(Hosts: Dust Storm, GLewis & jonny12gauge)
Hey u guys. I loved that song “your brains” on episode 189 it was hilarious. Anyways i was wondering what rank all of you are, im a gunnery sergent grade 2 but i have only had halo 3 and my xbox 360 for 1 month. i have completed halo 1 and 2 and 3 and i hope to complete many more.
I recently downloaded podtacular episode 188 and the guests were talking about being a good gamer and stuff and they were making a big deal out of teabags and i dont know why cause when i get teabags i find it frikin hilarious.
As you have mentioned numerous times before, Ensemble Studios has been closed, but the most of the people who worked there created a new studio named Robot Entertainment, which runs the servers of the Age of Empires games and creates Halo Wars DLC. For proof, look in the top right hand corner of the www.halowars.com website.
Shout outs to all the hosts and guest hosts.
Keep on fragging warthog rushers in Halo Wars.
its the waffle with l33t powers with the first and only (not really. you’ll see me again) submission. on rats nest, unless you are playing a objective game type, you almost never want to get in a vehicle, but still go around the peremiter and then sneak in. on orbital, if you’re playing an objective(such as one bomb), DON”T OPEN THE DOORS! this will lead to your eventual doom. sorry for the short submission.
i’m keepin’ it real with: keep on fragging trucks.
l33twaffle, out.
Hey Podtacular, it’s Chrissygrl28. This is my first submission so please bare with me. My submission is for Rats Nest, since I do not have the Mythic map pack yet. (Sad, yes, I know). 1st off, when playing on Rats Nest, using the pipeline is a really good way to go. You can snipe from there, jump down into battles, and a lot of players forget to check up there anyway. I was playing with a friend of mine and the whole game he was up there sniping BKs and died just once. Secondly, near the beginning of the game when both teams spawn by the hogs, have a BR and rocket launcher and wait around a corner for the opposing hog to come. Shoot it with a rocket and whether or not the players die, finish them off with your BR. This way you don’t have to worry about the other teams hog for most of the game. Lastly, Rats Nest is a great map for CTF (Capture The Flag; or my initials :D). When playing defense I usually hide on top of a doorway near my flag, or travel by the pipes picking off the enemies.Also, use the mongeese to and from bases, which is an easier way of getting around than just walking.
Well thats it.
Oh and Glewis, I totally made a Twitter just for you, so now you have 91 followers since you seemed to really want some last episode :)
Keep on fraggin’ noobs with high pitched voices that continuously yell VETO and get on my nerves.
its the unoffical pokemon master reporting in for tips for reats nest which is one of my favorite maps on halo 3. Rats nest is a map that you need the sniper, the rocket and as many pumas as you can get. Wile the two people are in the puma(because if you have 3 it would be an easy tripple kill which is never fun for you or your team) have one of them grab the rocket so they wont get blown up by the rocket. You should also have someone get the sniper that is good with it and have them run up behind them and kill them. the sniper is the best on this map when you use it to give cover fire when the other team(s) have the rockets. this map uses the puma so it would be good to be a puma chain-gun hore and it would also be good to be able to actualy use it well.
thats it for now and here is the strangest “keep fraging” ever
Keep on fraging anus aurmor wearing noobs who scream veto on griffball and dont realise that it is a single map gametype and drive trucks that have an oppertuity to get a perfection on a folding bike full of midges in a lone wolves game but drive off the cliff that is in assmebly that no one knew about and complain when their team loses when they get negative 10 points in a single game.
