(hosts foo mo, JVB, Dialpex, )
During a ranked game of One Bomb on Narrows, I carried the bomb while my
teammates started racking up the kills. The team was Lord Citrus, budlow,
Kickimanjaro and myself. I went and picked up the radar jammer and dropped
it near the wall where the sniper is. I then walked around on the left and
planted the bomb. All 4 of the blue guys walked to the bomb to disarm it
while I fired with my AR and threw grenades. I killed them all for an
extermination with 9 seconds left on the bomb. The video is up on my file
share if you want to see our dominance in that round.
Shout out to the Godtacular crew! We’re starting back up on January 14th
ay 9PM eastern with a new study.
During the double exp weekend of March 7-9, I discovered a crazy awesome
wierdly sick nasty secret with Grifball. I waited until all my idiot
teammates died or betrayed each other, got the ball, and asked a team mate
to hit me with his hammer. To my suprise, i didn’t die, I flew across the
map and landed on the scoring pad. My team won, and I was praised by
everyone (not really). P.S. I have seen neigh-neigh in a custom infection
game recently.
This is a message from your favorite gecko in metal pants, fullmetalgecko.
keep on fragging noobs who want to visit zootacular, the unnoficial halo
unniverse zoo.
hey Podtacular , Big Red Dog here again for a tale from the foxhole. Me
and my friend were playing a shotty snips game on narrows, there were 2
cool/weird things that happendined in this game, my friend went over the
mancannon and got the closest snipe of his lifetime, on the film, 1 frame
leter he would have shout the cannon. and mine, i was trying to no scope a
guy, and i hit the wall behind him, and somehow I betrayed my teamate on
the other side of the map, the bullet didnt bounce or anything just,
pthht! betrayal.
Keep on fraggin one eyed one horned flying purple people eaters and…,
like, 23 midgets
Sup podtacular this is monstrosity 247 and this is my tail from the fox hole.
Me and a few guys were playing a round on sand trap one of the guys were in a hornet and I was in a chopper. I was driving to try and hit my friend In the hornet with the chopper from the ramp thing. As I jumped at him he climbed out of the hornet and jocked my chopper when I landed I looked up and saw the bottom of the hornet falling twords me I didn’t have time to move and I was killed by the hornet.
Keep on fragin green back alpaca who eat yowies for breakfast and were purple anis armour.
ok, so hopefully, as everyone knows there was a grifball hopper sometime
from like march 6th to sometime… but anyways. i was playing grifball
with kn1ghtl1ght and some other people i randomly found off the streets.
during the second round, we gained possesion of the bomb, and were
traveling deep into enemy territory, so i thought, what a great chance to
go spawn kill. i ended up with a killpocolypse (9 kills). but it was on
kn1ght’s xbox, and i’m waiting for him to send the film for me. so yeah,
thats it. keep on fraggin manatee yodelers.
Once I was in the middle of a swords game on epitaph trying to get my
steppin razor achievment. In my frantic desperation for my 5 gamerscore I
started to kill many men. A short while into the game I heard a deep,
sadistic voice start to blare through my speakers: Double kill, Tripple
kill, Overkill, Killtacular. At this moment a “toast” poped up on my TV
screen: achievment unlocked. At this point I was screaming like a little
Keep on fraging Purple squirils that wear Pink recon armor
I just got done playing a game of snipers on Narrows with Anorexic Leader
and Die Lawn Vida. I was at blue base man-cannon site and Anorexic and
Die Lawn were at the red base man-cannon side. We were playing no scopes,
which I am not particularly good at. Anyway, they had been fighting for a
while and I had just spawned. I took two shots and missed and then on my
third, I got a double kill with one sniper shot. Now for those who don’t
think that is awesome, try doing that on a laptop screen with standard TV
quality on a 17” monitor. Thought I’d might share that with you guys.
Keep on Fraggin Trucks.
Shout-out to: Anorexic Leader, Die Lawn Vida, and KBC
hey foo moo i have a t from the f hole (tale from the foxhole)
on the level with the one base (high ground i think)
me and my friend were messing a round and i a spike grenade from the wall
and i stuck me friend on a mongoose at full speed
also i was on vallhalla and my same friend both had splaser and man aged
to kill each other at the same time
keep on fragging truck that are driven be nay nay who are useing the
golden melee on urinating brute who are urinating on a hunters anus
P.S. the golden melee is from the crows nest campain show
this is an awsome thing me asnd my friend did
in forge we put every veichle on sand trap that it would allow and put it
on the elephant then we used trip mines to mine it and then
we rocketed and splared it from the top
the hole thing xploded and kill us both and when i repawned it was instantly killed agian
keep on fraggin nay nay and a urinating brute
P.S. check out my machinama site for a project called the war file
Heyy!! its BlazingMedic ( the medic who heals Nay-Nays wounds. ever notice
that he never gets hurt!!! ) well i was playing a zombie map on last
resort. The game started out normal. A few people died. BUT THEN!!! i run
to the beach!!!. the game starts lagging horribly and i see a giant
stretched out body flying all over the beach. The arms were extended taller than the Fan in the middle map. the neck was flying in the air, and
the game fps drops. ill have a screenshot soon if i can find the saved
Keep on fragging snakes on anthony bourdain ps. i can has anus armor?
I sometimes play some custom games with my friend Pvt W Caboose. He makes a
lot of maps that we play on, and a lot of them give his team the upper
The first map we played on was Coliseum. It is an arena on Foundry, and
everyone spawns on the side, surrounded by shield doors. You then go into
the middle, into this diamond shaped room with equipment and grenades, but
no weapons.
The catch was this: The other team (containing my friend) got on top of
the arena structure, and there was obviously spawn points for their team.
There was a platform, with a shield door behind it, and a room behind the
shield door, to duck into for cover. To make matters worse, there were
Rockets and other such weapons up there.
So, they knew the map better, were better skilled than us, had higher
ground and better weapons. How could could this possibly get any worse?
Frankly, we won, 39-30, before they all quit. We basically had infinite
grenades, seeing there were millions on the ground. We tossed power
drainers and flares, and heffed random grenades up there, and we
surprisingly won.
The next didn’t last long. It was Outpost, on Valhalla. They spawned near
a Hornet and a Tank, and within 3 minutes, everyone on our team quit.
Lastly, I got a Killionaire on Grifball. Don’t believe me? Check out the
vid on my fileshare. Think it’s easy? Think again – it was damn hard!
Every time i try it again, I get no higher than a Killtacular. I was
lucky, as they just kept running at me like noobs. This is my first and
only Killionaire.
