Podtacular Show Notes

Custom and Call-ins (Episode 41)

Custom Games

It’s a bit like SWAT, but instead of BR and pistol, you have BR and carbine. It’s best played on Foundation. It’s team slayer and is best played with 2-3 teams of 3-5 people. No shields, 3 second spawn, no grenades on map, pistols on map. This game will really help with carbine and BR skills because the only way to be good is to get headshots. This really helps with sniping too because it helps with swipe sniping as well. Starting grenades and radar can be changed depending on how easy or hard you want it to be or how much skill or reflexes you want to put into the game.

Hey guys, The Drez here again. my custom game of the week is Jedi Master. its a juggernaut based sword game, if your are the juggernaut, you are the Jedi Master.. primary weapon is sword, no secondary, I like to start off with grenades but you can toggle it on or off, what ever you like. match options: 1 round, score to win round: 15 mins, Round time limit : 10 minutes. Player options. Shields: normal, Motion sensor: off, camo off, extra damage off, damage resistance off. Juggernaut options, Extra damage off, Oversheild: on, active camo off, motion sensor on. juggernaut movement: fast, Juggernaut Resistance off.
No vehicles, best works on small maps, my favourite for Jedi master is midship because you start off with the stickys, which make it a lot easier for you to become the juggernaut. Warlock is also fun. And the funnist/weirdest gamertag i’ve seen is…................ foo mo jive. just kiddin foo mo. alright you guys, keep up the good work. peace.

called Steroids, or ROIDS!!!!!! as some people call it.
Its an Oddball variant, with everything default only the oddball carrier has extra speed, damage resistance, and extra damage. You can add anything you want, but his works the best for me. This is played on any small-medium sized map, but Lockout is the most fun because people try and jump off the edge so you don’t get the ball.
The point of the game is that you get the ball (steroids) and try to keep it as long as you can. You can make it last as long as you want but anything above 5 minutes is overkill.

Its a King of the Hill gametype with: No shields, starting grenades on, non-moving hill, and sword as starting weapon. Add extra damage in the hill for more frustration.

This is best and only played on Midship, where the hill is straight in the middle, and you start out with stickies. The point of the game is that you can only kill inside the Hill, and because of no shields, swords, grenades, and lag, its hard to get anywhere above a minute. Once I got 16 people to play, and when you threw the grenades, they would just be little blue balls.

Tales from the fox hole

One time playing double team on Lockout, (a CTF match) my teammates gamer tag was “Istandby” and he was standbying. I did my best to kill him when he did it, but he did it so much that it was too laggy for me to hit him. Go Figure. A guy named Istandby was standbying.

hey, my gt is arcticblade and the other day i saw the gamertag “LobsterBush”

My friends and I made up a gamertag for me for my 360 (did not previously own an Xbox). It was late at night and we were tired. I’m have become SuperWenis.

Hey Foo, I think you should tell people about when some person asked you how you got the idea for the show and some other was like God told you like he told Moses or soemthing, and then someone said you were an A.I. or maybe tell about the forerunners are human thing.

in ctf-open the gate to distract the people inside while you have someone cliimb up the walls or send
a squad through the caves

in the game take the sniper rifle and get into the banshee, fly up to this object sticking out in the
center of the map. You then get a great veiw of both bases from there.

Segments and Voice Mails