Hey podtac it’s me, filling up time on the podcast, with my map tips for rats nest. Before entering rats nest, be aware of the numorous warthogs that are trying to kill you. Always be prepared, wear ANUS ARMOR!! Anywho, the wRthogs are the keys to survival on this map. Just have 4guys go for hogs(1gunner,1driver)2hogs, and someone else go for rockets. Create havoc by ramming helpless enemies with the two tons of death that is your hog. Destroy what is left with you hogs killer chaingun of doom, and be shur to clean the blood out of the bumper and radiator when your done, it may rust. Shout outs to tied the leader cause I’m too young to join them, and fishyq for….well he’s just sort of there….bye and keep truckin frags
Ok, well if you acquire a grav lift powerup from the middle section below the bridge area, you can use this to get on top of the pipe that runs across the top of outer track. Place it a few feet away and jump into it, you should land on top of the pipe. Also, when you spawn, set up tactics right away! Or even before the match. It is a symmetrical map so it is easy to plan tactics and communicate positions. And Keep Fragging…people that thiink they are MLG and put Xx or Oo etc. in their name because they think they are pro!
Hey it’s rabid diharrea here and I have a couple tips for Rat’s nest. First, remember that it takes 3 minutes for the active camo to come back. so after you get it, look at the time and go back 3 minutes later. My other tip is that you should always have plasma grenades with you, because of the numerous shotgun carriers and warthogs.
Keep on fraggin suicide grunts who are technically midgets so Foo Mo must hate them as well
Hey Podtac, it’s your one and only emo, EDJERSEY! I guess this is technically my second submission, cause my first for Ep. 190 didn’t go through. Anyway, this submission is about Rat’s Nest. Now, my first tip is DON’T RUSH FOR ROCKETS!!!!!onesix!
No matter how dumb this sounds, don’t do it. EVERYONE IS THERE! RUSH FOR GHOST AND CAMP BY THE ROCKETS. Secondly, The middle part with the suspended bridge is a great place to camp, but it wont be if your not a good BR or a sniper, and make sure your team is kickin’ some serious SPARTON ASS belowz!!! I started listening at Ep. 180, and I thought this would suck, cause all you guys do is talk (no offence), but it is AERSOMEE!! Keep on fraggin’ monkeys that spew fart juice all over Nay Nay at Pizza Hut while midgets on folding bikes steal ALL OF YOUR WATCHEZ! ALL YOUR WATCH ARE BELONG TO US! Emo Eddy out. -EDJERSEYS SON
Hey guys it is the real watch stealer, stallmeplease and I am here with my tips for rats nest. Starting off my submission, I only submit tips for objective modes. So here we go. During a game of ctf, it is best to play defence. What I do is I go up the stairs in the base and I grab two stickies and wait in that hallway. Check your radar for oncoming enemies. When they come into your base, you can throw your stickies at them and use your SAR to take them out. Repeat until your team wins 3-0!
That’s is all I got,
keep on fraggin duststorm, If you ever EVER EVER talk back to me again for spelling your name dustorm EVER again I will steal every single watch you wrap around your wrist for ever, and when you die, I will dig up your grave and steal your death watch and then BREAK IT! THat is all, now time for my second fragging, keep on fraggin my watch collection which consists of 7 of dusties watches, 1 of Glewis’ and 1 of Bill Gates. Stallme out.
Rats Nest is a very fun map get a warthog in the beginning, sniper spawns right next to the ghost, ghost spawns near camo, camo spawns near hammer, in the middle room u need to grab the shotguns and a bubble a few ppl i no dont no about the sniper or shotty, u can get upon the pipes if u dont no now im not even gunna bother to tell u now, AND if u use a grav lift ur a noob rockets r in the middle right outside the “garage”
hello podtac
its the the 1 the only razza 119 here with tips for rats nest if u have 4 people have 1 go for the sniper and the other 3 hop in the warthog, drop the person in the pasenger seat off at the rocket launcher and have the warthog drive around the outside then u will pwn evrey1 like me.
i dont have any tips for orbital cause i h8 that map
P.S i am from scotland
P.P.S dust storm what is ur gamertag?
P.P.P.S will some1 tell me how the anus armour joke started?
P.P.P.P.S why cant i download podcasts before episode 175 from the website?
P.P.P.P.P.S my gamertag is razza 119
shout outs to my team gladius clan members JPK theartre, mushu736, tommo755
itz ace neon, xxfletcherxx
the funniest person ever Sir Buzz Killin Tin.
and the best host podtac has ever had dust storm.
razza out
hey guys its ur favourite ads here.
