(hosts Foo Mo Jive, JVB, doodirock)
The Flamethrower should be pretty fun considering the fact that it won’t
be a continuous stream of fire. As for the fourth grenade i thought it
would be some sort of a pipe bomb based on the screenshots and i am
totally pumped to burn some brutes and roast some wrongdoers. Finally no
clan support just kills me inside. But, Bungie did say in the podcast that
we could still set up some sort of clans and organize matches over
Apparently the only game that had real success with clans was Halo 2 and
now they take it away from Halo 3? It seems like Bungie tried to phase out
Clans before by getting rid of their Clan Matches earlier in the second
year of the game, but clans still set up links with other clans and play
successful games. Personally, I would like Clans in Halo 3 and clan
matches in Halo 2 because clans just team up in a Matchmade games and ruin
the experience by being cocky and arrogant (also Usually wearing the same
exact color, just a pet peeve of mine). Also, another reason is that the
Actual Xbox Live Service wanted to phase out clan support due to low
usage, besides Halo 2…
Thanks for all Fragged Trucks…
Also, my condolences to CoreyFear, the communities prayers and thoughts
are with you.
Finally, a napalm grenade! That will work great in narrow hallways and
small entrances to bases. This will be awesome in campaign mode, I wonder
what will happen if you throw one at a pack of grunts? This should work
great on the flood. I wonder if it’s Forerunner or Human?
I hate that the clans are not in HALO 3. It was like a second friends list
and I liked that I could join people that i didn’t send a f/r. I guess it
will work to some extent with the recent players list. I will miss it
though. (I cant wait to buy some Game Fuel and Game Fuel Slurpees!!!)
I am a long time listener of the show, and I’d like to declare myself
“Friend of the Program”, I’m very happy to see the community grow and
continue to bring strong Halo content each and every week. Foo Mo, JVB
you guys do a nice job of keeping the listeners informed and entertained,
keep on doing a great job. Essentially I want to say I am so excited for
Halo 3, I’ve got the game pre-ordered a 4 differnet places just to get the
midnight game on. But here’s the kicker, the other day I’m at the grocerie
store and I see Mountain Dew Game fuel and Master Chief on the box. Holy
S#^& this is cool, so I bought 16 packs this was everything this store
had, my wife thinks I have lost my mind, I guess I have so much caffine
will do that. Anyway heres to all that is awesome in the Halo Universe
let it continue to expand, So Keep on drinking gamer fuel and game 100 lbs
in 42 days, until H3 arrives, and I’ll continue to be a friend of the
program. Later Jigsawskill
First the firebomb and flamethrower. The firebomb is a great idea and I
love everything about it. The flamethrower, eh, not so much. I remember
the flamethrower bungie added to Halo PC and it was crap unless you camped
with it in your base but half the time you would burn yourself because the
flame bounced off walls. I hope Bungie has tweaked it to make it a more
viable weapon this time around. I also heard that they will burn parts of
the environment such as trees and bushes. I remember back in an old, old
screenshot of Valhalla some of the trees were charred and dead. Maybe
that was the result of a firebased weapon? We will all know come Sept
Second, I am totally doing the Dew. I LOVE Mountain Dew. Once I see some
I am buying it.
Now on to the most hotly debated topic, NO CLANS. Personally this is not
a big deal for me. Why you ask? Because, while it was great to have the
extra space, you can only play with those friends in your clan on Halo. I
already have all the people from my clan that I play with on my F/L because
we play other games too. So really my Clan is already on my friends list.
There is one thing that Microsoft should do to fix this. Instead of
adding a “clan blade” for every game, just give us 100 more friend slots. Even though Major Nelsen said “who needs more then 100 friends?” those of
us in the 360 community that belong to multiple communities need that
space. It just makes sense ya know?
Also I would like to give a quick shoutout to all who have voluteered to
help with the Review Frenzy (the official Podtacular community Review
Team) and especially to CapnKrunk for his help in setting us up some stuff
on the site to make it easier for me and the crew to work.
