Podtacular: The Unofficial Halo Universe Podcast

Podtacular Episode 140: Multiplayer tips and Map of the Month: Standoff
for the week of December 18th, 2007

(hosts foo mo, JVB, Klutch27, Nelson)


Security Armor
Security Shoulder Armor

You unlock the Security Armor in Halo 3 by getting Gamerscore in the Game
(ie: unlock achievements). To get the Shoulder Armor, you will need to
rack up a whopping 700-850 GS (it seems to vary for some reason).

Note: There is a known glitch in the game that will not allow players to
unlock the Security Shoulders sometimes.

hey guys the always insane heavyfire grunt agien my tip for stand off is
too grab a br and eather stay at your base or flank the other team my
other tip is too grap the rockets or spl and get in a wort hog and lay
seige to the other team well thats all and keep on fraging manbearpig’s and a shout out to every one at rooster teath .com http://rvb.roosterteeth.com/members/profile.php?uid=569261

it’s my first time writing for the show, but I think I have some good tips
for Standoff. The first thing you need to do when you spawn or respawn is
to get a secondary weapon, or else you will die again and again and again
on this map. If it’s team slayer, make sure you get the right guns to blow
off the vehicles (Splazer, rocket and such). If you’re playing objective
gametypes, only use the vehicles to get across the map quickly on both
sides. Finally, my main advice on this map: if you really need to get to
the center of the map, make it quick because there’s
splazer/needler/turret only waiting for easy kills (and bad deaths for
you). I hope you like my simple advices. Keep on fraggin’ trucks and
anything with wheels (including unicycles…)

Before I start (wait, I already have… nevermind) I would like to say that
Standoff is the best map in the whole game!

In any game type, more in CTF, it is usually a great advantadge if you can
get into the opposing teams base and open up their door/windows so that you
have more entry/exit routes.

On CTF, once you have captured the flag and you are going at full gallop
on your steed (mongoose) back to your castle, it’s best to use the entry
at the back how it sort of slopes down into the base. If done right, the
mongoose can go right into the base for a safe ‘drop-off.’

If the other team has someone shooting from the turret on the top of the
base, I find it best to go on top of your own base and shoot him down from
there because by the time he realises where it’s coming from, it will be
impossible for him to kill you.

Keep on fraggin’ trucks.

Hey Podtacular! Congrats on Episode 140! Only 10 more and we can have a
real celebration!

Anyways, Standoff. Awesome map! My favorite out of the three. This is a
perfect map for sniping. So, if you are a good sniper, camp on top of one
of the tall hills, and snipe to your heart’s content.
Another strategy is specifically for Assault. I played neutral assault
yesterday and got owned bacause of this one trick. So, when you’re
planting the bomb, stand right behind the doorway leading into the base
that you’re arming it in, so that the team coming in trying to disarm the
bomb can’t see you. Make sure you have a shotgun, and just nail everyone
who tries to come in. Also have some of your teammates guard the other
entrances to the arming destination. Also, use the mongoose to drive the
bomb holder, this is the fastest way to do it.
You also need to utilize the most important vehicle on this map: the
Warthog. When you spawn, just pile you and your teammates into it, and go
get some kills! The mongooses are also important. Mainly because they can
fit through almost all the doorways. I was chasing someone with the bomb
yesterday through almost every door with a mongoose.
Great job, guys and keep up the good work!
Keep on fraggin’ marines who want shotgun seat in a warthog, but then
decide to walk instead.


yes forth submission. ok so standoff is one of my favorite maps. mainly
because there is no sniper, I am very bad with the sniper except for some
reason on shotty sniper I am really good weird. in basically all objective
games it helps to have the rear entrance open. this is done by going in the
first room on the lower level and pushing the switch to open the windows. a
good stratagy for VIP is to let the VIP get a close range weapon and have
him camp in the hallway where the door opens. he shouldn’t need to many
guards because he has an overshiel. if the door does open the VIP should
abandon his post and stay near the top of the base. with no shiper he is
safe in the open, sort of. sorry about my last post. it had many spelling
errors. I hope this one is a lot better.

At the very begining of the match do not take the warthog even though
it’s tempting make sure you secure your rocket and the spartan laser but
after both or all anti-vechile weapons are secure gun and splatter every
last enemy or friendly units. Keep on fraging fragers!!!!!!