Just a forewarning i few months back i submitted something for customs and creations. In it i said its my 1st submission. But I’ve had stuff read out since then just thought id prevent any confusion (or cause it if this has sorry).
Anyway onto my submission.
Rats nest is good if you have someone good at driving and gunning on the warthog. I’ve racked up a few killing frenzies on slayer this way and i suck at slayer. Best way to do this is get in the hog and circle around the outside of the map picking off anyone who happens to get in your sights.
Keep on trucking frags.
(P.S i hope my punctuation is getting better. I’ve re-read this submission 3 times cant see a problem with it.)
One of my favorite manuvers on rats nest is a move i made up with my buds called a mongoose slash. Basicly you get two guys in a warthog and two guys on the mongoose. The guy on the back of the mongoose ether has the rockets or some other good weapon. Then postion the mongoose right behind the warthog and it will be virtualy invisible to people in front of the warthog. when antour warthog is in the same tunnel as you then have the warthog move over as if to avoid a ram then the mongoose speeds out from behind and that warthog is scre*. Keep on fraggin trucks. P.S tell nay nay that im sueing him scine i broke my leg on his folding bike.
Sup guys its MLG EliteIC3MAN again with a some tips for Rats Nest. Remember you can neatly bisect the entire track by running through the central corridor system. By the same token, you can make an entire loop of the track faster than a Spartan can run through the length of the center. Use the crates, concrete barriers and more to hide from splash damage in Territories. The Turret above the central canal – backing onto the open Cliffside – can be a game changing trap for pursuing defenders. If using a Hog for offensive duties – keep your foot on the pedal – a slow Hog in a narrow corridor is a double kill waiting to happen. Control the close-quarters weapons – Shotgun, Hammer or suffer the consequences.The hanging pipes above the vehicle corridors are a nice safe place to hide from Zombies if you can figure out how to get there.
A lone Sniper can do a lot of damage down a long gloomy corridor. But pick the right corridor for the right game type. I will also send in a seperate submission for the map Orbital. good luck with the show and keep on fragin this guy that owes me $200, dont ask.
Columbus: June 5 – 7th
For those of you who don’t know Major League Gaming has announced the new sawg they will be selling at their next event, Columbus. The new Sawg includes two new T-shirts (kudo’s to the O-H-I-OWN one) and have officially revealed MLG Team Hats
Currently the hats only depect the top halo 3 teams but if these fly off the shelves as quickly as everyone on the MLG forums think they will more hats should follow. Who out there wouldn’t want to sport their favorite MLG team with a hat?
In a side note don’t forget to check the podtacular store for some podtacular goodies brought to you by the podcast.
1. MLG Guard v6.1 will be used in the Halo 3 Columbus Event and can be downloaded here: MLG Gametypes File Share. No Guardian weapon placements have changed, however, for v6.1 all of the spawn points are the same as they were for v5.
2. There is a new illegal spot on Guardian. “No going onto the ledges around the outside of bottom middle on Guardian.” You can find a picture of the new illegal spot here
8. There are now official Rules regarding playing shorthanded. For Halo 3, “Teams are permitted to start Multi Flag, Team King, and Team Oddball Games with three Players. However, Teams with fewer than four Players are not permitted to start a Team Slayer Game and Teams with fewer than three Players are not permitted to start any Games. If a Team doesn’t have the required minimum number of Players to start the first Game, five minutes after the announcement, that Team must Forfeit the Game. If a Team doesn’t have the required minimum number of Players to start the next Game, after the previous Game has ended, that Team must Forfeit the Game. Players are not permitted to join Games that are in progress. Players are not permitted to add a Character to a Game for a Player who is absent.”
9. There is now a rule preventing Players from using a teammate’s controller. This rule reads as follows, “Players and Coaches may not intentionally manipulate a button(s), trigger(s), bumper(s), D-Pad, and/or joystick(s) on a teammate’s controller while a Game is in progress.”