The new fire weapons are just awesome. I counted and at this point there
are 24 weapons thats 3 times as many as halo 1. I am Happy that now
there are as many gernades as haol 2 just spread over different types. The
loss of clan support means little to me because i never used it, but i
could see how it could hurt the community. I think the bungie.net team
system, whatever it is, should make up for it. Keep on burning stuff.
Awesome about the new fire weapons (Firebomb grenade and Flamethrower),
they’ll add another level of depth to the game. I can picture a wall of
fire in the center of Valhalla coming in handy to fend off enemies.
Hopefully the Firebomb won’t easily spread too much fire but remain useful
with just one, I can picture them being overused in Skirmish games and I’m
just hoping thats not the case.
But the no clan support was a large hit to me, it might come in
Downloadable Content but I’m not sure. However, I’ve been hearing rumours
about a clan blade coming in the next Dashboard Update. That or a larger
friends list would help with the problem.
Wow, lot’s of fire stuff now. Maybe Bungie is made of pyros? Nah, but the
flamethrower and flame bombs should definitely alter game play a bit. One
question that arises in me is will it affect the surroundings much, as in,
if your playing in a very grass and flammable objects heavy level and you
throw a flame bomb or use the flamethrower, will the fire light up the
area or literally “set the night on fire”? If you could do this, with
either real-time or sped up damage to the environment, maybe you could use
this to an advantage, say, if you could light a tree on fire to have it
topple in the way of an advancing Warthog or Mongoose.
Also, no clan support is a letdown, but if there’s another option that is
a void-filler, then it should be o.k., I hope.
The cross-promoting most likely will affect the market, because for one,
Halo is so big, I’m kinda surprised there’s been so LITTLE cross-promotion
for Halo 3. The new H3 Dew I personally haven’t tried, and I’ve heard
mixed stories about it. Some say it tastes like cherry medicine mixed
with Mountain Dew, and some others say it’s really good. If it’s better
then Baja Blast, then I’ll like it. And the Halo 3 Pontiac would kinda be
just a Halo 3 ad on wheels. Though the thought of driving around in a Halo
3-mobile sounds exciting, how many do ya think there gonna release? My
guess is that there going to be pretty expensive too. Who knows, but I
know I don’t.
This is my 1st submit. Ive been listening since episode 93 and i gonnta say
this podcast is awesome. But to talking about the Flamethrower. I have Halo
Pc and I thought the Flamethrower sucked! It just sprayed in the diretion
and u had to be super close for it to do anything. But on the Plus side it
looked pretty cool. But its a real bummer that the clan support is being
taken away. I think it will take alot away from halo 3. I dont think
people are going to want to go on the internet just to look at their
team/clan. Quick shoutout to JVB’S Wife
It seems like the firebomb is more of a tactical weapon than a offensive
weapon, because it appears as if it would take longer for you to burn
through someone’s shield and armor than say a quick ‘nade and headshot
or a simple stick. It’s also more easily moved but also doesn’t have as
much “fuel” as the flamethrower. But I can’t help but wonder if it’ll
have an effect on the “extra gas tanks” seen by the warthogs in
Valhalla. If it does you could drop a boat load of gas tanks in forge and
start toasting marshmallows around the campfire in no time. It could also
be useful on sandtrap where there are plenty of vehicles and supposedly
gas tanks. Keep on toasting mallows!
WOW what a shocker. You would think Bungie would know to put the clans in
because of all the people that will be playing halo and all of the
previous clans from halo 2. its also alot easier to just have an extra
page for your Clan. Managing Clans over the internet is fine but i think
it would just be easier to put it in the game. -gee tha newbie
Hey guys it AERO! The firebomb sounds like a tactical addition. You can use
it to cover your retreat out of the base during CTF!
Cant wait for September 25! Keep up the great work guys!
the flame thrower finaly they add this into the game i don’t think its
strictly necessary but it is a cool little weapon be sides if given to a
camper in a CTF match any one who tries to take the flag could find them
self at a spartan…(sigh)fine or elite Bar BQ (personally i think that
any one killing some one with a flamethrower should say “so what you want
rare medium or well done sucka??
