Podtacular Show Notes

Podtacular Tips Show: Ascension

General Tips

You can tell if it’s a new map in matchmaking by listening to your xbox. The hard drive makes a noise when it’s being accessed for the downloaded map. You can cancel out when you hear it so you don’t get modded.

I found a weird glitch for unlimited ammo for dual needlers. It doesn’t work every time I have only done it twice myself. You have to have no rounds left except for some in your clip. back up against a wall and fire your needlers alternately and dont stop if done right or if your lucky you should keep reloading and never run out of ammo. (This is funny) My friend is really weird and stupid (I dont know why he is my friend) but yesterday he said hes going to buy a 360 the day it comes out. so I tell him that they have been preordered he says that his dad will pay extra so he can get one and I ask him how much more he says his dad will pay 200 dollars in total for a 360. and I started laughing at him and he said just wait until I get my 360 the day it comes out.

WARNING-This tip is VERY sensitive. Use at your own discretion

For some reason, smack talking works like magic on this map. normaly i wouldnt encourage this, but it is actualy a valid tactic. Think about it, When somebody runs up to you, and starts making fun of your name or how badly you suck, you get pissed off. when you get pissed off, you just want to kill the same guy. You dont think about the things going on around you, and you start making stupid mistakes. Use this tactic against people, for example, find the weakest person on their team, and just belittle him/her untill they start getting mad. eventualy, they will tell their freinds how big of pricks your team is, and will concentrate more on killing you, rather than getting the flag, just so they can say that they “pwned” you. when they do this, they will usualy leave their flag loosely defended or undefended. However, this trick can also turn against you, and sometimes, the other team wont try to kill you, but instead, they will just try even harder to win, so using this against level-headed players wont work. However, when you find a guy with a really short temper, and you start smack-talking to him, he’ll get pissed, and wont think about the long run. also, dont let yourself fall into this, where you get so far into the whole trash talking deal that you dont know what is going on yourself. finaly, know when you are crossing the line. it’s one thing to tell someone that he sucks with the sword and is a newbie, but it is another thing to tell them that they suck because they are part of a minority or because they are a girl, or because they really are homosexual. the second you scream, “Die n-r monkey!” is the same second bungie has every right to burn you at the stake.


Hey this is a general tip from Inverse Logic podtacular 5. Practice sword dodging with friends! It has saved my life numberous times just from one practice session. It’s not hard once you get it down. I remember I dodged the sword guy wacked him in the face , picked up his sword and killed his buddy… while both of them attacking me at the same time

I got a fun custom game that I created, which helps people improve their
teamwork in Team slayer games.
There are not many changes to the options, but you have to make sure the
team scoring is on Minimum, this way, everyone on the team has to reach a
certain number of kills to win.
The best I have found is to put the kill count on 5, and have rounds set to
First to 3, with a time limit of 10 minutes per round.
BR start, but that is only preference and can be changed to whatever.

The cool thing about the game is that when you have got your 5 kills, you
have to help the rest of the team, but keep yourself from killing anyone
else, let your teammates get the last shot.
Works on any map with any amount of players.
It can be called ‘Help the Noob’ or ‘Teamwork’ or whatever you want.

heres a quick tip: if someone is chasing you, quickly run into a room, turn off to the side, and hide next to the doorway. once you think he is going to come throught the doorway, jump and crouch over him. the majority of the time, your enemy will think that you are just hiding in the corner of the room, but in reality, you are above him about to assassinate the noob. if you dont completely jump over the guy, you can still get an extra powerful melee in, because you are falling down on him. remember, timing is key!

