Podtacular 357: Post-PAX Update

March 28st, 2013

Hosts: Dust Storm & Brent Gamer


CG Studios

Hello podtacular,

Nomadik2 here. Just wanted to say that I love listening to your podcast on a weekly basis. My favorite kinds of podcasts as of late have been the campaign coverage for Halo 4 and any fiction based episodes. I am very involved with all the fiction the halo universe has to offer. Me and several other people love Halo so much that we have made our own zombie machinima series called "The Infection" and are now in the process of making a new series. Anyways, keep up the good work Dust Storm and crew! Keep on fragging those trucks.

trip deezil

Hey Dustin and Brent,

You keep mentioning that Halo 4 seems like 343 left out some things that a lot of people would've like to have had. Some things I would have liked to see in Halo 4 are seeing my score pop up when I'm playing, having a night vision or highlighted mode like reach or odst, and being able to see what the unlock requirements are for armor I've unlocked.

Could you just tick off a list of the stuff you want to see in the next Halo game?

Keep on fraggin trucks

Trip Deezil