ben was about to really do this, and he was pumped up.  Before she left, FERO told Ben of one more leak that was coming: the icing on the cake just to keep the pieces moving.  By the time he asked her what it was or when it would hit, the leak was out.  He checked his public feed and sure enough moments later a security video from the regional embassy of the outer colonies surfaced.  Millions of people were now watching a video feed of Master Chief seemingly unprovoked shooting up the peace consulate on Biko.

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Grifball Pro Circuit Spring Championship Tips Off Tomorrow


The American Grifball League of America Spring Championship is here and the Pro Circuit championships tip off tomorrow, May 20th at 10:00PM EDT.  Hybrid Theory will take on on the favored One Hit Wonders as they bash it out for the championship spot playing Halo 4 Grifball on the Master Chief Collection.  The Amateur League Championship tips off tonight at 10:00PM EDT as well when Affinity takes on top seed Bad Intentions.  Catch all the Grifball action over on GrifballHub’s Twitch Channel.

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Podtacular 482: Truth Uncovered

Ben continues is search for the truth after the bombshell of a revelation that Deon Govendor was in fact dead for more than seven years.  However, he hasn’t heard from Mashak or FERO in three days, leaving him to wonder if something happened to him.  Ray eventually comes around with some info that reveals Jacob Walker as a professional voice actor, discrediting John’s origin of boot camp at the age of six.  Ben follows up with Anthony Petrovsky, one of the ODSTs ordered to fight John and was severely injured.  Eventually, the burning question of what the Spartan program was had to be asked and the details were gruesome, particularly the clones part for Ben.  At then end of the episode, FERO makes her appearance hacking into Ben’s network providing direction for Ben to take his story in, far past anything he could have imagined.

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HUNT the Truth – Who’s Listening


It had been three days since the revelation that Deon Govendor died seven years ago and since the end of Benjamin Giraud’s previous podcast, he hasn’t heard from anyone.  Petra and Ray had gone their separate ways cutting ties, which made sense given the situation.  Mashak had given him a potential breakthrough source who knew the ins and outs of ONI, but FERO was a no-show and countless attempts to contact Mashak Maradi went unanswered.  It was obvious that ONI was covering up something sinister, and Ben is actually happy knowing that Mashak was monitoring him leading up to a few days ago, but now left in the silence, he didn’t know where to turn.  The answering machine recordings he got from Mashak were frustrating and agonizing, even one that made it sound like he actually picked up.

It wasn’t much longer before he received a call from Ray, a relief to Ben knowing that nothing had happened to him and likely Mashak or Petra.  According to Ben though, Ray has never been the, “Let’s grab a drink,” guy, which Ray asked for meeting up at the Steak Dive bar located close to Ray’s home.  The bar was noisy, a good place for them to talk in private, and yes, Ben did get permission from Ray to record their conversation.  What Ben wasn’t expecting was Ray to provide more information regarding Jacob Walker.  As far as Ben knew, Ray wanted to get as far away from the story as possible, just like Petra, but if there was info to be gained, Ben was happy to entertain what Ray had.  Ray was waiting on one of his scavengers to get back to him, who was waiting on some additional military records.  ONI’s military records all checked out on Walker, but not all records are managed by ONI.

Ben's voice mailbox filled with listeners of his podcast.

Ben’s voice mailbox filled with listeners of his podcast.

Ray explains to Ben every UNSC soldier is required to sign an affidavit stating their service is voluntary, covering ONI’s back to prevent grieving families from claiming their service wasn’t.  The office created to handle the matter is such a joke that out of the more than 200,000 involuntary claims ONI has received, every ruling has gone to ONI’s favor.  When an active duty service member retires, the system is automatically supposed to update their record after 180 days.  When the records were queried for Jacob Walker, he was listed as neither active duty or as retired, in fact it was the first time the system had received a human query in over 50 years.  Ray had caught ONI’s administrative oversight and that was just the appetizer.

The audio of Jacob Walker from Ben’s recording Ray used as a voice template to search the slush of information out there for voice matches, and he struck gold.  He managed to find a car commercial from 19 years ago with Walker as the announcer selling civilian warthogs on the other side of human space where ONI military records had him stationed.  Turned out Jacob Walker was a professional voice actor.  Ben and Ray were completely entertained by the evidence, that they ordered another round of drinks, relaxing and having a good time.  Ben said it was the first time he felt normal since starting the story.  The feeling didn’t last long as thoughts in the back of his head started churning away at Walker’s fabrication of John starting boot camp at sixteen and wondering where the origin really began.  Ben knew the one person he had to talk to as soon as he left Ray, someone he totally blew off during their conversation, the ODST that was ordered to fight John, Anthony Petrovsky.