In one of your episodes, i forget which one, you had a question about how to do a quick reload with the battle rifle. I have figured out how to do it perfectly, everytime, with most weapons. the easiest to do is the battle rifle. normally, when master chief reloads, he takes the old ammo out of the bottom of the gun, and slaps a new clip in there. To make it so that he realoads much quicker, press Y+Y as soon as the new clip hits the gun. That will cause the BR to zoom down to its normal position and reload quickly. This works with almost all guns that do not have battery power. It does not work with the needler or the shotgun. With harder guns, like the brute shot, pres Y+Y as soon as the new clip goes into the gun, and you should be fine. The best guns to do this with are the BR and the sniper rifle. When doing it with the magnun, hit Y+Y on the second time master chief puts the clip into the gun, not the first.

one thing i have found that no one knows about is that the shot gun has an extra advantage over other weapons when it comes to cqc (close quarters combat). you can cancel the meelee even if the clip is not full, without switching to the reload animation like with other guns. this means that if you don’t feel like wasting that one round and the guy obviously won’t be able to finish you, you can beat him down using the b, xb, xb trick without worrying about the reload. also, if you are out of ammo for the rocket launcher, or at close range, keep in mind that the rockets have CRAZY powrful meelee. and with the animation cancel combo, the meelee can be devastatingly fast. these facts are particularly important on a small map like this. i have found that one good combo is the br magnum. if you are good at getting headshots, they are practically the same up until medium range. of course, the magnum does have its shortcommings, but it is well worth it to be able to pwn a guy with dual needlers using only the magnum.

hey guys got a tip for the plasma rifles if you are dualing with both plasma rifles if you hold one triger downfor a few seconds then alternate fireing so they wont over heat at the same time.
and if a ghost is traveling from right to left on your screen there is a round obgect on the side of the ghost and if you shoot it the ghost will be destroyed really easly.

Map of the Week: Ascension

This is a good map for jumping techniques. You might want to check out a video on High Impact Halo about cool jumps for this map, because they can help you get places faster, find carnie holes, good sniping spots, escape in a jiffy, good camping spots, etc.

Snipers love this map because they can always find people. Unless they’re on the sides, they can be seen from one of the 2 sniping towers. If you’re sniping from the tower of power, watch your back and watch out for grenades. Have someone guard you whichever tower you’re in, and take out the other sniper before looking for stragglers.

Shotgun next to the transporter exit is a classic surprise tactic. Spam grenades in there to splash damage him out of there. This is my favorite area to fight is on the ledges of that side. It’s not usually sniped and I can get some good dual-wielding action there. You can tie it in with grenades at mid range and use cover if you’re close to it. You can surprise people coming down both ramps into the area. Stickies come in handy in that respect.

I also like the snipe tower opposite the tower of power. You can hide behind there and catch people coming from the middle or up either side and engage them in close combat. You can run up the ramp to the snipe tower to buy some time or prevent the leftover grenade from taking you out, or you can turn the corner there and drop a grenade while you reload.

Get rockets and banshee and it will be difficult to take you out. Just don’t get boarded. Banshee can do a lot of damage on this map.

Rush the rockets and overshield and camp in the large tower with the snipes

Hey guys. My tip is: If your playing snipers or shotguns, move through the lower levels to be stealthy. DO NOT go Gung Ho and rush thm. You’ll simply be torn apart. If your gonna go Gung Ho, then take a Battle Rifle and Shotgun. Bu this map is either about close combat or long distance. Their is NO mid range here. But if you manage to take the tower have a guy patrol the base. It is good for two reasons: 1.Allows you a more widened range of choices. 2.Tells you enemy location. 3.Makes a good Defence.

My tip for map of the week is go for the rockets, but don’t take the grav lift, take the teleporter. Hopefully when you get there, the shotgun will be right up that ramp. From there on, go back down and to the left and head for the tower. If you see a sniper up there, rocket him. If not, get up there and wait until a sniper comes and then rocket the other sniper point. Use the shotgun to defend your position and grab those stickies that pop up.

For team games: Have the person who is best with the sniper grab it and take out the enemy’s sniper, because if you control both snipers and at least one tower, you control the map. Don’t forget about the rocket launcher either, for it can make toast out of your entire team in about 5 seconds.