” with the heavy new york
fire bombs could be fun but i think i’ll wait to see more about them
before commenting more then saying they could help start the spartan Bar
ok now to the most depressing part of of this podcast no clan support (JVB
start playing a very slow violin)...why, why, WHY!!!! HOW COULD THEY DO
THIS TO US!!!! (sniff) thats almost like telling us that the masterchiefs
a baboon its more than a major blow to halo players and communitys its a
stirke at the heart!
now away from the sadness promo stuff yeah the promo stuff is prettey cool
like the mountain dew “game feul”more caffine and more sugar amasing to us
gamers but worse then a nightmare to parents, girl friends and wives all
over the world(unless they also play halo)
well thats all for me so until next time keep on fraggin trucks
oh and shout outs to angel levithan, greeneggsandsam, the ultimate whale,
the purple sausage, lilkuke, the first marine, tstir, hirchberger, and
Sw33tb4yb3 you all know who you are…i hope.
I’ve heard mixed opinions about the flamethrower. Some people say it’s an
awesome weapon while others say its cheep and there’s no way to really
defend against it at a close range. The flamethrower might be like the
fuel rod cannon from halo 2 were you can only use it in campaign.
Personally I think it would be a great edition to the Chief’s arsenal of
deadly weapons. I could also see it as a good way to defeat sword users if
your not good on enough with the shotgun. Also I think it would be pretty
cool if you could use the flamethrower to roast some one inside of a tank.
Keep on fraggin trucks.
Gamertag:Gun Monkey 64
1. The flamethrower: My goodness. Doesn’t it seem like they are just throwing weapons at us? Anyways, I honestly don’t know what the flamethrower is for. It’s not anti-vehicle. I suppose it’ll do great on defense in CTF or Assault. “Dude, there’s a guy trying to…” insert flamethrower noise here “Nevermind”
2. Firebombs: Finally, the anti vehicle grenade. Again, it seems like they are just throwing grenades at us, but I digress… I could see this being used to cover a flag capture on Highground or something like that.
3. No clan support! Umm, gay. Not much else to say.Clans weren’t exactly central to the Halo 2 online experience, but It was a good way to get some buds togeather and frag it out. I can’t blame Bungie though, I doubt that the clan play lists were played very often. Still though, I’ll miss it.
4. Promo stuff. I’ll probably buy the BK survival kit or whatever. Also, I tried ’’Game Fuel”, and it’s not that great. It’s like a mix of code red and livewire, and not in a good way. I’ll take a pepsi max instead.
Flamethrower = :)
Fire bomb = :)
For some reason, there is no halo 3 mountain dew ANYWHERE!!! i’ve looked
and looked and it is nowhere. its sad.
ZOMG, NO CLAN SUPPORT! That sucks, but theres gonna be some cool new
features on b.net so that may compensate.
Second the flamethrower is back after it’s hayday in Halo: CE. I just jope
they got rid of the suckassyness that the thing was full of. It’s been said
that is capable of 9, 3 second bursts which sounds cool, excspecially on
the back of a Mongoose flaming people as you drive past.
Next the new Brute grenade, it seems alot like the Incinendary (LOLZ
SPEELING ERORRZ!)grenade from Rainbows Six Vegas. This seems like its a
good addition to the grenade line up, but I was hoping to see another
human grenade type. It’s just a pity the T.V can’t send out the smell of
burning Brutes.
And the promo stuff makes me cry. The fact that I live in the UK sucks
because Mountain Dew was taken off the shelves a few years ago and i want
be able to get any of the Halo 3 related awsomeness :( i guess the game
will have to do.
Well thats all from me, keep on frogblasting ventcores, talking stuff,
fragging trucks and flaming brutes.
About the Incendiary grenade, I was reading the info on Bungie and it said
that the killing radius of the blast is 8 feet. I don’t know bout you guys
but don’t you think it is a little too big?
I just wanted to start off by saying this is my first week listening to
Podtacular, and I think you guys are great. I know its not likely this’ll
get read on the air, especially because its pretty long.
1. The flamethrower was an interesting weapon in the PC version of Halo.
It worked almost like a cross between a plasma weapon and a human weapon.
You reload it like a human weapon, but it overheats like a plasma weapon.