Hey podtacular I have a small but good tip here that works well when having
the Laser and a BR . The open heli pad marked “3” located behind the one
base is highest and best vantage point on the map making it easy to laser
anything clear accross the map. This point is also nice because once you
run out of laser juice and the enemy team seeks revenge upon you, their
vehicles (if you did not already destroy them) cannot make it up the
concrete retaing wall around the heli pad putting distance between you
them for a easy BR kill. Keep up the good work, love the podcast, Foo mo
pony up and get the new maps already, and keep on fraggin yellow bellied
newbie lizards.

Juiced Pirate

Эй парни, русский здесь с некоторыми
советами для красивой карты
противостояния. (Yeah, that is real Russian. How you
pronounce any of it, I have no clue, but it looks cool.) Translation: Hey
guys, Russian here with some tips on the beautiful map of Standoff. I
haven’t played many games at all on this map, but, I learned a lot by just
playing a few times. First off, communication is crucial on this map. It
doesn’t matter whether it is CTF, assualt, or just plain team slayer, you
need to talk to your team. There are so many places for people to hide
that you can get ambushed anywhere, letting your teammates know where
these ambushes might be, or are if you accidentally trigger or see one, is
very helpful to the rest of your team.
Control of the Warthog is key. In one of the games I played, a total noob
decided to take the Warthog at the beggining of the game, with no one in
it. Needless to say, it was destroyed shortly after. The opposing team on
the other hand was smart enough to have someone on the turret when they
took their Warthog out. Within minutes, the other team had the entire map
locked down and we could do barely anything. Their Warthog was driving
around and gunning us down non-stop. So in otherwords, controlling the
Warthog is key to this map. If you have a good driver and gunner, you are
almost guaranteed to win the match.

Well, that is all I have for this week. Hope it helps. Like to give a
shout out to the Podtacular Marines, the usuals Sqweryl, drivec, and
Dude5486, and to Rec Clan A. Keep on fragging those troublesome hairy
Russian yeti’s that are often confused as being Russian women.
Российское заканчивание. (Russian signing out.)

What’s up Podtacular,

Psalm 116 here to share some tips for the Halo 3 grinder’s out there. My tip for Standoff applies more for CTF (capture the flag game):
1) Do not flip the switch inside the base, this will help eliminate a viewpoint for the other team and help conceal your strategy for guarding the flag; Use your radar and communicate with your team to know where the enemies are.
2) Using weapons for right tactic is just as important as team play; example, If you choose to leave a player inside the base to guard the flag, allow them to grab the shotgun for close quarter combat and have another team member use the Rocket launcher inside the base for greater splash damage.
3) When you are on the offense, distract your enemies while someone on your team sneaks into the base using the camouflage and place a mongoose in a strategic location for a quick escape.

My team slayer tips are more thoughts to think about than actual gameplay:

If your team decides to work in pairs, try to complement each other’s weapons; have you or your teammate grab a weapon that will deplete your enemies shield while your partner carries a weapon that will finish your opponent off! I promise you, if you incorporate weapon selection into your strategy or tactic, your efficiency will increase. Try playing through campaign missions co-op to practice using different weapon combo’s, learn the strength’s and weakness for each one.

Everybody loves to focus on kills per match, but the most telling stat after a game is the K/D ratio, one of your team goal’s should strive for a zero or better K/D ratio for each person; if you are able to accomplish this, it is impossible for your team to lose!!! I rather play with someone with 5 kills all game with a K/D ratio of +3 than a person with 19 kills and -23 death’s and GRIND my way to victory!!!

nuff said, whew!!!

I like to give a shout back to Lilkuke for a shout out on the last Podtacular episode.

Thanks guys, LOVE your show!!!

Psalm 116

Standoff can be a pretty tough map for beginners, but to everyone above
that line, it’s great fun. In Team Slayer, grab the Hog and turret guy,
but make sure they’re able to shoot! no guests! Communication is
important. Tell them where enemies are, and where vehicles are. Also
listen to them too. Teamwork leads to victory!

That’s all I got. Keep on fraggin` trucks!

Also, shout-out to Gordon Freeman and everyone at Black Mesa!

Well the map is fairly new so I havn’t actually played it that much to
master the entire map as of yet.
Capturing the flag can be quite difficult if your team does not work
together. It does however, seem to work best if your team attempts to come
in from different sides, typically the front door that leads to the flag
and then the trench bunker enterence work well, since you’ll be coming
from both sides. Also it seems that if players continue to come in from
the same side, the other team will pick up on it, or atleast I and my
teamates did. I did not really seem a need to active the switch which
opens up three new doors. It will help but not as much as it will on Last
Resort or High Ground.