10. There is now a rule that allows for Players to request a review of a Halo 3 Game Film. The rule reads as follows, “Teams are permitted to request a review of the Game film, once during a Match, if they believe that their Referee made an incorrect call related to Gameplay Rules or a Multi Flag Game’s initial time limit. Review requests related to Gameplay Rules must be made during the Game in question, they must be specific to a Player, and they must be limited to a one minute window of the Game’s Film. Review requests, related to a Multi Flag Game’s initial time limit, must be made before the start of a new Game or, if the Match has ended, before the Match results have been reported.”
11. A rule has been added governing the apparel that may be worn on the Main Stages and Feature Stations for Halo 3 and GoW2. The rule reads as follows, “Players and Coaches may not appear on the Main Stage or Feature Station with sponsor insignia that is not approved by MLG or conflicts with MLG sponsors. Players and Coaches may be asked to wear MLG apparel for Main Stage and Feature Station Matches.”
12. There is a new illegal spot on Lockdown. “No going onto the ledges under the ramps on the carbine side of Lockdown.” You can find a picture of the new illegal spot here
The Halo 3 and Gears of War 2 Game Types for each Round of the Columbus Open Bracket and Championship Bracket are linked below, and can be found in the Pro Circuit Section under “Be a Competitor.”
In an exciting move toward potential full televised action MLG and ESPN have announced the the Friday Night Kick-Off program on MLG will be featured exclusively on ESPN360.com
In a new blog posted over at MLGpro.com former top Halo 3 pro, Ogre One, has his predictions for the top 8 at Columbus.
And they are as follows.
Hi Podtacular, it’s the big gooba fish sending in my online tips for orbital.
When playing slayer you should always try to get to the sniper as this map has lots of long corridors.
Maulers can also be useful and they are easy to find. Try to get to the rocket lawn chair first for reasons that we all know.
When playing assault, there must be at least one person accompanying the bomb carrier at all times to help clear out the path to the enemy base. It’s very easy for the bomb carrier to sneak around this map so use this to your advantage. That’s about all I have for now.
Keep on fragging truck driving monkeys that spew fart juice all over Dusty’s watch while they frag foo mo’s folding bike when foo mo fraggs the midgets that eat mini burgers that were made using krypto’s spatula.
Big Gooba Fish signing out
Hi Guys this is my first submission, i have been listening to the show for a while now and decided to submit! my tips are for orbital and may appear obvious too some of you. Firstly in a capture the flag game as defenders use the gappy-hallway thing too camp the flag, just crouch there with a mauler or some stickies, by now though some players have got used too it and will throw grenades so stand back then run in. secondly, this may seem obvious too, on the stairs are gaps on the walls, find out where the enemy are coming from and crouch in the corner for some assasinations. i have got used to this and have got into the habit of looking left and right before i go up. Final tip, at the start of the game and every time you respawn go straight for the stickies on the right side of the spawning hallway, you can get alot of kills on the mongeese(note: plural of mongoose = mongeese) and defend your team for the usual ghost splatter spree. This can also get you the kills from the grave achievement and is good sticking practice. Keep Fraggin’ Trucks!
Hey it’s funnyboy78 with my tips for orbital. The key is, that once the game starts, don’t die… I hope this helps everyone(especialy you glewis) and be shure to send me feedback on how it works out. Keep on fraggin plasmas
I know most people will have the skull on this level but if you don’t its in the main sheft on the right hand side.
The way me and my mates play this levle is we split in to two teams one gos up and the other takes the bottom. The ones on top ues the rockets and the hight advantage while the others tey to flank the other team. It works most of the time cos we catch them off gaurd with this two pronged tactic.
Hey there, White Lite1 here. On Orbital, it is good if two people rush sniper and two people rush rockets. You want the person with the bubble shield to lay it down at the corner before rockets so you can retreat there if you need to. Also, if you are dominating the game, camp behind the crates and pop out when the other team passes by for an easy kill. Shoutouts to the hosts and all the people who go to the Godtacular Bible Study.