Shout outs to Caboose.
Keep on fraggin’ people who go for Mclaren in the F1 Grand Prix.
How you guys doin, I started listening since about mid- Febuary and I love
the Podcasts. Heres a tail for you: My friend, STARS0Riskwob and I were
playing campaign on The Covenant, and we were in the hallway with the
load of brutes. I decided to go around and ass attack them while Riskwob
held their attension. I heard a spike granade go off and I hear him
” WTF?!” I asked what he’s yelling for and he tells me that he stoped a
spike granade with yet another spike granade. We go back and look
afterward and find to our amazment that he had stuck the brute’s spike
with another spike and it just fell to the ground. I do have a picture
it will be in my file share tonight. Keep fraggin monster potatos.
Gamertag: STARS0Kampfer
yo podtac crew, its timewalker5 just want to tell you about this time i
showed up a showboating cowboy. This was a while back around christmas
when i was playing team slayer on snowbound.Everyone on my team had the
headsets on. but there was only one a-hole that would not keep his mouth
shut the whole game, you know the type, the ones who complain that they
are the only ones actually scoring points and at the same time getting
twice as many death as everyone on the team. well i think it was half way
through the game. i had 3 points and 0 deaths i was in last place and the
guy say “hay time how about some kills” i ignored all his insults when i
grab the beam riffle and grab a awing killtacular in the basement. then a
couple kills and 2 double kills latter i had the top score with only 5
deaths the whole game. in the after game lobby everyone was same good game
and so on, all i sayed before i left was” yeah well if broke back mountain
over there would have kept his mouth shut it would have been better”
everyone was laughing at the guy as i left the lobby. any way the sweet
killtacular is in my file share keep fraging shee-noobs. peace out!!
It’s Hunch Back Leprocorn with a frtails from the fox hole. i was plying
team slayer on the pit. I had the energy sword and I was dominating. Then
a guy got the other sword. We started to clach and this happend about ten
times then i relised I had a shotgun and quickly shot him the face.
Good luck with the podcast and keep on asking master cheif for some herry
Hey podtacular Uzumaki15 here again with some tales from the foxhole.
My first was with my friend trigerhapypsyco we were playing rockets on
Standoff (just the two of us) about five minutes into the game we both
killed each other I spawned next to a mongoose and he spawned across from
me naer the camo. So I hopp on the mongoose and go to splatter him thanks
to a bump I missed the first rocket but the second connected BUT is stead
of hitting infront of me it hit behind me killing me but sending the goose
flying he jumps and ends up getting splattered by the mongoose it was
hilarious the clip will be on my File Share by the time this Podcast airs
so check it out.
Another tale was in lone wolfes it was oddball on snowbound by this time I
had all but two achievements (missing Two for One and Overkill) I picked up
the laser and headed towards the ball charging the laser and keeping it
ready over by the ghost the ball had been droped I charged and fired the
laser at the person going for the ball and to my suprise there was another
person attacking him so I got my two for one and two days later I got
overkill on a Crazy king game on Snowbound (I don’t have a clip of this
one but my TfO (two for one) will also be on my file share.
P.S. On your last podcast I noticed you slighty mispronunced my name the
ma part is pronounced maw just to let you know. And yes FRC stands for
Fuel Rod Cannon.
Keep up the good work and keep on fraggin veto screaming, song singing,
truck driving noobs.
Hey it is Delta Snow sending in a tale from the foxhole.
Way back when, i was playing Halo PC and it was an oddball game on Blood
Gulch. immediately one of the other people took the ball, but within three
seconds i killed him and took the ball. And for two minutes i evaded the
attacks of my enemies and won two minutes to two seconds to nothing to
nothing to nothing to nothing to nothing and finally to nothing.
That is it, keep on fraggin cheep knock off anus amour that is customized
with scorpion-squirrel trucks frozen in stuff that you you got from
Nenne’s house that is full of pandas.
PS - I think i found Nenne hiding under Construct soon i will take a
picture of him for the world to see.
Hey podtacular heres my callin from the fox hole. you know how in every
team and non team game no one detatchs the Mini gun well I’m here to say
that I got a 10 kills with it and won the game for my team.
Hello podtacular! Rouge 119 here with a tale from the foxhole.
It was and infection game on sandtrap. My gothic friends and I were the
last three alive. One rode shotgun with a shotgun. the other manned the
machine gun. I drove. We were suddenly ambushed by zombies! they were
swinging there swords to close to our wrists for comfort. My imbicilic
friend got out of the side seat. Only to have his neck cut. My turret
operator was screaming profanities, he was shortly devoured. I see the
bullseye flash at the bottom of my screen. I hatched a plan, the zombies
were close on my tail, I dismounted in such a way that my emo-mobile
blocked he way in to one of the structures. I threw down a trip mine and
waited for the zombies to come within mic range. I then proceeded to yell
“So long , Suckers!!” And jumped on the easy button. The amazing suicide
killed three zombies, two ironicly were my emo buds. I managed to get on a
mongoose and run laps in the mine field till the end of the game. After the
game ended, I turned my mic off to save my ears from the irratated
Hi Podtacular, I have some tales from the foxhole for you today. The first
one was on Snowbound, I was in the ghost with someone firing laser shots
at me from across the map on top of the base when I began to boost at them
they jumped off the building charging the spartan laser, I flew through the
air off a jump, and splattered him while getting blown up. My dead corpse
then proceeded to splatter a guy right when he spawned. Sadly, I didn’t
get a video because of a timer my mom put on my X-Box 360. And, last but
not least… Can i Haz Friend Request? My Gamer Tag is Dark Templar177.
Keep on fraggin’ Nei-Nei, The mystical Yeti like creature being hunted
down by the midget hater, Foo Mo Jive, JVB and NeiVB, JVB’s Kid.
Hi Podtacular its halo fanitic. First time submiter and new member on
podtacular. I have 2 tales from the fox hole. Both are on sandtrap so i
had the sparten laser and i ran into the open looking at the gravity
hammer spawn, so i charged up my laser and firerd i got a triple kill, so
i went back into the theater and watched it again so i shot it and i hit
the guy picking up the gravity hammer and another guy on the other tunnel
and before the laser disapered another guy walked into it lol. And my
other one is i was driving a warthog and i was on the tunnal here the
gravity hammer spawns and i went off the end and a guy on the other side
jumped off the other side and the back of the warthog splattered him.
Thats my tale from the foxhole, keep on fraging elites where anus armor
driving those trucks that we frag.