For Rumble Pit: If you spawn on the banshee ledge, grab the Combo and make your way to the Rocket Launcher, then blow up the sniper in whatever tower. Once you collect his “remains” you can then get long-distance kills with the sniper and kill close range people with the Rocket Launcher. If you spawn anywhere else, just go for the sniper. There are other ways to win, but that is my favorite way.

If you put the banshee under the the platform with the little sniper tower, it can be used to see through the ground if you nudge it against the little wall.

The sniper/shotgun setup on the small tower that I mentioned a couple shows ago works well, you go to the little tower, snipe, then watch your radar, when a guy gets lured in, just wait till he gets close and blast with shotty.

It is very easy to be pinned down on the banshee platform in sniper games here, so try to stay away from there, and move out as fast as you can if you spawn there.

Snipers rule this map, but one little thing. The sniper near the base is considered a “power weapon” so it only respawns if someone drops it, but the one near the little tower is NOT a power weapon, it respawns at fixed intervals, it respawns every 1 minute and 20 seconds, even if someone already picked it up.

Ancension Rumble Pit Tactic:
(Works VERY well only if you can survive until you can get ready)

Grab the sniper from the mian base and grab the rockets and head to the sniper tower and now you can have unlimited sniper ammo without worrying about getting sniped yourself. Because you took the sniper from the main base and snipers are Super Weapons on this map. Now you can own close combat and the banshee with your rocket launcher and you can own long range with the sniper. When you run out of Sniper ammo you can go down to the sniper that spawns at the snipe tower and get ammo because super weapons only respawn when there picked up but your getting the ammo.

Also works well when you have the Sniper from snipe tower and the Shotgun and your at the main base.


the rocket launcher is sort of a headshot preventa only on the right side of your head. if your been watched by a sniper just run with the rockets between your bead and sudden death and he cant get the headshot but your sheilds WILL go down

Lucky the rockets arent combustable until they leave the launcher otherwise you wont have a head for the enemies to get headshots!

If you have a large team (larger than 4), I think it would be great to designate one person to have the plasma pistol. That one person would make the noob combo even easier, and would be able to eliminate the problems of an overshielded enemy. Basically he would run around, overcharging and shooting anyone he can find, and then call out the location for the other members of the team to swoop in and kill quickly. Since the plasma pistol respawns quickly, he could be a major part of the game. Objective based games would be best for this strategy, since the plasma guy would most likely be easily killed without much defense. However, if he has a couple of grenades and a moderately good human secondary weapon, he could kick ass (overcharge then use the secondary weapon). He would also make a good scout for the sniper, and a team leader since killing is not his first priority.

If you can get the sniper and the banshee fly to the top of either base. You can snipe there because you can see the whole map. They can’t see you. If your playing CTF throwing the flag in front of you is a good way to score. Also get the overshield, it can really help you against sniper fire. Thanks for a great show foo mo and spelchek.

I know, I know, you missed me, but I’m back with more tips! (Well just one tip).

Anyway, there is a spiral ramp on the tower nearest to the overshield. On the outside of this ramp you will find a narrow ledge that you can follow around to the back. As far as I know this spot is not widely known yet, so it’s pretty useful. From the back area, you can see the ramp leading up to the top of the base. This is most useful in a custom game such as tower of power, if you see an enemy running up that ramp towards your gunner, you can quickly jump out and assassinate him, prolonging your gunner’s killing spree!

(Sorry if that sounded a little convoluted, It’s tough to describe level geometry with words)

If you’re going to snipe in the little observation box thing, have someone cover you back. I can’t count how many times in big team where I’ve had people pissed off at me for loosing that spot. P.S. Sorry about the sig

Shooter Tip of the Week: Battlefield 2: For a quick anti tank solution, zap some antitank mines, Claymore or C4 to the front of a jeep. Crash it into an enemy tank and watch the fireworks.