When you are far away, the flamethrower obviously doesn’t work at all, but
at short range it was a powerhouse. You did have to watch out, because even
the little splash damage it sends out could easily drain the shields of you
or your teammates. If the battle was close, and your opponent prevailed,
you still had a chance to kill him with the flame damage they took over
In maps like Valhalla, the flamethrower will probably not even be included
in it as default spawns. Smaller maps, especially maps with a lot of
corners will allow you to close in on your opponents and use this to
greater effect. On those maps, there will likely be one of these weapons
and control over the weapon will probably mean control over the map.
2. Most people will probably think in terms of a flag carrier running,
with a teammate dropping a firebomb down a hallway to prevent people from
getting through. One of my main thoughts actually happens on Snowbound.
I’ll be throwing them against shield doors as I’m going through to bounce
them back onto attackers. I might score a kill, but at least I can stop an
attacker in his tracks due to the close quarters of this level. My last
scenario will be on any territories match. This will be a great way to
keep people out of a territory near the end of a match when it goes to
sudden death.
3. What I’m going to guess is that they’ll essentially create a clan
section on B.net, and give you a basic little site to organize practice
times etc. It may have some forums and other stuff like that. And I think
this will really help, because clans will have a common thread together.
They’ll be based off of b.net, and they can find each other that much
easier. With that in mind, there may be a tracker for the clans, so that
you can challenge another clan and it keeps tabs on your stats and
win/losses with those clans. Do I know for sure? Well, no, but its a
My only real disappointment is that I was holding out for a lobby you
could sit in with all your clanmates and just talk like an IRC chatroom,
but with added voice functionality for people with mics. I know that might
be laggy, but it could be just like an IRC chatroom where you could mute a
channel except for someone with voice privileges, etc. I know this is just
a silly pipe dream, but it would be cool.
4. Promo stuff. I bet you can’t wait to get your hands on the Halo 3
Pontiac G6! Or maybe the Mountain Dew Halo 3 “game fuel” with even MORE
caffeine and sugar?! What do you think of these cross promotions? Do you
think people will buy a pontiac because it’s related to Halo, or Halo
because they just bought that pontiac??
Halo is a marketer’s wildest dream. This game inspires such loyalty in its
fanbase, that Mountain Dew sales will go up quite a bit just because it has
the word Halo on it. I don’t think that pontiac sales will suddenly go
through the roof, simply because, it is so much it is so much more
expensive compared to the game.
Thanks for reading my wall of text if you managed to make it this far, or
if you scrolled all the way to the bottom.
Man, the Halo machine has geared up. The marketing for the game astounds
me. I can’t believe that anyone would buy into that stuff. By the way,
drinking Game Fuel while eating Blazin’ Buffalo & Ranch Doritos are
delicious. I think that Halo 3 is being quite overmarketed. I mean, I
don’t mind, as I am a sucker for promotions like that, but even I am
starting to get annoyed by Halo 3 at every turn. A Halo 3 Game Fuel RSS
Reader? Come on. Don’t get me wrong, I preordered Legendary. I’m going for
it at midnight on the 25th. I drink Game Fuel. I eat, sleep, and breathe
Halo 3. But when you start giving away Halo 3 cars? I think it’s Microsoft
is cranking the Halo 3 promotions far past 11.
Hey guys it’s me babam and here’s what I think
1. The Flamethrower is finnaly back! yay! I love it in Halo PC, and I
can’t wait to play with it in Halo 3, anyways here’s how it works,
it spews fire a short distance,and does intial contact damage, and then a
little bit of burn affect damage, because the flames lingerd for a while,
but that also meant you could run into them also, and in a firefight, you
could die from your own fire
2. no clans wtf bungie, clans are what made Halo 2, I mean maybe a web
thingy would be nice, but seriously no clans? clans were great, it allowed
me to see if people were on that weren’t on my friends list because mine is
full up on people, but now we don’t have that, cmon bunbie..