About a mounth ago me, LAC Woof and ressiboy were all playing in
matchmaking together. We got paired up in a three on three team BR’s
slayer game on Isolation. As soon as we started we had a problem, EPIC
Soon in the match we found that it was LAC Woof that was causing all the
lagamanjaro but we kept playing anyway. We began to lose quite badly and
had to take drastic action some how. Not thinking of any ideas we were
still getting butt raped and had to think of a plan fast, but then all of
a sudden LAC Woof lagged out of the game and the connections were restored
to a good green. But with one problem gone we still had another major
problem… Getting pwned by the other team!
The scores were about 15:35. Knowing or possibly immanent defeat we
decided to hold the shotgun spawn at the top of the map. this plan worked
suprisingly well and we were soon starting to catch up. But then once
again the other team manage to steel our good glory by sniping us off the
top of the map and as a result we were very :(
So now we did no longer have the top of the map and we settled for just
running around in 2’s trying to get as many kills as possible. But
unfortunatly, even after and epic comeback like ours we still lost 46:48.
Thanks for reading my tale (if you did) and keep on fraggin three footed,
purple bellied sqweryl wearing rectum armour, with a stretchy wenis’s
while shouting “OMGDAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!”
P.S This game will be available on my fileshare soon.
Hello, Podtacular, I am gonna tell you a quick story about one time on Construct.
You see, I was once going into random matchmaking (not the best choice,
lol), and expected to get the usual tumult of screaming and music spam.
True enough, I got the typical people I listed. As I saw in the pregame
lobby, the other team was an organized clan. “Oh no,” I thought, “I can’t
lose this one! I’m about to rank up!”. Long story short, I was amazingly
able to convert the screaming 11-yr-old into an exellent pyro, the guy
blasting T-Pain into a fine watchman, and the joker into a brilliant
tactitian. We hid in the basement of Construct and watched all paths in. It was like
the end of the novel “Eragon”, trying to stop the flood of death in the
form of angry red Spartans. And with these random people, I was able to
pull through to victory, slowly but surely, and walk away with a
Steaktacular. All these people sent me a friend request, but sadly I didn’t have room.
That would be the only downside to this story. Okay, that’s my tale for today. Keep on fraggin Sqweryl!
Hey Podtacular!
This is my first time submission and would love if you took a look (or
two) at it.
First of all, you guys are awesome! I recommend you to all of my video
game friends. BIG SHOUTOUTS to Foo Mo Jive and JVB, love your podcasts
Okay, let’s get down to it.
I have two stories both from my favorite map, Construct. The first one was
a game of team slayer with my best bud “Narcoleptic Seal.” We had been
playing with two other guys for a few games after a 50 to 31 ownage on
Last Resort (yay us)! We were up 15 to 7 against a team with all the same
emblems, no doubt going for a “clan” look to scare us off, when I heard
one of our party up’s saying “Yo’ Seal check ‘dis out.” Seal and I had
been running down one of the hallways heading past a purple lift to secure
the sword spawn. Hearing his named being summoned Seal turned around and
ditched me, headed for the bigger orange lift where our guy was goofing
off. As I neared closer to the purple lift I spot three red dots on my
radar. I start backing up with a strong word and “I might need help
securing the sword!” I yelled into the mike. I throw two grenades as I
feel my immediate doom closing around me. Quickly I took out my BR and
blindly shot through the smoke. I see my screen pop up with a double kill.
“Alright,” I said to my guys “I cleared ‘em.” They don’t even care
sadface. But there was still one guy to deal with, I had walked over the
dead bodies towards the sword room and notice that the other red dot had to
be coming up from the purple lift that I just passed. I turn around and
threw what I thought would be a frag grenade but was actually a plasma
grenade. It bounced off of the wall just as their third guy came up the
lift and stuck him in the chest! I was sure that my the grenade wouldn’t
go off in time for a triple kill so I aimed at his chest and BAM! it blew
up giving me a triple kill. (yay) I was waiting for another red dot to
appear from somewhere so that I could get an overkill extermination and as
I thought that the first guy I killed respawned in the corner near the
purple lift! I threw a perfect grenade and didn’t even have to finish him
off with a headshot. The second guy I killed then spawned very close to
the first and finished me off because I had been red lined by everyone
I couldn’t believe it! My first overkill and what I thought would be an
extermination, which I didn’t get. DOH! I guess I had to kill all of them
at once. But that’s okay. Great story. I have this video on my brothers
account (tacticaltyrants) and if you look in the file share it should be
Keep up the great work guys!
Shout out to Narcoleptic Seal and Tacticaltyrants!
Keep on fraggin’ PS3’s.
So I decided to split up my messages because the first one was kind of
Here’s the short version of the second story:
I was playin team doubles on construct and coming from a respawn point by
the sword. I knew where the other team was, at the bottom of the orange
lift and quickly ran to the sniper spawn, picked up some plasmas and
jumped off. As I was jumping I saw one of the other guys on the bridge
(the one a little less than half way up the orange lift). By instinct I
threw a plasma grenade but missed and hit the side of the bridge. It fell
down and nearly stuck me, I ran a head and turned around to see just how
close the grenade really was. To my surprise I see the other opponent that
was not on the bridge walking across the flat open area of the map. He
comes charging at me with a mauler but runs directly over my plasma
grenade. I dunno how he didn’t see it in the first place. I turn around
again and throw a grenade up the orange lift to clear my path up there.
The guy that was standing on the bridge intended to be my target for the
first sticky jumped into the lift and fell victim to the second.
This was a really awesome double kill with no shots fired. I will
definetally put this on my file share and or (tacticaltyrants) as soon as
I get my controller fixed.
Keep up the great work! Shout out to Narcoleptic Seal and
and keep on fraggin PS3’s!
hi fox hole. this is a-t-l richard77 just saying a random thing. keep on
sticking (not fraging) noobs that dont know how to throw a grenade that
cant blow up becuase nay nay chews on it, to grow his own A-nes armer know
he can fight micheets on back of trucks that can talk some how. this is
Richard reporting from ecuador just saying a weekly thing, come to
ecuador to my hotel or your going to be bored this vacation.
Hey podtac i have a really cool tale from the foxhole.It was a BTB ranked
match on sandtrap. Anyway, i was in a chopper just cruising the scene when
i spy a banshee flying low so i decide to start shooting it almost get
destroyed when he boosted off behind the tall structure.So i start making
my way over to the structure to kill some guys standing on the ramp like
thing,so i boost up it miss the guys, an much to my surprise i splatter
the banshee that i had been shooting at.Apparently the banshee had swung
back around to kill me but he didnt.I have the vid on my fileshare its
called Chopper smash.Gamertag:phoenixfire3603.
