This month, Halo Wars 2 is receiving its first major changes and a brand new character, an ex-Insurrectionist named Morgan Kinsano. Revealed during a PAX East live-stream (much thanks to Chief Canuck for uploading the entire segment), Kinsano will have brand new units and leader abilities such as a Flame Warthog, a Hellbringer drop pod ability, and Morgan’s legendary unit, her own flamethrower-equipped Cyclops. Kinsano is a DLC leader and will be available to those that own the Season Pass. In other Halo Wars 2 news, a major patch has been dropped, addressing a number of fan complains about units like Sentinels. Plenty have been altered and you can peruse the article itself to view all of the pivotal changes.
Of course, there was plenty of other news tidbits, such as a ton of content from the PAX East stream like concept art, and some details on the state of Halo 5 and the HWC Finals. All of that and more can be viewed at your leisure on