3. Incendinary Grenades sound sweet, I actually saw something about them
in the Art of Halo Book, they were going to be shot out of the brute shot,
but they changed that in the end, strangly, it did look like the flash bang
concept, but the two pieces of concept art did look alike
4. Halo 3 Themed PS3’s coming to you
I think the cross marketing is kinda stupid but, I just might pick up some
gamefuel for the heck of it
WOOT! WOOT! we finaly know the flamethrower is in for sure. this was my
favourite weapon from halo pc and I can’t wait to see what it does in
halo3. for those that never played the pc version here’s a common
Player 1 enters a long dark halway and turns a corner to find Player 2
standing there in wait holding the flamethrower. as Player 1 turns to run
away like a girly-man Player 2 hoses him down with about half his tank and
admires the soft light coming from Player 1’s still burning corpse.
Who’s up for smores?
Holey Babam! This is nuts!!! This morning i could practicaly hear the halo
fanatics squel with glee. The new halo pontiac will be awesome, if only i
could drive… I wish that i could get some game fuel, but i don’t live
near a 7-11 so i have to import mine directly from portugal. In an earlier
forum, i posted that the flamethrower might cum back and be usefull against
the flood. the new grenade will be aweeeeesooome. Now we just have to make
up a silly name for it. one last thing, Isn’t burger king suposed to have
a halo deal?? If that question has been rendered MOOT by the time your
read you don’t have to answer.
Keep on huggin Gerbils,
OMG, the flamethrower! Bungie is bringing back the flamethrower! In Halo PC, the flamethrower was the ultimate ownage device. The M7057
Defoliant Projector could produce a cloud of fire at least two meters long
and turn anyone unfortunate enough to be standing anywhere near the
flamethrower into a burned corpse in less than twelve seconds. And not
only is the flame extremely powerful, but the melee is too! Yet despite
it’s power and awesome design, nobody really used the flamethrower. At
least that’s what it seemed like to me… Anyways, I’m really excited
about the new flamethrower and the potential it may hold.
Well Hello podtacular. Oddtre here, listener since episode 89 and i’ve
enjoyed every second of them. Won’t give you any background about me yet,
but i just wanted to know if any one else saw what i saw.
1. In the September issue of EGM, there where a couple of things that
caught my eye. On page 71 there is a custom spartan in the upper left hand
corner, he’s holding a weapon that i had never seen before. Has anyone
ever seen this?
2. Has anyone notice the new permentation C.Q.B. looks alot like Metroid
Primes helmet. Weird that they where feature in the same issue.
But, those are my pressing issues right know, o and about the
flamethower…... lame not a weapon i’m looking forward to, but then again
i always tell my friends like i did in Halo 1, if you don’t like being
pistol wiped then get out of my way. But, well see i may like the thing.
O and hey, does anyone know how the “elephant” well work, meaning who the
hell is driving that thing, his life my really suck to be stuck with such
a lame job.
alright pod guys later
keep on goosen!
These new weapons will “spice” up Halo to homocidal proportions! Imagine
seeing an enemy about to run out of your base and then BABAM!! you
throw down a flame grenade and cut him off. And speaking of
From the man that gave you Mongoose Baseball, comes the game that’ll burn
you up! FLAMING NINJA!!!
What you need: TONS of flame grenades
swords/brute spiker (anything with a blade)
How it’s played:
Set up the crates into tall shafts. Then, place the either on top of the
crates or set up the crates so that the players can jump onto them. once
everybody is on top of the crates, set the ground on fire so that if you
fall off you die. The only weapons are the Brute Spiker, the Brute Shot,
or the Energy Sword so that all of the players have weapons with blades
attached to them. Melee attacks only. This will be a challenge as you
have to try and kill the others without falling into the fire.
Crank up the Johny Cash (Ring of Fire) and you’re good to go!
Shout outs this week go to CrimsonViper and Jeverage. And now in Video
Game show fashion, I would like to give Microsoft a slice of Shattered
Dream Pie.