PS:Chuck Norris is the reason we cant find NayNay.
Well seeing as how lately I’ve been practicing alot of no scopes, for
clutch situations. I’m gonna share a few small stories of some great no
scopes I got over this last weekend.
The first come from a MLG 1v1 on Guardian with my pal Man of Popsicle. I
actually ended up getting 3 no scopes in a row, and on the last one
Popsicle was floating mid air from the forest up to where camo spawns. I’m
standing top middle, and pulled off another sick no scope to end the game.
The second comes from a Custom Game with Sqweryl. I was literally no
shield, and he was about to put that last shot in my dome. I was carrying
rockets, and trying to reload. Realizing I’ll never reload in time, I
switch to snipes and pull the trigger. We were both jumping down from a
crate, when all of a sudden he back flips through the air. He wasn’t too
happy about that one…and was like “No way!”
In a game on The Pit with Jaba-da-Pollard my first five shots were all no
scopes. So I started off the match with a quick Sniper spree. Then later
that day, we were playing snipers on Rat’s Nest, when I took off to the
opposite side of the one of the long hall ways. My buddy Jaba, comes out
trying to kill me. So I quickly throw up my rifle, and no scope him on the
opposite side of the hallway. Those hallways are super long, so it’s almost
impossible to see them on the other side.He was shocked at first, and kept
saying there was no way I did that, and that I had to be Scoping. Now, the
funniest part is, that when he came back to where I was, I no scoped him a
second time. 2 shots, 2 kills. This goes to show that it really pays off
when you practice your weapon skills….
Lastly, a quick Shout-Out to…
All the members of Team Love and Cuddles, Pod Pro Bravo, and Godtacular
Bible study! Keep on fraggin trucks guys!
Hey guys this is MARDER10162. I have a tale from the foxhole from a couple
of months ago. I was playing team slayer on the pit with some guy i didnt
know, and my friends JaquesAFT and konnectid. I dont remember what the
score was, but this wasnt one of those amazing-sticks-that-win-the-game.
Konnectid was in front of me chasing some guy with a sword. he killed him,
but got filled with master chief bullets right after. I said, “Okay, when
you guys kill my friend i dont barely even play with, you get PWNED! so i
threw a sticky and stuck a guy in the thigh. He went around a corner, out
of sight. then the man who nobody even knows said, “Double kill.” and i
was like, “OWNED SON!” when i went back later and watched the film, the
guy i stuck ran around a corner, right into his teammate who had the
sniper. they didnt even see eachother until the sticky blew up. the video
is called LUCKY DOUBLE, and is about 11 seconds long. keep on fraggin
trucks and the fake orville redenbackers popcorn with 94% less fat that
tastes like popcorn and lime juice! Oh and thanks Foo Mo for telling me
about the poll to put the pod tv episodes back on itunes!
Hey Podtacular, Mack315 here with my tale from the foxhole.
I was playing the grifball playlist this last weekend, and we were winning
so i just got behind the other teams spawn points and laid waste to the
other team like a spawn killing n00b. I got a killtrocity (6 kills is a
row) and an extermination, it wasn’t exactly what i was s’posed to be
doing to win, but it was funny hearing them yell with prox. voice when the
insta-die when they spawn… then i got killed by the bomb exploding…
Keep on fraggin spawn killers and people who speak in 4th person…
Hey Podtacular, its Nearswordman1 here again with another tale from the
foxhole. If anyone recalls (JVB should remember), on the last show I told
a story about the greatest melee in Halo. It involved an airborne Ghost
and a sticky. Well, I seem to cause havoc with that set up. Heres a little
equation. Nearswordman1+Sitcky+Enemy Ghost=Awesomeness. Well this time the
map is Snowbound (grrrrr). I was in a team doubles game, and at one point
I saw a guy hop into the ghost. Being as I only had an AR I when to get a
carbine or something. I ran up on top of one of those forerunner
structures and picked up two stickys and a plasma pistol. I can see him on
the other side of the map just sitting there. So I charged up my plasma
pistol, jumped and shot. I ran forward and jumped to throw one of the
stickys, hopfully to kill him in his now dead Ghost. When I landed I could
no longer see him, so I jumped to see if I made the stick. What I saw
instead was a Ghost flying at me. Well now im thinking that in going to be
humiliatingly splattered. But, that sticky hit the very front of the ghost,
just to the right. A second before I got splattered, the sticky blew up and
sent the ghost and the guy flying off to tmy left. I turned and ran at the
now overturned ghost. Just as the guy poped out…WHACK… popped him
right in the face for another satisfying beat down. The video isn’t in
my fileshare yet, but I should have it there by the time this is read.
Keep on fragin’ jambalaya.
heyy guys once on highground i climbed up a tree in team snipers and
started pwning! i went 15-0 and got running roit and prefection. this was
a custom game though sorry. lol i know im a noob. but it was the best day
of my life. shoutout to darktempler 177 and every1 in team killionare!
heyy podtacular whats up? i submit alot but have never been on the show
hopefully this one will make it, if not thats fine. ok so one time i
started a new xbox live account because i was getting bored of losing alot
and wanted to play some noobs! i went into matchmaking and played a social
slayer game. i thought i would do very good but the game lagged alot and i
ended up getting only a handfull of killes. i was mad so i went into a
ranked slayer game and saw that i was playing a bunch of noobz (or so i
thought). i was completely owned. it was the worest thing. everyone
trashed talked and it was stupid. thanks guys bye
Hey this is cjbearsfan11 gamertag YAZA TAZA1122,here with a tale from the
foxhole. So I was playing a game of BTB on Sandtrap Covies, and into the
game I spawned on the opposite side of where the missle pod/ Gravity hammer
spawns. I saw two guys come out of the where the elephant is located so i
started shooting, but it was too late, they took out my sheilds in a
split-second. I threw a last attempt grenade, and after i died i saw a
kill from the grave and splatter appear on my screen. I later found out
that I propelled a hunk of ghost that had been blown up by a wraith, right
into a guy standing next to a wall. Keep on fraggin’ trucks with a yeti
ghost riding along the way.
I was playing ratsnest DLC with Anorexic Leader, and couple of friends. It
was Team Duels, and they were driving around in a warthog, when I jacked
one of the Hogs, and Anorexic was running in front of me with rockets, we
noticed a guy right in front of us at red base, and I tried to splatter
him, when he threw a tripmine, my warthog flew over it, and set it off,
taking out my shields, so the guy I tried to splatter BR’d me, and I died,
but at the same time, Anorexic Shot his rockets, and they launched my
warthog into the guy, splattering him, and giving me a splatter from the
It was awsome.