Ad for the '56 Hog that Jacob Walker was an announcer for in a commercial.

Ad for the ’56 Hog that Jacob Walker was an announcer for in a commercial.

Ben apologized to Anthony for not giving his story due credibility when they first talked.  At the time, he was still unsure of what to believe with the conflicting stories.  The first few minutes were “weird”, but Anthony opened up and said he had been listening to Ben’s podcast.  He found ONI’s actions in making up the story with glassed planets and Insurrectionists typical, obvious signs that they’re lying.  To Ben’s credit, Anthony told him the outer colonies are soaking it all in.  All their talking lead to one inevitable question that Ben didn’t want to ask; something he had avoided his entire career: the Spartan program.  It was something that civilians had no knowledge of, military leaders whispered about it and the few details that Ben had heard previously was enough to convince him that this was something he didn’t want to uncover.  Now he can’t avoid it any longer.

Ray admits all he knows is rumors, but everyone in the ranks whispers about it enough to draw some concrete conclusions.  He mentions how ONI kidnapped kids, put clones in their place as replacements doomed to die.  Families had no hope as they watched and buried who they thought were their kids, when in fact their real kids were now ONI property training to be Spartans.  About the time they were teenagers, they underwent biological augmentations, tearing up the kids and putting them back together with technology; whatever could give the government an edge.  Survival rate for something that extensive on kids can’t be high, but the ones that did survive were trained and eventually let loose to do the government’s work.  At first the Spartans were top secret and anyone in the military was told to keep word of them under wraps.  When the Covenant showed up, the Spartans were front row to everyone on Earth and were being praised for their heroism.  In Ray’s mind, the Spartans aren’t even human: not heroes, not even people.

This was the story Ben never wanted to hear: the grueling truth behind the program, yet it was the only story he had heard so far that actually made sense with the facts.  If true, this would be a good reason for ONI to bury the truth behind the Spartans.  Anthony had just broken a rigid code of silence to be upheld by the military, and when Ben asked him why, the situation explains itself.  He doesn’t care about ONI’s code and he doesn’t even blame John for what he did because he was merely carrying out orders; ONI is the real problem.  When a CPO orders his men to fight a Spartan for fun just to test out its abilities spilling his brothers’ blood, Ray doesn’t have any motivation to stand up for ONI and not afraid of retaliation either.  The current situation Ray is in has him living paycheck to paycheck, eating canned proteins, he has a titanium arm and given his living situation, says the shelter would be better than his home.  These so-called benefits he was receiving were the bare minimum and in his mind, he owed ONI no silence after serving for fifteen years going through hell with the Spartans.


Ben couldn’t take anymore; everything he had heard caused him to drift away and loose focus.  While it was somewhat callus to interrupt him, Anthony understood.  Ben found Anthony’s testimony very helpful and informative, but he needed to step back and see how it folded in with the rest of the story.  He needed to process what ONI had done, but couldn’t wrap his head around the facts, one in particular: the clones.  Grown in a lab with accelerated growth, these “kids” were taught to walk and talk not knowing who they were and when reintroduced to their “families”, in the middle of someone else’s life, were amongst strangers, to them completely lost.  The clones would then die, leaving these strangers and doctors powerless to help them.  Ben concluded ONIs plan to kidnap kids and replace them with clones wasn’t a byproduct of the Spartan program, but it was part of the plan all along.