First I am happy that the flamethrower is being brought back since its use
in Halo Multiplayer. The flamethrower in halo was good at taking out
people but since it will be ample to take out vehicles much better in Halo
3, it will cause lots of havoc during a game. The Firebomb is also a neat
weapon so that it will make it easier for the other team to get the flag
and escape then it was in Halo and Halo 2 were the people taking the flag
could get easily killed. The Firebomb will be a great new edition to the
arrange of weapons already in Halo 3.
the flame thrower in halo pc was manly multilayer not used at all if i
remember right and in h3 gameplay it probebly take out flood pretty easy
and could be just a another fun heppon
Hey guys, hope you folks are as ecstatic as I am about the new flame
Anyways, I have an idea about using the new weapons in CTF, particularly
the flame bomb. In a CTF game on High Ground near the door opening area
(if it’s open), a flag stealer tries to run away through that open area,
while a guy on the opposite end throws a flame bomb and creates a wall of
flame where he’s stuck inside a HALO-OVEN-OF-DOOM!!!
On a side note, when the flag stealer fries to death and drops the
flag,...I suppose one person needs to commit suicide because he/she will
need to stay long enough in the “Halo-Oven” to retrieve back the flag…
oh well, all for one and one for all right?
Well its my first time sending in something so here goes
I own halo PC and play it alot…the flamethrower is one of my favorite
weapons. It shoots a jet of fire (obviously) a pretty fair distance and
has a fairly wide range. I find it works best in unshielded gametypes
because it takes a while to take down the shields and is excellent on
small maps. All in all i think it is a good addition to the halo 3 armory
and i am interested as to how it will be incorporated into the campaign
shout out to everyone on the IRC
truthfully i heard about this flame thrower and i was like why bungie why
i realy didnt need a wepon like that and the fire grenade were does bungie get of hahahaha
i mean ok it cold of been i dont know a snow grenade no no scractch that a tennis ball shoting squirl grenade alright so i cant think of a good grenade so i guess a fire grenade is
cool i just wanna know were ther gunna be puting all the wepons because in the
beta the were all spaced out and fun but if they have a millone wepons. and yes on the track bungies going they
will have a millone soon will it just be i walk o press x pick up wepon 0
presh x pick up wepon
aside that the game looks awsome and i think the flame thrower is a ok gun
since its been in halo befor one more thing i bet it will kick the floods crazy mutated butts thanks if so have jvb read this one so he can add his random arnald
moments ok thank keep on fragind elphants with tennis ball shoting squirl
Wow the game is looking awesome right now. First off the flamethrower! The
wepan looks
Im so exited it will finnaly come to a halo game. I would of like the
flame thrower to be a 1st person weapon instead of a third tho. If its
uber powerful than I guess Ill be ok, but Id still like to be on the back
of a mongoose shooting flames to unlucky people behind me, and will you be
able to start with a flamethrower? It would be cool if you could have a
flame match but u might not even be able to start with one.The fourth
grenade looks awesome too. but you think that having 4 nades is gonna be
hard to switch between. In halo 2 its easy. You walk close to a guy, see
you have a frag out switch nades then BAABAAM you stick the guy. In halo
three your skipping down the beach turn a corner and see somebody and by
the time you switch your nades hes burnt you to pieces. Even tho these new
things look cool they might take time to get used too. Also not having
clans is gonna be terrible. I really had my hopes up with that. I was
thinking that maby they will give you an extra fr for halo 3 because I
WILL NOT be able to fit all the people in my clan to my friends list. The
new updates for halo 3 always are awesome and I cant wait for the game to
The Halo Flamethrower is a powerful close combat weapon, no spraying and
praying involved. The flamethrower makes a wall of fire that hides you in
it’s cloud and people trying to shoot you from the front are lucky to land
a shot on you before they die. If you try to come from behind to attack
the flamethrower, he can quickly turn around and burn you down. The only
way to safely get rid of the guy with the flamethrower is to keep your
distance, and hose him down. The flamethrower also works well against
persons in vehicles. Since the vehicles in Halo 1 didn’t blow up, the
people were helpless if they got a good dose and didn’t bail out.
The flamethrower in Halo 3 will be interesting weapon of choice in my
opinion. It will probably still be a close range weapon and very
effective against vehicles. I don’t know if Bungie will make any
balancing to the weapon, so I would anticipate it would just be like the
Halo 1 flamethrower.