Hey podtacular, it is I, Longrange950. (I changed my gamertag to INCxCrazyxKilla)So, you guys are looking for some tips for Orbital and Rats Nest eh? Well, I sadly got only one tip for each map. It is highly recomended that two or three people go for the lower level on Orbital and the rest of the team charge for Rockets since it is very powerful in this closequarters map.And yes, I do say go for sniper instead of rockets because a good sniper can easily no-scope the rocket guy and give it to their teamates. Now, for Rats Nest, It is highly recomended your team know where the rockets are. (I have noticed many times that people just dont realise the rockets are right between the barriers.
)So, for Rats Nest its the complete oposite of Orbital. Like 2/3 of the team go for rockets and like two or three people go for sniper and ghost. (And of course the sniper should go on the pipes on the ceiling.) Well, thats all I got for now, keep on fragging bad generals.
the first thing u need to no is that the regenerator spawns on top and the bubble spawns on bottom, dont bother with the mongooses theyr worthless and ur gunna get br d outta ur seat. the power drain spawns in sniper hall this is very useful especially when ur playn nubs and dont back out of the stairs GET ROCKETS B4 the other team u can get sniper l8ter
Hey Podtacular! Chickenfoo089 here with a good tip for Orbital. Here we go. When playing on orbital, there will be a rush for rockets and sniper. The tip is to grab a bubble nd then rush, when you get to the halls where they spawn, throw it and let them come to you. Another tip is that there are a lot of Special AR’s around the map, they were put there on purpose so use them whenever possible, stick close to each other but not too close. Use crates to your advantage and as always, keep on fraggin’ Banana fones.
P.S. wondering if you got my sub for the Foxhole show, if yes, please read it, also, keep a lookout for the new game prototype!!!!
Sup guys again its me again MLG EliteIC3MAN with some tips for Orbital. Hide behind objects and then round the enemy. If they don’t see you, you’ll got them. If you are “sniping” from the rocket zone and the enemies are down right, you can jump over the gully and surprise them with a pair of grenades and a Bubble Shield so your teammates who were already down can relax and the enemy takes disadvantage. Don’t leave your BR. In this map it’s easy to obtain a Killing Frenzy if you combine it with hiding and a Bubble Shield. Good luck with the show and keep on fraggin foo mos folding bike because it ran over two midgets.
Hey Podtacular, it’s Dragon635, and this is my second submission and I am going to talk about the new Map Orbital.
To be creative I will not use the letter “a” or “e” in the submission. If you can’t read a word feel free to skip it. But I will use it in common words such as: one, the, as, and etc. etc.
Crypto, if your reading this, change or it will be a punful post!
Orbitl is one of the bst mp for mtchmking in Mythic. It is bst with gmtyps such as Ssult and Cptur th Flg.
Importnt Wpons:
Snipr Rifl x1
Rockt Lunchr x1
Mulr x2
Bttl Rifl x6
Now on to the tips!
Orbitl has two pths, which mks it prfct for objctiv gmtyps. On the top lvl of the connctrs of the two pths, there is a Rockt Lunchr spwn. On the lowr lvl, ther is a Snipr Rifl spwn to countr the Rockt Lunchr. Bttl Rifl are commonly spottd throughout the mp. Mongoos are at the base to mak trnsport esier.
I prsonlly lik to bck up to a wll and snip noobs to dth. Howvr, alwys look bhind you bcuse this flnking is rlly esy on this mp.
A good strtgy would be to spred out. A nicely plced grnad could tak out a whol squad if you group. BR’s are compltly nsscrary bcuse this mp is a long rng mp.
Tht’s all the tips!
Keep on fragging advertising companies that call my cell phone and call in to Chuckie and also noobs who shout VETO at every game that isn’t Slayer.
Shout outs to: All the Podtacular crew and staff, Captain Krunk (no offense to Chuckie) and all my other Xbox homie ganstas.
Thanks for reading my submission!!!