Shoutouts to Facehead and Dust Storm, who held down the fort while I was
Hey guys! I’ve got a tale from the foxhole here for you. I was playing a
game of team snipers on last resort. I had just spawned at the top of
camp froman along with the rest of my team. Knowing that the other team
would spawn straight ahead of us, I zoomed in with my sniper. As you can
expect, I saw the head of one of my enemies and fired a single shot at
him. Much to my astonishment a manly voice suddenly said the two words
that I was leat expecting: “Triple Kill”. What happened you ask? Well,
after taking a look at the match in the theater I found out what had
happened. When I had shot that guy at the beginning of the match, there
were two of his teammates standing directly behind him. My single sniper
shot had hit all three of them right in the head. You can check out the
film of this in my fileshare. My gamertag is jkrieg21. Keep on fraggin n00bs that steal your precious dumplings.
hey foomojive, jvb and whoever is lucky enough to guest host, i would love
to, but i cant . any way, to some tales from the foxhole. i was playing an
the level cortana, when my friend called! he said he wanted me to invite
him to a custom game, the npromote him to leader. i did and he started a
match called big plop, it is on the pit and it has no weapons or grenade,
no powerups or vehicles. all it has on it are teleporters and deathspawns.
it is so wierd but it gets really fun and long! keep on fragging naynays
momma with a side of yellow stuff covered in hunter anus armour! shout
outs to bb reaper 13 and all the podtacular crew!
From your favorite gecko in metal pants, fullmetalgecko! Here’s my tale of
killing the dragon Smaug and reclaiming Thorin’s treasure! I was on the
losing team of V.I.P. on Rat’s Nest. The score was 8-3 and the enemies
V.I.P. was named Smaug. I don’t know if it was a famous author whose name
I can’t think of and I’ll get hate mail for that, or a n00b who thinks the
name will intiminate enemies. I was on a killing frenzy and three of my
kills were mongoose slatters. The enemy V.I.P. was camping at the Spanker
(Rocket Launcher) spawn, and I got pwned every time I looked at him. I had
enough and betrayed my V.I.P. and killed myself. I became the V.I.P. and
ran over my teammate with the sniper with a warthog (I named him warty)
and took the rifle. One of my teammates meleed me and I shot right through
his face. The bullet bounced off the wall and killed the enemy V.I.P. After
the blue army ran out of grenades to throw at me, three of us (including
me) got in Warty and got the Rocket Launcher, which finally respawned. I
had the Spanker and sniper and he charged at the enemy V.I.P. I jumped out
at the last second before Smaug stuck Warty with a spike grenade. Warty
(and the usless minions) died. I faced unstopable odds! I stared in the
face of death! I like pie. I fired my Spanker and spanked that mean
dragon. After a short teabagging, a new V.I.P. spawned in front of me and
I assaisined him. It happened again. Then I realized the VIP spawned in
one place. I had alot of fun and got 8 VIP kills that game. We won and
Warty did respawn. Until next time, I’m fullmetalgecko, I am podtacular’s
most powerful player.
Hey podtacular,
SPARTAN-077 here and i got a cool tail from the fox hole. Me and a group
of friends were playing on CTF on Highground. We play for about 15 minutes and the score was 2-2. i wanted to work up
some kills, so i grabed the Splaser amd jumped out side the gate and
waited for a mongoose. I heard 1 coming up at me and i started to charge
the splaser up. Then i got distracted by a few shots from a BR, and my aim
was off when i fired. it turns out that i hit the goose but i didnt kill
it. I managed to blow off the empty seat on the back. Then what happed
next was so funny, unknow to me and my team, a red managed to sneak into
our base and got the flag. The goose it tryed to kill, was going into
pickup the flag holder. But i blew off the seat, and he was being yelled
at by the drive because he wasnt getting on. While they were fighting , i
ran into the mouth of the gate and fire my Splaser. I got the double kill
and returned the flag. i think we get on to win that game. i dont own a
xbox 360, but im a big fan of the halo games. there isnt a vid of this and
we dont know why, we try for about 3 hours looking for it. LOL I would like
to shout out to my friend Devil. Thanks
Keep on fraging trucks, compact cars, Mini-vans, and old grannies.
Whats up Podtacular! Just sending in a real great Halo 3 moment. Me and my
friend Theagore were playing Rocket Race on Sandtrap. We had got wiped out
real early and were trying to catch up to the leader when we got knocked
off our Mongoose right next to a pair of bozos who had just fell of their
Goose. In the ensueng explosion filled chaos, we swapped positions. I got
on the back of a goose that was being driven by another player, and my
friend was on the second vehicle, driving the other guy! Just wondering if
this had ever happened to anybody! Great job, keep on fraggin annoying
Hey podtacular
Its KRONOS at war im not a fairly new listener (since episode 96) but
i have’nt wrote in till now.
I have an Xbox 360 but it had to break so i am out of commision but i
have tale from the fox hole
I was playing on sandtrap and I came around one of the ellephants and
saw the red laser of the spartan laser and jumed at the right time
that saved my life. I had a turret so I made short work of him but
before i did he got one more shot at me and i did it agin it was great
Keep on fraggin Dem Demented polar bears with aids and rabies
PS. A shout out to Abledog Dreadlock78
Hey this is MBBAKER9OO here wishing everyone a late happy new year!
I was play a 1v1 with my friend and I was in a banshee. I saw him running
helplessly to get away from me. I made an atempt to splatter him but he
borded me. When he did this, the banshee crashed into a wall and exploded
with him still in it. He couldnt control the banshee but u could see his
body laying on the banshee and he was still alive. I have the funny
picture on my file share.
keep on fragging trucks, cars, SUV’s etc…....
Oh my God…I have the most AMAZING tail from the foxhole
One time, I was at my friend’s house playing co-op,
and, absolutely nothing significant happened! Keep on fraggin’ people who
accidently type 1’s instead of exclamation marks!
Hey Podtacular!
This is my first time writing in to the show. My tale is of the other day
I was playing some lone wolves and feeling discouraged because I had just
lost the last game pretty badly. So I went into yet another lone wolves
game were everyone saw the map (which was highground) and imediately
vetoed it. I wasn’t suprised when I saw dirty, rotten, no good, women
stealin’ Iolation pop up. Everbody moaned and groaned and the match
started. I started off the game with a double and a killing spree making
me farrrrrr ahead of everyone else. I continued on to pwn sum nubs and
did pretty good. I won the game with 23 kills to the second places 17 or
so….. It’s on my fileshare under “Isolation?????”