In the middle of the night, Ben was awoken by a voice coming from his computer over one of the networks.  His communications had once again been hacked and once he realized where the voice was coming from, he started recording.  FERO had finally shown up and she let herself in.  The first words we hear Ben record indicate that she had been keeping an eye on him asking whether he listened to the facts this time.  Of course this time he has and wants nothing more than to blow the top off this story.  While he has the info, FERO doesn’t believe the news will spread as fast as it needs to.  The anomalies in deep space that Mashak told Ben about earlier are coming, spreading quickly and growing stronger.  Whatever is out there, FERO believes they should be moving faster.  She tells Ben there are friendly ears amongst the United Earth Government with real power who have been kept in the dark on what ONI has done.  If they heard Ben’s story, she believes they would come down on ONI hard.  FERO tells Ben there are high ranking senators who have not heard about any of this and need to hear his story with ONI brass in the room at the same time so they don’t have the chance to twist his story.  As Ben eloquently points out, he’s not in the position to just call up senators and ONI to a roundtable discussion.  FERO’s solution to that is to create panic within the public by giving them hard truths, something ugly that ONI can’t contain.  Ben starts to glean towards the ONI coverup of the Spartan program.  FERO says that will get the senator’s riled up but the public needs something more imminent, something that will make the headlines and spread like wildfire.  While Ben’s story will do well in the outer colonies, it’s to complex and historical to have an impact elsewhere than just a slow burn.  She continues on suggesting a message to the public that everyone is about to die, giving them something that will catch their attention.  Once the fire is blazing and the senators and ONI brass are all in the same room, FERO will open the doors for Ben giving him the opportunity to lay everything out and expose the coverup.

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Waypoint Update: May 12th


May’s content update for the Master Chief Collection is slated to be a big one with the ODST remaster and the new Halo 2: Anniversary map Remnant, the remake of Relic.  There’s no specific news on what patches will come to the game, but more details will be available as the time draws to a close for the update.  The Halo 2: Anniversary playlist has been updated to 4v4 as well as Rumble Pit to 6-8 players, and they’re still focusing on making BTB up to 8v8 players.

The newest featured playlist, Team Objective, landed earlier this week featuring all five games and SWAT is now a permanent playlist.  The Halo: CE playlist will now have the first two slots as slayer variants per community feedback and are looking into getting the radar remove from the appropriate gametypes in this playlist.  Map additions include Burial Mounds in Halo 2 Classic, Exile and Harvest CTF in Halo 4, Longest in Team slayer and reduced the occurrence of Team BRs on Warlock in H2A.  Halo 3 map variants and the Halo Championship Series playlist have also been updated.  Ranks will be coming to Halo: CE, Halo 2 Classic, Halo 3, Halo 4 and Team Hardcore leaving the other playlists still skill matched, but unranked.

HCS Season 2 Online Cup 2 is going on this week preceding another five online cups leading up to PGL Indianapolis, which will offer $50K in prize money.  If you missed any of the Iron Games Atlanta action or need an update on season two, then Bravo has you covered with the latest HCS update.

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Halo Championship Series – Season 2 Update 1

Bravo is here bringing us the latest info on the Halo Championship Series season two.  Things have been off to a rough start for the online tournaments following the pre-season online cups and the Iron Games Atlanta LAN, but we saw Xbox Live hold out for the first online cup to take place this past weekend.  Before diving into the season two info, we learn the MVP of HCS season one voted on by the community was Snip3down. The inevitable roster changes known as “Roster-mania” took place during the off season: Bravo addressing the more notable changes and players talking about how they feel these changes will impact season two.

If you weren’t able to tune into Iron Games Atlanta to catch the kick-off LAN for season two, fret not as Bravo and Goldenboy give you the rundown on how the weekend progressed with Evil Geniuses taking first, $10K and 600 HCS points.  If you want to know how EG pulled out the win on the final match, Bravo has you covered there to with a play-by-play analysis of the last flag run to secure the win.  PGL Indianapolis will be the next LAN event June 26-28th before the finals in July.  With the shuffling of the online cups due to Xbox Live issues, here’s the updated schedule.


Come discuss the Halo Championship Series in our new dedicated forum. BTW, wasn’t that intro awesome?

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Podtacular 481: Signal Hunters

Following the April Content Update, we were grace with a detailed community update from Bravo detailing some of the changes that came with the patch, how quitting and betrayals are treated, how reputation plays into matchmaking, and updates regarding MCC playlists.  The Hunt the Signal contest has officially started in conjunction with Hunt the Truth requiring fans to solve puzzles for a chance to get their faces featured in Halo 5: Guardians.  In a video recorded during EGL’s Battle of Europe during HCS Season One, Frank O’Conner, Franchise Director for Halo discusses the difference in development for MCC and Halo 5: Guardians.  Lastly, the largest fan-made Halo diorama was reported on by Polygon and looks friggin’ sweet.

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