Hello Foo Mo, JVB and strange diabetic person, Its Xx 4V3NG3R xX!!
Here are my thoughts.
1. at first, I was suprised to see the flamethrower in the beta code and
now happy that it was confirmed in halo 3. When I read it would fire short
bursts, I was a little dissapointed because, I always wanted to see what a
burning flying vehicle would look like when taking continuous splash
damage from the flamethrower like in Halo PC where you could hold the
trigger to fire continuously.
2. The firebomb is the best addition Bungie made to Halo 3 yet! I loved
the idea of making fire walls in CTF. In Halo PC if u shoot a wall with
the flamethrower, u could ignite yourself and make you a mobile torch.
Although when I do that in Halo PC I never get to someone in time and kill
myself which was sad.
3. No clan support isnt a big problem for me because, I could never get
anyone in my clan in Halo 2 also having to manage a website for the clan,
manage the recruits, uniforms, rules and etc. is really hard for me.
This is Xx 4V3NG3R xX and keep on sculpting statues of Foo Mo Jive
hey its onlyUPS. I havent written in awhile but when i saw that there would
be no clan support in Halo 3, I was pretty disappointed. Even though i
hardly played the “clanmatch” in Halo 2’s matchmaking, it was always nice
to have an extra 100 people to play and hang out with. I am wondering how
Podtacular will make-do with no clan support.
So the flamethrower and the fire type grenade have been announced. I hope
this ends up better than the Halo PC version. It was like a cross between
the sentinel beam and shotgun except it was pure suck. If you walked
forward while firing it you would take damage from the flames and it
didn’t do anything but get it the way. It ended up killing more allies
than enemies. It ran on fuel like the plasma rifle or sentinel beam, but
never overheated. Also if hit people would take extra damage because they
would catch on fire. I hope this new grenade will be useful because all it
sounds like is anti-personnel frag grenade. This clan thing could end up really badly if Bungie doesn’t find a way to
fix it. I hope the limit for teams is big enough to be a good replacement.
I got my hands on the mountain dew game fuel and it tastes great. Better
than normal dew and not as good as livewire. It tastes like orange mixed
with melted slurpies. Shout out to Rec E and our special new member!
Keep on talkin stuff
AY!!!! It’s MUY CALIENTE! lovin’ the hot stuff… here’s my spec on the new H3 announcements.
-Flamethrower!! even though i only have the Halo PC demo, the flamethrower
is a sweet weapon and will definitely be useful in multiplayer and possibly
campaign. there’s even a medal for “Incinerating” someone on XBL.
-Incendiary grenades are a popular concept, but I never thought they would
make their way into Halo 3. Maybe the incineration medal will be used for
these too. And I’m not sure, but I think the Bungie page said they stick
to people. maybe just the incendiary substance does after activation.
- No clans? must suck. I’m not big into clans, because I’ve never been
in one. maybe if i could try it i would, but either way i know that this
is a big deal because obviously so many people were hoping for this. but
i have a question for the community: which would you rather online co-op or clan support? I’m not saying the presence of one caused
the lack of the other, but you never know.
-Sugar! Caffeine! Vitamin deficiency! have fun fine-tune sniping with
this stuff in your system. like someone on VGS said, your character will
start shaking in-game. yeah, I love Mountain Dew, and Monster Energy is
my favorite drink of all time. It’s kind of like they’re combined now. I
can’t wait to try it!
Thanks for reading my tip and keep on incinerating flamethrowers. And a shoutout to Coreyfear. I don’t know you, but I’m praying for you,
hey podtacular, its Dawg Biscuit. i just wanted to say, the Halo 3 Dew is
amazing. i drank one 3 hours ago and i feel like fully awake, it tastes
good but has a funny medicine aftertaste. anyways, the flametrower was
good in halo pc, and its gonna be better in halo 3. the fire grenade looks
awesome too, ill just have to see how good it is on september 25th. im
going to my local gamestop at 12 on the 24th then playing for an hour or
two, then maybe fake sick so i can stay home and play it. anyways, halo 3
is getting closer everyday.
~Dawg Biscuit
Until next time I’m Foo Mo Jive (and this is)