Keep On Fraggin’ Planes, Trains, and Automobiles!
Hey guys it’s Ya-yap here for a tale from the foxhole. I was playing Crow’s Nest in campaign and it was my first time on legendary (also i had the Tough Luck and Catch skulls on). So I was at the large hallway that if you keep going forward you hear the Red vs. Blue skit, and I had just taken out the nearby brute when i heard the high pitched screaming of grunts. This did not sound like screeches of fear however it was…something else. When I rounded around a box i saw 3 grunts screaming with plasma grenades in each hand for a total of 6 stickys. This was my first experience with suicide grunts so i died instantly. You guys are doing a great job at this pod cast keep up the good work. this is also my first submission and i will continue to send many more.
this are my first time sending something in so i are is a callin noob.
Well i got a pretty cool tale from the back of my closet. so i was playing
btb on sandtrap, so as usual i go and grab the laser. I then walk up to the
place where the trip mine spawns and notice 2 hogs traveling towards our
spawn area from the side of the crashed phantom. one of hogs stops near
one of the little pit things closest to the hammer spawn the other hog
crashes into it and just in time i laser them both for a sweet overkill.
Check them out on my fileshare my gamertag is teh asianator… yes I’m
Asian. shoutout to Abe Lincoln and keep on spanking manatees.
My friend and I were playing social slayer. the game type was snipers
pistols on high ground. as soon as the teams were made the rest of our
team quit leaving just the two of us. Luckly we spawned at the base and
we head in to get into position to make our stand. So I headed to the
side that has the open conduit, and looked down the scope. I see three
guys running up the hill. I hit the first one and the other two stop, and
then split in two different directions. It is real funny to see. It was
like the two guys go oh blam run!!. It will be in my file share as
sniper, and you need to see it through PATMOS987 eyes. (I was playing
as guest for some reason)
Hello Podtacular and Company this is SF Moon Unit with my first submission.
I have a tale from the foxhole for you guys that i thought you guys would
enjoy. So i was pwning nubs on the pit like i usually do and i was going
from the mauler spawn to the shotgun spawn with my BR locked and loaded
when i spied with my high-tech armored eye a man walking from rocket spawn
around to the active camo. As he was to far away to swipe the kill i
decided to throw a grenade. as he turned down the hallway my frag grenade
landed next to the fusion cores. blowing them up like a nerd on a Pam
Anderson picture. this sent a traffic cone down the hallway which then hit
John Doe in the back and killing him. the video is on my file share along
with some other cool stuff. i have all achievements and killed a man with
a traffic cone but i can’t has recon.
shout out to Superfriends and Darth Veeder
keep on fragging traffic cones and breakfast
Superfriends 4 life!!!!
Hey podtacular, first time submitter. I have 2 “fraggin this that and the
other jokes, niether very long, so I’ll say one right off the bat: Keep on
fraggin hunter anis’s. That was hilarious on episode 144. Anyway, to my
tale(unfortunately, my 360 died yesterday, so I wont be on for a while.) I
was playing BTB on Sandtrap, CTF. We had parked the elephants next to
eachother for a shut out, but the enemy had forced us back, leaving the 2
elephants up for grabs. 4 of my teammates, on foot, were fight 4 enemy
infantry. We were widdling them down, about to claim the elephants, with
our flag sitting between us and the now 2 enemies left, when suddenly an
enemy warthog cut through the middle of us. For whatever reason, the guy
in the turret jumped out, and made a run for the flag. My teammates gunned
him down before he could reach it, while I noticed a spartan laser sitting
on the ground, I picked it up and started charging right away to take out
the warthog before it could get away, but I was surprised to see it
fishtailing around, then to come full speed right at me. The driver was
going for a splatter before I could laser him, but I was quicker. The
laser ran straight through the ‘hog, right down the middle. I was even
more surprised to see the flaming carcass continue to fly at me at full
speed after I blew it up. I jumped, but the warthog nosed into the ground,
letting the rear bumper nick me at the peak of my jump. It didn’t kill me,
but it depleted my shields. I soared through the air, then landed directly
on top of one of the elephants cockpits. shout outs to all my friends who I
left behind, but will soon be catching back up with. Keep on tellin the Navy to get new adds (seriously!)
Hey this is Midnight Hawkeye here with a tale from the foxhole. One time on Sandtrap i was owning and i was 20 and 3. For the past 5 or 10 games i had 25 or 30 kills a game and going atleast positive 20 so i was on fire. I was at one of the mounds that were randomly there and i had just noticed that a couple of enemies were trying to get into the wraith at their base. I quickly zoomed in with my rocket and fired, but for some reason my teammate walked in front of it and it reflected off of him and went away. So then i fired another rocket shot but the same guy walked in front of my rocket shot AGAIN and this time it killed him. I was like “Come On” and it was very frustrating, and ofcourse he was a nubcup so he booted me a couple seconds later. So this is just a lesson that next time you get betrayed check if it was an accident and for sure check how many kills the person has who you want to boot because you shouldn’t boot somebody who is postitive 17 and is leading everybody in the game.
Whats up Podtacular, this is Ch1cken Sniper. This is my first time sending in a message, i’m hoping it will be aired sometime soon. I was playing Shotty Snipers on the pit, sometime this week. And then I respawn outside the camo hall. I peak in and see two guys running full speed to my side. I quickly pull out my sniper and press the trigger without thinking. I heard “Double Kill”. then I look at the screen and it says I got two head shots. I have to say getting a double head shot with one bullet is a first for me. We won the game, me having 26 kills. I also want to give a shot out to Crusty Mustard, Sparten305Ninja, Ostembor, the people who are watching the show, and the cast. And to end my message, I want to tell you all that i’m starting a gamer talk show on youtube, it’s called Tips 4 Gamers it has only two episodes so far. My youtube name is hitman555888.
Keep on sniping chickens, fragging trucks…and ney ney, and popping noobs.
From, Ch1cken Sniper.
Hey, SPARTAN II3 here, and I’ve got to share with everyone a hilarious
story. I was playing Legendary with my friend BROTHER2 and his guest on
The Storm, when we came upon the room filled with wounded marines, right
before you get to the marine who sounds like he’s lost his mind. Anyway, I
got mad at someone for something, so I stuck them with a plasma grenade.