Ascension tip, stay out of the middle, it is to easy to be killed there. I like the smaller tower because of it’s open space. More room to move and dodge. In team snipers, stay under the main level. Walk around the little walkways, pop up and drill people that are running across the middle or camped in the bases. PROTECT YOUR ZOOMED TEAMMATES!!! In any other game, rush the rockets, and take the teleporter, not the lift. When you take the lift it’s just asking someone to snipe you in midair. If you survive the jump, youland in the middle, most popular spot. In a good match you will most likely get pwned before you can get a rocket off.

  1. Avoid this map!
  2. Just kidding about the first tip.
  3. Seroiusly, the first thing you want to do is to gain control of the power weapons: i.e. rocket launcher and the sniper rifle. Only use the rocket launcher to take down the banshee if the opposing team climbs in it. If the opposing team climbs in the banshee, send out a teammate in the middle of the map or along the sides in the open to draw out the banshee pilot. Then the person with the rocket will have an open shot at the banshee. As for the sniper rifle, make sure it is in the hands of someone who like to snipe and who is skilled at it. Normally when using the sniper, you want to take no more than two shots in one camping area then you move. But in this case, get as high as you can on the map and strategically pick off opponents.
  4. Organize and control: Try to organize your team to take the largest tower in the map. If done correctly, you can post a teammate at each entrance point of the tower and easily win the match.(If the game is team slayer).
  5. Have a team mate or two hide behind the small walls to the entrance to the multi level tower. Then have other teammates lure the oposing side in and the hiding are given an easy melee one hit one kill on the unsuspecting.(this tactic is great for any map.
  6. And on a final note, if you are playing team slayer and this applies to any map, if you have less than a minute to go and your team is up by only less than 10 kills, there is no shame in hiding from the opposing team. Or if you don’t feel like hiding, just find a good spot for your team to defend. Just don’t be a jerk and run ut guns blazing thinking you can get more kills.

The three ramps that move along the sides of the center bowl are great for sniping. It worst best if you have active camo to go to the very top of these three ramps and snipe or use grenades on those below. It is often too obvious of a area so many players don’t look for you there.

I use this tactic often, if you’re going to pwn this map, camp by (Or on top of) the little tower since the sniper spawns quicklier there than the big tower and try to get the shot-gun as well.
If the enemy get to close, just jump down and give them a well deserved shot thru the head, or if they’re trying to snipe you, you could always hide behind the tower and wait for them to come…

If you’re going for the rockets, don’t take the gravity lift up, but take the teleporter. The enemy won’t even reqognize that you’ve got the rockets before their dead.

Never go out into the center. Never. Use the sides to your advantage.

Everyone knows the sniper tower, right? The simple tower with the ramp? Well, to get more hight, jump on top of it. It’s easy to duck behind those little wingletts if need be.

Rockets are in the middle of the little platform. Just look before jumping down to the little platform and you should make it easy.

The shotgun is at the other end of the teleporter. Definetly wanna keep it hidden untill you get into the small building type area. Anywhere else, and your just being stupid.

Overshield+Plasma Pistol+ melee+building area= easy kills

If you have a banshee on the game your playing, grab that along with a sniper riffle and head up to the very top of one of the towers. Very cheap, but very effective. I suggest the are on top of the building area because there is more area for you and the banshee. Keep the Banshee with you so no one else can get up to you.

Not of much importance, but if you get pushed into the jump pad near the rockets by the banshee, you get pushed much higher then by jumping into it alone.

The BR is a short hop from the Plasma pistol. But wait! There’s more! If you buy a n00b combo today, you can get a free overshield! But hurry, and order while supplies last!

Don’t take one of the more obvious sniping spots, unless you want people to assinate you in the back.

If you find yourself playing the 1 flag CTF gametype on matchmaking, then it is often best when on defence if you have two players shooting outside the base (one with a sniper) to get some kills.

The crucial place to defend however and the place that I position myself is near the flag default position.

You need to have plenty of grenades which are available at the bottom level of the base and position yourself to the left side of the flag from inside the base.

You can be the crucial last line of defence and often make the flag go further back in the base if grenades are timed correctly.

It is a handy tactic to have three guys work like this incase you don’t have all four guys being cooperative.