During most multi flag and assult games, which I assume this map was
created for, I seldomly played defence. The map is so small that the only
areas that can really decide who is actually owning the map are the rocks
infront of each base and then sometimes at either of the silos. Typically
it will be one team at the other teams base the entire time in my
experience, so keep the pressure on quickly.

I was surpsied to see how many battle rifles there aren’t on this map. I
guess the large number of vechials make up for that but I am old fashioned
and love the battle rifle ad if I was ever to get ahold of one, I pretty
much did quick work to whoever I was up against, unless they were in a
warthog of course, at that time I would rely on my Spiker gernades.

Also, I have noticed that many players forget the importance of two major
things on this map, the rockets and the mongoose. I assume people just do
not know that there are two sets of rocket launchers on the map; they are
at the far end of each base’s set rocks. The mongoose can be king on this
map. Quick teams of two and easil infiltrate a base, and since the map is
large it can be good for quick hit-and-run. If you get your gunner
equipted with a rocket launcher, it will be a fun game for you.

Well, keep on fraggin’ trucks podtac. Thanks for keeping the hao community
so awesome for years to come. I’ll hopefully be here fr it all. you guys
rock! I cant wait to send in some tips for rat race!
P.S. thanks to everyone for my birthday wishes!

before i start with my tips for standoff i would like to just say that i
told all my friends that stand off would be a awesome map even though they
dident believe me, but i kept strong to my belief and as it turns out i was
right =D

so off to tips for the awesome map Standoff. standoff is a rather medium
sized map but with enough room for some incredible warthog fights. if you
are going to take the warthog with you i recommend especially on this map
to tell all your passengers including the gunner to warn everyone if they
see the red laser warning you that a splazer is charging is pointed at
your warthog. if this happens to you immediately get out of the warthog
and get as far away from it as possible. i have come to the conclusion
that you have a 50% chance of living if you get out the moment the splazer
starts to charge.

my next tip yes i another tip for you. it is if you are on the turret. PLZ
ON TOP OF YOUR BASE! i cannot tell you how many times i have some new
person go up on the turret and rip it off, this destroys the purpose of
the turret on this map. the turret on the map is placed there to defend
your base from people coming through the center. also if you happen to be
on the turret and you see a charging splazer get off of it immediately.
you may get killed yes but you will most likly save your teams turret. the
turret is a very important thing on this map as it can determine the
outcome of a game.

before i finish up i would like to apologize to the co-hosts of last weeks
episode as i did call them worthless minions, and i would like to apologize
to JvB even though i cannot believe that he did not know that Splazer meant
the spartan laser. also to clarify something from last weeks episode the
rocket launcher is called the SPNKR pronounced sp-un-ker not sp-an-kr.

anyways shout outs to the ODST Recon the number 1 bungie.net group and
home of the largest Spam Thread in the world i believe by the time this
show goes up it will be 650,000 posts.

keep on loading a shotgun slug into nubs who think that there should be a
sniper on standoff =).

Whenever you have a more then a 10 foot radius from your enemy, don’t use
shotgun. I have multiple n00bs try this, and although I have less shields,
I can win with a few good headshots from my trusty Battle Rifle, and even a
saving grade.



Hi Podtacular! This is evilmonkeeee. This is my first submission. But
anyway, the way to win on this map seems mostly to just control the
Warthogs and always to keep someone on the turret, on top of your base. When you control this map with these items it is much easier for the rest
of the team to mop up any of the remaining enemies with one of the
plentiful BR’s. Also do not forget about the Rockets on both sides of the
map which are very useful. Finally if you are dying too much try to stick
to the outsides of the map and then, once your team mates have weakened
the enemy, rush into mop up the remaining easy kills. Thanks for reading
this and if any one wants to play some Halo send me a FR my gamertag is
e-v-i-l-m-o-n-k-e-e-e-e. Now I am off to play some Halo. ;)

Hey guys its your yummy yo-yo yodler The Bounties
I don’t have the heroic pack so i though i would give some general tips. 1. This is my motto NEVER STAND STILL and I mean NEVER! always move in a
circular movement. 2. Strafe needler fire 3. Crouch walk when you see a
red dot near you. 4. Aim at the head when you have a BR and aim at the
center of the mass with an AR. 5. I think that everyone has forgotten
what team they are on at one time or another, so if you do then you can
just do a melee and look at your arm. 6. When you have a sword then you
should jump lunge to give yourself the upper advantage then hit the B
button for quick slashes ( Check my file share for a long sword duel i
had). I hope these tips come in handy.

Wrap up


Until next time I’m Foo Mo Jive (and this is)