The resulting explosion didn’t just kill my friend. About four marines
died, and I looked up, and noticed that all the marines were standing up,
looking at me, weapons drawn, and not moving. I said, “Oh, $H1T…”, then
the marines, all at once started shooting me, and I died. I respawn
outside the room, where my friend is laughing really hard, when about ten
grenades all of a sudden are thrown into the hall, followed by tons of
pistol-wielding marines. We run for it, and I manage to stick a marine,
killing most of them. We run, kill the ones still after us, and watch as
the guest spawns… Right in front of a bunch of dock-workers. We can take
down the marines, brutes, even two hunters! But we quickly discovered that
the hard hat-clad civilians weren’t so easy. One worker came at us, and my
friend, his guest, and me, all opened fire on him. To our surprise, nothing
happened. That ONE construction worker pwned us all. Needless to say, we
didn’t betray each other with plasma grenades after that for awhile.
Shoutout to team Xenocide and JVB. Keep on fraggin’ hordes of bloodthirsty
Long time listener first time poster. Got a tale from the foxhole for ya’ll. Me and 4 of my bros last wednesday night were chillax’n in heroic DLC dispensing some indiscriminate pwnage when somebody noticed that it was 2 in the morning and we should probably hit the hay since we all work the next day. I’m not sure who said it, but somebody called out for one more. We agreed, thereby setting up one of the greatest experiences of my very sad halo oriented life. Just before the game started, multi-flag on standoff (greatest halo map of all time), it dawned on me that I recognized one of the gamer tags on the opposing team. Not at all believing it to be real deal but some cleverly miss-spelled doppelganger, I sarcastically asked “Is this the REAL TJ Scoot?” His reply, “yep, just gettin ready for the hump day challenge” at which point I realized that I recognized at least one other name, JonnyO and it was at that point that I switched the mic off and began squealing with joy like a little girl whose parents were rich enough to actually buy her that pony for christmas (suppressed memories?) . Against enormous odds, we were playing against Bungie. The game was surreal. We were all so amped up and the teams were so evenly matched that the map lived up to its name for more than half of the game. In the end we won 2-0, myself with a team-high 38 kills and 10 deaths. We were all so star struck (me especially, being the most rabid fan by FAR) that none of us said anything in the post-game lobby but “good game”, lame. My two favorite parts of the game were getting a sick stick between a narrow gap in the rocks on TJ Scoot’s wart as it flew past for the kill and when JonnyO threw a perfect frag that sent my warthog flying across the map like a frisbee before careening over the edge of the cliff. The match in its entirety is available on my file-share, gamertag SpoT 18. Thanks again for all your hard work and keep on making kick ass podcasts, and fraggin stuff.
i recently started listening to podtacular again, i used 2 listen back in
the halo 2 days ne way
me and my friend tzptrans were playing team slayer on vahallah and i
picked up the sniper and got into the banshee to try and fly up tho the
top of the base. i fell off of the base but the banshe did not when i
looked up there later i saw that a wraith had magicly appeared in the
banshees place.
also we were searching in matchmaking and it said that the population was
zero while it also said that there were players found
keep on fraggin pig team benis
ps i dont have an xbox 360 im stuck on my xbox 108 i use the gamertag
waytoospastic(didnt choose it)
hey podtacular this is my first submition i was playing shotty snipers on
valhalla i was in the base next to the ocean i was standing next to the
man cannon and i saw and enemy and i shot him once with the last bullet in
my clip and the fusion coil respawned so i kicked it in to the mancannon
and he is running away and BLAM it blew him up the vid is on my file share
so keep an open eye for more submitions. Keep on Fraggin yella bellied purple backed yowler squirls who hunt down nay nays with friendly shotguns
Hey guys, FireyLeftNut again.
Well one time me and a buddy were playing a CTF match on Sandtrap and i
was driving the Elephant over torwards the enemy Elephant with a good
majority of our team on it. Anyway there were a few mongooses on the
ground and i happened to run them over. This resulted in the Elephant
doing a barrel roll, killing almost all of the people riding on it,
including splattering an enemy with the tires. unfortunatly i played too
many games before i could record a clip and i know you guys will say that
if theres no video that it didnt happen. lol but it did.
peace, Firey.
Hey Foo mo, JVB, (Hey why did you pick that gamertag?), And Whoever is
helping them this week. I have a quick tale from the foxhole. Yesterday,
my friend Philster9000 and I were playing multi team crazy king on
epitaph. Holy Crap! it was intense, we had the hill for about 10 seconds
when someone jumps into the hill with a Hammer! Philster started screaming
and randomly shooting at the walls and anything he could hit. I ran behind
a shield door and phil tried to follow me. He didnt make it. He got
CRUNCHED by the hammer. Now blue had the hill. I ran up to the second
floor above the hill picked up the power drain on my way there. Tossed the
power drain into the hill and then tossed a Frag after it. I got a triple
kill. It was two of blue team and one guy on orange team. Phil dropped
into the hill and i covered him from above, 5 seconds to go until we won
and the hammer guy came back. He tossed us both like rag dolls, and orange
beat us by 2 seconds. Holy Crap. Guess what I’m going to do. I’m not going
to waste your time by telling you what to frag. See you later. And great
yo podtacular i have some cool storys for you today ok so me and some
freinds were training for a tournement it was multi flag on isolation mlg
rules so we start off and right away it turns in to a slayer match
everyone rushes the middle not even worried about the flag my team starts
owning them left and right then 2 min. into the game we win and i had no
idea how so i watch the film in theater and one of our guys went back and
fourth under ground and won while we kept the other team busy up top the
guy that carried the flag got a perfection medal and didnt get one shot on
him at all
now for one more story still training for the tournement during this game
slayer on snowbound mlg rules same and i have the same team as the game on
isolation so i get a carbine and get a kill frenzy the sec. the game
starts so we fight for a while and half way thought the game we are
winning by 20 kills so my freinds find a mongoose(mlg rules no ghost) and
the get on and drive around for a while the other team responds and the
all run to the camo cave and im hit them with head shots the whole way so
there sheilds are low the the mongoose ramps over the cave and the guy on
the back(same guy who got the flag captures)tuns around and with a AR
takes them all down with one burst and gets a overkill the i stuck him for
taking my overkill
hey podtacular i have an awesome tale from the foxhole. me and a friend
were playing a team slayer game on the pit and i was in the sword base on
the outside walkway were u could be seen from both towers. i was shooting
the sword guy on the other team and i got him to no shields but then he
lunged at me. right before he killed me a sniper in the base behind me on
the sword guys team shot and missed over my shoulder and hit his guy in
the chest killing him and giving me a bulltrue and a sword that helped us
win the game. we were playing on my friends xbox so i dont know if he
saved it on his fileshare but if he did the gamertag is either admiral
anthrax or rc1207sev.
keep on fragging trucks
What’s up Podtacular! This is Amplified-Silence aka Amplified Jumps on XBL.
I hope you guys include me! So here’s my tale from the foxhole…
This was a while ago but I just loved it!
I was playing Ranked Big Team, Multi Flag CTF on Vahalla… Our teammates
were horrible (I was in a party with WhatUrDead) and we were losing
1-zip… My tale is from the final minutes of the match. As we were man
cannoning off our base (Lake Base) we were being picked off by players and
the banshee… I had died in the river… Before I spawned a teammate
luckily threw a power drainer as the banshee was flying low over the
river. The banshee then flipped over and slammed into the front of the
base allowing me to jump up (after I had spawned of course) and smack it!
I pretty much laughed for an hour after that even though we lost the
game… :)
Check out the game at Bungie.net:
It is also on my fileshare in Slot 5 labeled BansheeBeatdown…
Great podcast guys, I am a pretty new listener starting from about episode
130 and have been catching up since. Keep it up and…
Keep on fraggin’ planes, trains, and… well trucks…
Talk to you all later!
~Amplified Jumps (Gamertag)
I was playing halo pc Campaign and I was fighting a bunch of Jackals with
a sniper. When i shot one on the side of its shield. My shot Bounced off
his shield and hit another jackel sitting right next too him right in the
side of the head. it was amasing.
love the show,
Keep on Fragging evil robot ladies that like to eat cake.
Hey Podtacular. So you finally broke 150 podcasts. Thats awesome. Time
for celebrating! WOOHOO!
So now we come to business. I had a tale from the foxhole on
Construct. So I was playing Team Slayer and we were doing pretty good. We were winning 45 to 36. It looked like a sure victory. Next time I
looked at the score I was like
WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAATT!!!!! It was 49 to 48 with us in the lead. So I was
running around upstairs looking for people and around the corner comes a
sword guy. Slice! So now I’m dead and its 49 to 49. I respawn
downstairs by the gold lift. I start running towards the purple lift and
see three guys on my radar in front of me. They all jump up towards me,
but I already threw a grenade and it landed next to the dynomite lying on
the floor. I swear one of the guys looked at me like NOOOOOOOOOOO! So
the dynomite blew up earning me a triple kill. The final score was 52 to
Yeah, Yeah Go Podtacular! Keep on fraggin stuff that you guys feel like
fraggin this week.
Wats up Podtacular! Yeah so I had a tale from the foxhole for you guys. I started up a
big team battle game on Val Halla. So we were doing pretty good and we
were in the lead by about 15. All of a sudden though my team mates either
ran out there by themselves goin crazy and dying or sitting back and not
doing anything. I told them to be smart and get a long range weapon and
stay back or go in as a group. They ignored me and did whatever they
wanted to. By the end of the game we lost by like 20 points. I came up
with 31 kills and the guy on my team with the second highest kills had 14.
So we were in the postgame and they were yelling at me that it was
everyones fault but theirs that they lost. I finished up with MVP, and two
top medals, but they were still blaming me that it was my fault that they
lost and they all had like -10 for a kill/death ratio. Thanks Podtacular! You guys rok!!!!!!!!!!! Keep on fraggin trucks
with floob toobs inside them who yell at you for no reason!
This is Phyronious, lord of “Oh sheeeeeeeeeeep” moments. I was owning on
team snipers on narrows, but this one guy keep on sniping me, so me
getting mad, get duel pistols, and going westen style on thier @$$, just
to be no scope snipe five feet away from him. So going up that ramp on the
side with the overshield to the right of the man cannon. I was about to
blow that guys head off and end his sniping spree consisting of me,
myself, and I. Right as I was about to pull the trigger saying ” Die you
son of a Bit-”
I shot right as my team-mate comes up behind an assassinates him and gives
me a betrayal. Then the entire team is a little p-offed at me cause one of
the other team stuck me as I jumped down when I relized I just jumped in
to another one of my “Oh sheeeeeeeeeeep” moments.
Keep on fragging my friend Mista Kibs
Hey Stikboy824 here, just wanted to share a tale from the Foxhole.
Ok so me and three other guys were going through Crow’s Nest to get the
meta game achievments. And we get to the part where the Brutes stopped the
bomb from detonating. We went to the control room to find Brutes and Grunts
everywhere. My friend dropped a Deployable cover and someone lobbed a
plasma grenade which apperently stationed itself under a Brute. It
proceeded with blowing up and sending the Brute flying. He landed some 12
feet away right on a metal rail like a skateboarder would if he slipped
off his skateboard and landed on his balls. The Brute stayed there until
the fight was over with his mouth agape. If you would like to see the
screen shot, it’s on my Fileshare and on Bungie.net. The name of it is
“Right In z Nutz”. Thanks for being alive and making this podcast for the
viewing plesure for me. And don’t forget, CAPS Kill Walruses.
Azian Invazian Clan FTW!!!
Hey Podtac! Love the show! First time, long time. Got a few tales from the
foxhole. The first is a 6v6 Heroic DLC game of neutral assault on
Standoff. As soon as the game started I hopped on the hog turret with
Pirate10 as my driver, I preceded to kill 96 people and nabbed 93
wheelmans for my driver. After 2 to 3 REALLY close calls I ended the game
with a perfection, showing blue team my Oh face (office space reference).
23 double kills, 5 trips, and 2 overkills in the best gunner/driver game I
have played or seen. The game is on my file share (96 and 0 Face) and is a
regular how-to for drivers and gunners who want to dominate halo. The other two tales are of stumbling across Bungie twice in one week, DLC
and big team respectively. We dominated both games in kills but lost the
second game by one arm of the bomb by a sneaky
water-fall-crouch-walking-one-man-show with 2 minutes left. We’re now 1
and 1 against Bungie and lookin for a rematch! Both games are on my file
share as well (Gamertag SpoT 18). HUGE shout out to best driver in the
game Pirate10 and all the other members of Spartan Riot. Thanks Podtac and
keep on making kick ass podcasts!
Hey Everyone,
I’m a huge fan of the show. Keep up the good work. One day I was
playing with a bunch of buddies on Sandtrap and I the Warthog without the
machine gun spawned on the map. I jumped in a started to drive around
randomly (No use getting anyone in the car when there is no gun), but then
randomly, while I was driving it, it switched back to the Warthog with the
machine gun mounted on it. I saved the video and it is on my gamer tag X
Until next time I’m Foo Mo Jive (and this is)